Everything important to health, and good for people, comes from inside!
If we aren’t living from the energy within us, then we feel like something is very wrong! That’s because something is very wrong! Our strength comes from within. It’s natural. It’s how all life lives and feels. We need to be feeling strong and important before we can be good and loving people. Our compassion,…
What method causes people to become responsible and loving?
The energy of life all comes from within! Everything good comes from the inside! Kindness, compassion, love, responsibility, and play, all come from within! All we have to do is allow natural human love and compassion to flow from within our children! Humans are, by nature, the most loving creatures on earth. What happens when…
The good that lies within people!
People are the most loving creatures on earth. We can’t do enough for each other, even at our own peril! That’s who we are! Every one of us! But, that’s not what we are seeing now, is it? Why? It’s our needs and instincts that cause us to be loving and responsible! How many of…
The joy of life, as it’s meant to be
Everything human and joyful about us comes from the inside! NEEDS Our needs make us kind and loving! That’s because our greatest need is the support and love of other people! Some of us can feel that, which makes us supportive, kind, and responsible with others! That, all by itself, brings us joy, because that’s…
Our world is full of beauty, but we choose pain!
Everything loyal and trusting in people comes from deep within them. Why then, do we discourage everything coming from within our young? Should we be overpowering their exciting and creative qualities by demanding compliance? By taking over, we have outlawed trust, loyalty, enthusiasm, inner strength, morals, joy, imagination, play, friendship, and the wish to please…
Recovery of our powerful life!
Losing our natural strength and trust is not our fault. We all start out just fine. All life is powered from within. Our needs and instincts power our behavior. Our feelings along with our instincts cause us to be kind, loyal, loving, and playful. This is what we look like while living from our energy…
What’s missing from our lives now?
Everything most valuable in humans comes from deep within us! We begin life playful, loving, sustainable, and responsible! This all comes from the inside! Our inner world is our source of joy. Our power and drive! Sadly though, these qualities are no longer valued in these times. Our feelings aren’t important! Our needs, as we…
What is it that makes us normal? What makes us loving and sympathetic? What makes us strong, happy, and content? It’s the world’s approval that does that! If we can feel that, we are loving and responsible! This is people’s natural condition! But, we are all self-driven through our own power, our needs, our feelings,…
What are people really supposed to be like?
We started out fully alive! We felt powerful! Back then we feared nothing, with the one exception of instinctive danger. We lived full-out from our hearts and from our needs. Our trust was absolute. We had a craving to understand everything! Our eagerness to try things knew no limits. Our goal in life was play.…
Why are some people confident, while others are insecure?
It’s all about being lucky. We need the approval and support of others so much, we self-destruct without it. The energy of life comes from within. If we got respected and encouraged for everything that we really are, as all other life does, then we are a strong and loving person. This is true for…