The good in people has been replaced by peer pressure!

What makes a person kind?

That comes from within. Everything loving and kind in people comes from deep within!

It comes from the heart. It comes through instincts, feelings, and awareness of our own needs. We naturally crave love and acceptance more than anything else.

We can feel these things if we live from our own strength and power. When we can feel these things we choose honorable goals, because of our own need to be accepted.

This is what has become missing from our world!

Just look at the chaos! We’re not done yet either. Our comfortable world is still getting crazier at an accelerating pace.

What can be done?

Somehow, we have forgotten how to nurture!

Surprisingly, our new ways of not encouraging independence in our children have removed instincts, needs, and feelings from daily life.

The result is the loss of everything good that comes from deep inside people.

Nurturing means to support new life in its own development.

It means encouraging new life to learn and manage life through its own strength and skills.

Life is powered from within.

We have guided our world into conflict by not allowing that to happen!

Lacking their natural inner power, our young have invented peer pressure!

There is no wisdom in peer pressure. Wisdom comes from our instincts.

If we allow our children their power, as all other life naturally does, they will remain connected to their own power, instincts, needs, and feelings.

Then we get wisdom and kindness back!

Life comes from within. Everything good in all life is powered from the inside!

When we return to encouraging that, we will get kindness back!

Without the power we were born with, and meant to keep, we can’t feel our real needs.

We chase ridiculous goals. Our success in these doesn’t make us feel good.

We live with low self-esteem, and with anxiety. Our relationships have become superficial.

Sadly, the value of our lives has plummeted.

Worse of all, without our inner wisdom, we can’t sort out what’s wrong!

We are supposed to feel good, not anxious!

We are supposed to be naturally non-destructive. With our power and instincts intact, people really are non-destructive.

All the damage is caused by those without a connection to their inner life!

Of course there is!

First, we need to re-adjust our attitude toward others.

Life comes from within!

Therefore, ordering other people around only causes conflict!

We fix things by accepting the rights and the power of other people.

Then we get the good stuff from them!

We just have to look at other people differently!

The name for that, of course, is respect!

Next, we need our own power and inner wisdom back!

We do that by reconnecting with our inner lives.

What’s stopping us? Our secrets! They keep us busy hiding from the truth!

When we can put everything we think and do right out in the open, we are ready. It won’t make us feel as bad as we think. The thing we are fighting against is only peer pressure. On the other hand, as we begin to live out loud, our bodies begin to feel good!

Reconnection will begin spontaneously, as we do this!

Peer pressure is always wrong! It never comes from wisdom. Being free from it is all good, and never bad.

Reconnecting with our inner voice and values brings us our own wisdom! Also, comfort!

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your journey.

This post is part of

Take care,

Norm Cormier

One response to “The good in people has been replaced by peer pressure!”

  1. Did it show up?

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