Our freedom lives or dies, way back in infancy!

Before we can believe in freedom, we have to be convinced it can work!

Only those who have lived it can understand.

It’s not only natural, but it’s also the only healthy way!

We have to live it though before we can recognize that!

Life is driven from within. All life is!

The same basic energy that shapes matter into becoming our bodies, also powers us.

Our path is then guided by our instincts, needs, and feelings.

All life is designed to find its own way.

Only those of us allowed to find our own way feel powerful and remain fully functional.

We remain instinctively responsible and compassionate!

We expect to be allowed freedom. With our instincts intact, we know we are responsible!

We know it’s safe, and we know it works.

This is how life works, everywhere!

This is how people were designed to live life.

Can you feel these?

Not many of us can now!

That’s not healthy!

What happened to us?

We expect obedience from our children in these times!

For us to have that, they must surrender their own power!

Sadly, that’s responsible for everybody’s loss of connection to our feelings, needs, and instincts.

Which, in turn, is responsible for the conflict in our world!

The more we take over other lives, the more conflict we create everywhere!

That’s because we are removing everything good from people. All our loving qualities come from within.

Life just can’t work without its own power!

It’s designed to use its power to find its way.

Cooperate with that need, and life is love, responsibility, and respect, just as it should be.

Try it, and it works!

Whenever we see peace and love, freedom to live from within is what’s going on!

That’s the difference!

This natural right must exist right from the beginning though.

When forced to obey, we have to surrender the honesty, purity, and the good intentions of our inner drive first.

We will hurt if we comply.

We never give up without a fight.

Punishment always wins though.

The hurt prevents us from ever reconnecting with our orphaned inner drive.

That’s why we can’t feel our feelings, instincts, or needs. Or our power!

We will need therapy, or the willingness to accept our own hurt, to ever get these back.

We have to accept our hurt as a fact of our lives before we can recover.

We will need to feel that hurt to accept it! We need to accept it as a part of ourselves now.

We lose our instincts, feelings, and awareness of our needs.

We lose awareness of our purpose.

We lose everything good and special about ourselves!

We will grow up irresponsible! We will take advantage of others when we can!

We will not believe in freedom! We will fully believe it can’t work.

We will be aware that we can’t be trusted, and we will believe that’s just how all people are.

But, that’s not how people are at all! Not naturally.

It’s only in a damaged condition that we will build a world full of rules, hate, and conflict, such as this one.

Surprisingly, the tipping point happens far earlier than anybody would have believed.

It happens as we begin life.

Infants are busy trying to learn what they will need. All they want from us is protection till they get strong.

They don’t need or want our interference in their process of growing up.

Their bond with us is a relationship, and never meant to be a dictatorship!

When we take over, our contribution is limited to massive damage!

Living from its own power, all life is far healthier and conflict free!

Many of us are in therapy. What do we do there? We try to open up and express our inner lives.

We try to reconnect with our own feelings!

We try to relearn how to be ourselves.

We try to return to the way we started out!

What a waste! What a lot of pain for no good reason at all!

All life has a right to be itself!

When we grant natural rights to our infants, our world will get its kindness back!

All of this is easily verified!

We can look inside ourselves.

We can also look at others who were allowed the freedom to live from their own resources, and then at those who weren’t allowed to do that.

Invariably, the worst of us are those who were never allowed to live from our own power.

The best of us were allowed! At least we were allowed a little more freedom than others got.

We got to keep some of our own needs and power.

All the good in life comes from within!

When we don’t allow life to come from within, we lose everything good!

Let us drive our own lives and the result is kindness, honesty, and compassion!

Unfortunately, this understanding is an inconvenient truth!

Few of us want this reality to be true!

We want to go on as we are. This means more control with each new generation!

But, it’s making us all more violent, selfish, anxious, and lost!

As we all lose our instincts, feelings, and needs, we become increasingly more irresponsible.

We are causing more and more people to become narcissistic!

Other people aren’t comfort to us any more! They’re threats!

We assume other people are dangerous and need control!

More importantly, we’re living without our natural power, our feelings, an understanding of our own needs, and our instincts!

We are not healthy!

The consequences of controlling our children makes us believe people need rules and control!

So, we control more!

Which, of course, makes things worse!

That’s what has happened to America, the land of the free!

We can fix it all in one generation!

We allow infants to be themselves and power their own direction.

We allow our young to find their own way through the use of their instincts, feelings, and needs!

Surprisingly, to most of us, the consequence is more cooperation, far more ability, and we lose every bit of conflict!

We get health! Living without inner power is never going to be healthy.

Everything good comes from deep within!

People are loving!

We need to allow that to happen!

The difference will be astonishing! It always is!

We can see similar examples all around us if we look!

Without conflict, human life is an entirely different existence!

A comfortable and kind one. One where others are safe and comforting, and not threats to us!

Those good at calculus can probably guess where we are heading if we keep overwhelming the self-drive of our young!

Without instincts, feelings, or awareness of our needs, there is no safe plateau!

It just keeps getting worse!

That’s where we have been going for some time now!

Can we have love and compassion back?

It’s free!

It lies within all of us!

All we have to do is allow it!

When really exceptional people happen, it doesn’t come from our guidance!

It comes from within them! It only happens without guidance.

There is no power guiding trees into becoming perfect! That only happens when they are allowed to do it themselves!

That will never happen if their self-growth is interfered with!

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,

Norm Cormier

2 responses to “Our freedom lives or dies, way back in infancy!”

  1. FANTASTIC 😊❤️

I welcome considering other thoughts.