🚧 Mankind, is caught in a death spiral! 🚧

Our quality of life is desperate. People in a crowd are lonely. Trusting one another is a rare occurrence. Few relationships work. Most people feel the need to relieve their anxiety with drugs or belief systems.

Is this normal?

Life could be, and should be, “The Garden of Eden”, with love, trust, and comfort, all around.

It really could!

That’s even the normal condition for humans!

Surprisingly, it actually takes energy to keep the world hurting.

The conflict we live with, and the need to defend ourselves, along with the despair we all feel, is caused by mankind’s own actions.

We actually do it to ourselves!

We don’t even need to fix anything to recover normal conditions. We just need to stop causing the hurt!

But we can’t!

Recovery requires us to stop doing what we do wrong.

Which brings to the reason we can’t recover.

Mankind can’t stop!

That sounds ridiculous. Of course we can! Why ever not?

Once people create belief systems to mitigate hurt, we become stuck.

We can’t get back!

Living in a belief system, prevents us from seeing the world the way it really is. We can’t fix anything we can’t even see.

We tend to spread our beliefs that bring us comfort, until they become accepted as basic truths.

The comfort of a belief system does work, just as it was meant to. We really do feel better!

Unfortunately it also prevents us from clearly seeing whatever the system was created to shield us from!

We can no longer see truth!

Our young can feel it. Dysfunctional people can usually feel the difference. The dying can.

The healthiest and strongest of us have no chance at all, of ever seeing real life!

That would require unlearning most of what we have accepted as true!

Can you see that ever happening?

Our only hope for world wide recovery is first, enough young people get a clear picture of where we really are as a race, and second, those people incapable of putting their prejudices aside, die off, allowing a chance for correction to actually happen!

We no longer have the opportunity to move to a new land, and start over. That never worked anyway. Maybe it took a while, but through applying the same basic beliefs, we always went to the same place anyway.

Let’s look at what we do to cause the troublesome excessive hurt.

We start early! We unintentionally remove the ability of our infants to live from their own identity!

All life lives from it’s own identity!

That’s what life is! It’s who we are! Identity provides instincts. It allows us to feel right from wrong. It allows us to know what foods, and vitamins we need. It allows us to protect ourselves from danger, and misinformation.

We can’t change identity.

But we can certainly destroy it’s power!

Anybody taught to ignore their own identity is lost. Feelings are gone. Stability is gone. Connection with others is gone. Security is a thing we can only remember.

How much pain will it take before people will stop trying the same tired process of insisting on controlling life, right into a death spiral, while still believing we are fixing things.

There is a solution! It’s not my solution!

Moving back to life’s normal and natural ways fixes the conflict.

It’s the solution for every person who can ignore incorrect teachings, reach back into their own instincts, and through them, allow each infant their own natural life, through that infant’s own power!

That’s what nature does. It’s how life is supposed to be.

That’s exactly what any one of us would do, if we were on our own. We would instinctively help our children to develop their own abilities, through their own power.

When we listen to our own instincts, instead of listening to someone who is speaking through the cloud of their own belief system, we do it right.

That’s all we have to do!

Many of the people in the world are going to go all out, in an effort to prevent that from happening. Can I leave it to you, to work through the various reasons for their interference?

We desperately need honest life back!

Even those causing the trouble, those opposed to allowing other people their own power and identity, suffer along with the rest of us. Relationships are almost impossible. Love is what they talk about, and pretend they have. Psychosomatic disease kills them, just the same as it kills the rest of us. They know things aren’t right, but they remain true to their beliefs, because that keeps the hurt, and the loneliness at bay.

This post is part of clarity-of-innocence.com

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