Life needs to flow from its own power!
Us too! When we allow others, especially our very young, to drive their own development, then we get healthy and wise people! But, when we take over the lives of others, we get lost people. Why? Because they lose their power! When that happens they lose everything that comes from inside. They lose their feelings.…
The astonishing comfort within a genuine human relationship!
Sadly, we’ve grown up believing in values that make good relationships impossible. Few, if any of us know how amazingly good relationships can get, and how safe and enjoyable we feel, every moment of every day. That way of life now lies well outside of most people’s experience. Our relationships are more like standoffs! We…
Why are people so angry now?
We have done this to ourselves! Every life gets its own power. It’s to live from. We need it! We are still supposed to be feeling powerful! That’s who we are! We are supposed to live from the power and energy within us, using our instincts, feelings, and needs to focus our efforts. But, we’re…
Losing love is the worst hurt that people face!
The way we see life is wrong! Our viewpoint does not match how life really works! We’ve been taught to see life from the top down. But, real life always happens from the bottom up! Life is powered from within! Our existence only feels real to us when we live from our power and instincts.…
We have forgotten the most wonderful joy of real relationships!
That joy doesn’t exist these days! Where did it go? We don’t live from our own feelings anymore! LIFE UNDER ORDERS Everything good in people comes from deep inside! As with all life, we are supposed to live from our own power, through our instincts, needs, and feelings! What happens when we’re not allowed to…
Should other people make us feel threatened or happy?
FEELING POWERLESS What is hate? What is defiance? These things happen when we feel so helpless that other people feel like threats to us instead of friends. WHY WOULD WE FEEL POWERLESS? Life is powered from within. It’s fed by energy. Instincts, needs, and feelings focus that drive. We need to keep that power if…
Good people or bad, what sets up the difference?
Human life is naturally loving and responsible. But, some people cause endless conflict. Why? Who are these people? These are always people who don’t trust anybody else. They live alone in their own heads, and that’s a frightening life! The people who make our world hostile and dangerous are always people who don’t trust other…
Life is self-driven by its own energy!
We can feel good and feel our own power again. The way to do that is, of course, always the same. Being our natural selves. Life is self-driven by its own energy! We even create our own shapes. Life knows what it’s doing. Each of us should have been allowed and encouraged to grow and…
How to treat a human for the best results!
Humans are absolutely unreachable unless living from our own power and instincts. All life is trying to live from its own power, including us. When we can do that, we’re lovely. When we can’t, we’re cruel. That’s all that’s wrong with the world. People these days are hostile and argumentative. They won’t follow the common…
Which choice is better? This “bankers world”, or the natural human one?
These two worlds exist side by side. We choose the one we are going to live in. We do that when deciding how to care for our infants and young! LET ME EXPLAIN The world we are familiar with is a cold one. There are hard rules and consequences. There is little compassion. I like…