💫The wonder of the world and the magic of all creation waits for every one of us!💫

All we have to do is take it!

I have a vision!

It’s probably more than a vision though. It’s more likely a glimpse of reality.

A moment of clarity. A micro-snapshot of the real picture!

We have been granted lives of infinite joy and discovery!

But, instead, we’ve turned life into pain and misery!

We’re wasting our joy!

Instead of reaching for the stars, we attack the independence of those around us!

Ironically, that’s the worst possible thing we could ever do – for ourselves!

It puts chains on us, as well as them!

We can never reach the stars after that.

Instead, we become locked into a war of making others behave, and defending ourselves when they rebel against us.

Rather than challenging the universe, and feeling powerful and amazing, we wallow in a swamp of hurt, fear, hostility, and anger.

Humans don’t seem to be good at joy right now.

We don’t seem to want to learn either.

Before we can enjoy the gift of discovery and joy, we need to allow others to have that!

That’s karma on a universal scale!

Whenever a group of us becomes sufficiently large, it seems to happen. We stop encouraging independence and freedom.

We do it through peer pressure!

We cripple the internal power and drive of others while they’re still infants.

Rather than encourage and support their strength and independence, we cripple the expression of all their inner resources with our excessive control!

The consequences are all bad.

Everything magical and good in life comes from the inside!

If we stop our support of that, we lose everything good throughout the population.

This has happened, and the results are clear and sad for all of us.

The consequences seem to be an entire population without joy or strength!

We don’t need to do this!

Most, if not all of us, are firmly convinced children will run wild if not firmly kept in line.

Well, that’s simply not true.

Just about every child that we know now would do exactly that, it’s true.

But, it’s us that set that up.

We begin in infancy. They want to attack life through their own needs and instincts.

We do it from peer pressure.

If we allow the lives of our young to emerge from within, we will be accused of not being safe.

So we block their efforts.

This is why children will misbehave if we allow free behavior. We set that up pourselves.

If supported and encourasged to take on life through their own resoucces in the normal way, they would be absolutely cooperative and loving!

They don’t give up easily. That’s because it’s not a choice for them. It’s a surrender.

If they do give up, they will be without their inner worlds. They won’t be able to feel their own feelings. Nor their instincts or their needs.

Everything wonderful and human will be gone! They will feel anxious and helpless.

They will certainly be unsafe in this condition. Thjis is why so many of us are helpless now.

Every one of us, if isolated from society, would bring up our kids the same way.

We would support their every effort, and cheer them on as they became good at life.

It’s only when living in a crowd that we allow peer pressure to change the way we treat our young.

We ignore everything coming from inside them and force obedience.

That takes us all to a very bad place, and it has!

None of us are ever going to taste any power or joy while pushing each other around.

That’s how we have put ourselves in this swamp!

Life is highly qualified for independent survival!

Our identities all have their own power!

We all carry our own wisdom and honor!

But we have pushed all of that good stuff underground now.

Many of us are in therapy trying to reconnect with our own identities. To speak from our own feelings. To pursue our own needs, driven from within.

Allow others to keep these qualities, instead of crushing them, and everything and anything becomes possible once again.

For us, and for them!

Kindness begins its return.

Alone, in the woods, that’s what we would do. We would support the self-drive of our infants.

We would listen to our instincts and make them strong!

In a big population though, with media, we follow the crowd instead.

Ironically though, we dead-end our own possibilities when we limit others!

We cannot fly until we are first willing to allow others to fly!

Perhaps we are all here to learn that!

How high do you want to fly?

Our inner lives have everything we need!

There are no limits!

Except our own!

We set our own limits!


We can never fly higher than the limitations we put on other life!

That includes our children! Life is self-driven. It has its own instinctive wisdom! Only we can feel our own needs.

We limit the life force of our children at our own peril.

We control other people to our own dismay!

I don’t know why this is true! Look around though.

It is surely true!

Release your control over others!

Watch what happens to you!

Don’t worry about people becoming irresponsible.

It doesn’t work that way, and never did!

The truth? They recover their power and then become responsible.

Don’t begin the control. Allow others to keep their inner lives.

This way, they behave far better than you could ever make them.

Force always makes behavior worse.

Look around our world!

It’s easy to see. It’s everywhere!

Our best people have had encouragement and support. Our worst have suffered excessive discipline!

Every relationship everywhere starts out great. Then this issue of control over others arises.

That’s the end of everything good. Feeling valued goes away. Feeling supported goes away. Natural responsibility goes away!

Those of us who can feel our own needs, feelings, and instincts, are vitally aware of our need for support and encouragement.

That alone makes the difference between despair and joy!

Needing approval this much, how then can we challenge the dictates of our world.

How can we bring up our young to be strong and happy instead of helpless and struggling with secret despair?

Supporting the strength of others, including our children, is our only path to everything that life has to offer!

We have to find the strength somewhere!

The good news is that the more we do this, the stronger we get.

It’s turning ourselves around to live from an entirely opposite viewpoint from our society, that is the hardest part of the journey.

We get ourselves back though. Our own inner lives. It just starts gradually happening.

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.