What is the meaning of life?

All life is powered from within!

Everything good comes from the inside! Our power, love, responsibility, compassion, and awareness of who we are and what we want all come from inside us!

When we support our young’s independence and self-drive we get all these good things from them!

All life works this way. All life supports the independence and self-drive of its offspring in any way it can.

We people naturally do as well!

We do it instinctively the minute we escape from the peer pressure of our present environment!

Unfortunately, today’s peer pressure causes us to crush our young’s power, inner expression, and self-drive.

When we do that, they lose their strength, feelings, identity, compassion, honor, and awareness of their own needs.

They lose the amazing power that should have propelled them through life.

They no longer know who they are!

The consequences of that seemingly minor mistake is the cause of everything bad in our world.

Living from their power within, people are loving!

Without that inner strength though, people become capable of any atrocity!

It really is just that simple!

Is our world going downhill? The good in people just isn’t there anymore, is it?

If we allow our young to live from their own power and energy, relationships will start fixing themselves!

This can be reliably demonstrated on any scale.

This understanding of life goes against absolutely everything we have been told all our lives!

Even considering the very idea is difficult for all of us. It just doesn’t fit with the thousands of understandings we have already accepted as truth.

We believe in increasing punishment to keep people nice, while in reality, it comes down to how much of their inner lives people are allowed to live from that makes them naturally nice, or not.

On the other hand, if we can make this leap in understanding, everything about life begins to make sense!

People’s behavior becomes understandable and predictable!

Conflict eases its way out of existence as we change tactics. That conflict was only the result of crushing other people’s internal power and inner wisdom.

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.