🌼The good in people only comes from inside them!🌼

Our world is losing its goodness.

Only one place provides that loving human quality!

It come from deeply within us.

It’s the combined expression of our needs, instincts, and feelings.

Why would we lose these?

Because we don’t encourage, or even allow expression of these things any more!

Our world is reflecting this loss.

We no longer allow anything to come from within people!

Human life has become a one-way street.

We don’t encourage, listen, or support.

We direct and we teach!

Others must either obey or become punished.

But life has not been created to live that way!

We hurt!

People can’t be taught to be good!

Being good comes naturally. It’s who humans are.

We are naturally loyal, supportive, accepting, and responsible.

This all comes from deep within!

Encourage and support any child, and that’s what we get!

Every time!

The defiance we live with now doesn’t come from within.

Defiance only happens when a child isn’t allowed to express what comes from within!

That happens every time as well!

When we prevent instinctive expression and force children into behaviors of our choosing, they hurt!

That hurt doesn’t go away. We all still live with it!


Because life comes from inside! It’s designed to work that way.

The energy for living comes from within.

When it’s not allowed to work that way, we hurt!

Life needs support. It needs acceptance. It needs nurture.

Our civilization is trying to live without the wisdom of instincts, the joy of our feelings, or the awareness of our own needs!

There is nothing responsible or good in what remains!

Relationships only work as partnerships, not dictatorships.

Every life is a separate entity, each powered from within!

If we can accept life in this way, living in cooperation, we get the amazing responsibility and love of real humanity.

If we force compliance though, we cause the absence of everything good that is trying to emerge from within.

And, that’s what we do now! That’s why life hurts. None of us get to fully express the magic that is trying to come from inside!

The result is we are all “Cold Pricklies”, and no longer “Warm Fuzzies”.

Others have become threats instead of comfort to us!

We are causing this to happen!

If we must have everything our own way as we do now, then we cause the loss of feelings, needs, and instincts in those around us.

Their journey moves into conflict, anger, and disconnection from everything loving.

Then we all live without natural responsibility or purpose!

Without our power, we increasingly lack awareness of our own needs.

We are doing the same thing as pushing a car while the engine is trying to push it as well.

The engine will do the job far better.

And so does life.

People have needs. Each person is different.

Each individual is supposed to feel what their needs are.

We can’t though.

Human needs usually revolve around other people.

Our needs are what makes us good to each other.

People have instincts. We carry the wisdom of all humanity, right from the beginning!

There is nothing we can teach that can compete with that super-power.

Instincts allow us to recognize who other people really are.

Can you feel your instincts?

See what I mean?

We should all still feel that wisdom.

Most, if not all of us, didn’t get to keep connection with our inner strength and resources.

Mankind is working on phasing out personal power and inner wisdom.

Everything good and responsible in life only comes from within!

Our pressure against the inner resources of our young is making our world violent and lacking in compassion!

It’s not other people’s fault when they become antisocial and violent.

It’s ours!

We have taken away their strength and awareness of their real needs. Also their feelings and instincts.

We leave them unable to live in the normal human way.

They lose connection with their feelings in infancy!

We want to believe we are making the world a better place!

Meanwhile people are increasingly troubled and defiant.

Our courts and prisons are losing ground. They can’t keep up with the conflict that happens when people can’t live from their inside strength.

Nature doesn’t direct life! Nature supports all life in its own efforts!

That’s how everything of value gets to express itself!

That’s why infants are so loving.

Our own instincts are screaming at us to support our young in this same healthy way.

Our instincts know how to manage life!

But, we can’t feel our instincts!

Because we weren’t allowed to express what comes from within us!

What is always trying to come from inside us is the best part of who we are!

An acorn becomes a tree. Babies become adults. We don’t interfere with the physical part of growth.

But, we do stunt the growth of everything human about people.

The more we support and encourage the efforts of our young to manage life through their own efforts, the smarter, healthier, and stronger they get.

They get to keep their normal drive and power.

We aren’t talking about a small difference here.

What happens is the difference between night and day!

The immediate result is a complete absence of conflict!

Holding hands love! Amazing health! Cooperation we haven’t seen in many lifetimes!

Everybody on the same page because they’re coming from the same basic place.

Natural responsibility!

Ability off the scale of what we are used to in these times!

But it has to come from inside! That shouldn’t be a surprise!

How could humanity get this far, and not recognize the natural right of all life to express itself?

This tipping point is going to happen soon in any event! We are headed towards respecting the rights of infants.

Hopefully, the resulting peace happens before those pushed right into narcissism destroy what’s left of our world.

Therapists work at helping people return to expressing their real inner selves.

This turns them into happier and more loving people.

Why do we cause our young to stop expressing their own inner resources, and then leave them to try and repair themselves later?

Non of us ever chose to become robots, living without our rich inner lives. We all went down screaming.

What we all needed was support to live from our own resources.

People are, bit by bit, expanding the rights of those not able to fight for themselves.

The moment this movement reaches infants, the hurting within each person ceases to happen!

Life among humans can then return to our natural loving human ways.

We can all feel supported and valued.

Empathy and companionship can return. Others are only threats when they lack expression of their power and feelings.

Greed, hate, and war can then become just a horrible chapter in human evolution!


Damage an infant, and the resulting adult hurts for life!

That’s the reason for “happiness drugs”. Addiction! Hate! Comforting belief systems! Guilt! Power seeking! Greed!

Could it be normal for any life to be this uncomfortable all the time? Of course not, it happens because we hurt!

We have created a world unfit for humans because of each person’s early hurt!

Does anybody doubt the pain of surrendering our own inner lives, along with our identities?

We all hurt. We call it anxiety. We lack inner strength and resources.

We hurt for no good reason at all.

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.