Should other people make us feel threatened or happy?

What is hate? What is defiance?

These things happen when we feel so helpless that other people feel like threats to us instead of friends.

Life is powered from within. It’s fed by energy. Instincts, needs, and feelings focus that drive.

We need to keep that power if we are to feel right! All life does.

Without our driving power, we lose confidence.

When any of us are not allowed to live in the natural way, we feel helpless.

When we feel helpless, everybody is a threat to us.

We behave defensively, as though others mean us harm.

Everybody who didn’t get to live from their own inner strength feels this way.

We fight back against others, even though they mean us no harm, and never did anything to hurt us.

That’s where all the violence and hate come from.

Some of us always attack others! It’s because we’re afraid.

Those of us without power always feel afraid.

We are afraid of just about everybody. We feel proud of our defiance, not understanding we are attacking innocent people.

We need our power back before we can be truly comfortable and happy in the presence of other people.

Without our power, the only way for us to feel comfortable is to control everybody else!

Our hostility is not even our fault. It’s a natural consequence.

If we take away a person’s power, this is what is going to happen!

We should never take away anybody’s power! Especially a child’s!

Our power has been taken away!


We were not allowed to live from our own power and instincts!

Unfortunately, that’s how we raise our young now.

We make them behave under the threat of discipline!


Helpless people feel terrible. When helpless, we feel like victims.

Look what it has done to our world!

The more pressure we put on our young to obey, the worse the comfort of our world is going to get!

The more violent our world will become!

This is direct cause and effect!

Wherever the most helpless people are, look for the most control over the population. People will be full of bad feelings. Only tight control keeps violence from breaking out.

Nobody gets to have a productive and enjoyable life.

This is an absolutely disgraceful tragedy. It’s a violation of nature!

It’s self-caused and effortless to avoid. Mankind is so proud of its rockets, but can’t take the time to understand that life needs its own power or defiance happens!

How can we do it right and enjoy love, community, and peace?

It’s easy!

Allow each person their own power!

The truly sad thing is that this simple action immediately fixes everything!

And, we don’t know that!

All our fighting only happens because we are taking the power away from our children!

Allow them to keep their natural power, and they are lovely and cooperative.

It’s just that easy! It really is!

With all our supposed wisdom, we should have understood that long ago!

When people aren’t feeling helpless and defiant, our goals are far different!

We don’t want to be the supreme leader.

We want love and companionship! We want to take care of each other!

Use no pressure at all.

Allow our young to live through their own needs and instincts.

What happens then?

Loving adults happens!

Every time!

This is not a theory. It’s a clear and direct cause and consequence.

It can be tested however we please. The answer is always going to be the same!

Break from the common belief!

Allow others, especially the very young to live from their instincts, needs, and feelings.

Enjoy the complete lack of conflict and the ever-present cooperation that will happen.

Enjoy the unlimited love!

All of the fears they warn us about never happen!

Kids, allowed to live from their own power are the opposite of lazy. They are as healthy as nature can make them. Being powerful, they are dangerous to bad people. They have reflexes.

They have love. They are naturally responsible, just as all life is when allowed to keep its own power!

Instincts, needs, and feelings carry the natural wisdom of all mankind through its entire history.

Allow us to live through that wisdom.

We have no need to be wary of others! We see others as friends. Soul-mates travelling through life together.

Watch the movie, “OLD YELLER”. That respect is what that movie is telling us. The wise original owner of the dog had some magic in his handling of the child. That same wisdom shows up in the “Gods Must be Crazy” movies.

That’s how all life lives. This is nature, and it has kindness and love as well as being very strict.

We work against our own happiness when we crush the power of our young.

We have turned our civilization into this lonely and powerless existence by insisting on destructive control over everybody.

We have put our entire world into a downward spiral of feeling powerless and behaving defiantly.

We have turned our environment into a lonely world.

Fortunately fixing our damage is easy.

All life needs its own power.

Grant that, and the fighting ends!

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey.

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Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.