If only we could all see how amazing and wonderful life can so easily be!
We would never choose this loneliness. Or this conflict! Or this violence! People are kind and loving by nature! We just need to allow them to remain this way! The energy of life comes from within. All life is driven from within! It’s designed to do that. It knows what it’s doing! It needs its…
🌱Feelings, the instinctive expression of life!🌱
Music is one of our most direct ways to show our feelings. But, only when it comes from our hearts. It has to be our own music! The only life that feels right and has honor comes from the heart. Our behavior is also expression of our feelings, although less direct. NATURAL HEALTHY HUMAN LIFE…
💑 Our relationships now, have a man-made limit.💑
Most of us can’t have a proper relationship anymore. Sadly, we can’t feel how much we need them. We aren’t acutely aware of how much others really mean to our lives. What caused this loss? We aren’t living from our inner power. Or our instincts! Or our needs! Or our feelings! If we were, we…
💕Where did all the love go?💕
What is life anyway? How does it know what to do? It rearranges matter, creating its own shape, which it will sustain until death. Then it takes action! That drive comes from some mysterious force, arising from within! We can establish a few things about it though. We know about instincts. We are aware of…
🤐Survival, in our toxic environment!🤐
Yes, we live in a toxic environment! A healthy environment is support and encouragement in growing from our own power, instincts, feelings, and needs! That’s called nurture. When we live from our hearts like this is when we’re the most responsible, compassionate, and just plain fun. This is what is increasingly missing from life today,…
👮🏽♀️👮🏽♂️The staggering cost, to ourselves, of getting our own way!👮🏽♂️👮🏽♀️
I expect every one of us wants to be carried into a warm cloud of comfort, satisfaction, and happiness. What can put us there? Our goals will not! Just about all of us are very much wrong about what can do that! Not understanding life, we pursue inappropriate goals, making ourselves and others anxious and…
🌟We make our own love and happiness impossible!🌟
We’re doing life wrong! We cause our own problems! Because we don’t understand. All our kindness and wisdom come from deep inside us! We don’t allow that though. We have banned that compassion and wisdom! All life is naturally powered from within! Our identities are supposed to use our instincts, needs, and feelings for guidance.…
🌱Everything good in people comes from within them!🌱
That good within us no longer matters. It doesn’t get felt or expressed anymore! We don’t use our feelings to manage life now, or even feel them. Nor our instincts or needs. The condition of our world reflects that! What’s the trick to a kind and gentle life? Let it come from the inside! All…
Our freedom lives or dies, way back in infancy!
Before we can believe in freedom, we have to be convinced it can work! Only those who have lived it can understand. It’s not only natural, but it’s also the only healthy way! We have to live it though before we can recognize that! CAN FREEDOM WORK? Life is driven from within. All life is!…
🐣How to be powerful again!🐣
Life comes from within! We live from our natural inner strength, our instincts, our feelings, and our needs! Everything good comes from the inside. Life powers itself. When we stop allowing life to power itself, we lose all the good things. That’s what we’ve done! It’s why our world is so troubled now! We lack…