The World is Not Like What We Think!

We cause hurt!

Mankind has managed to create a self-fulfilling prophecy!

Our methods of upbringing create hurt. Enough to cause the very behavior, that our methods are trying to prevent.

Life is normally awesome. We have turned it into punishment.

Isolated people, without the benefits of civilization, do better, just using their instincts.

They may not go to the moon, but each individual gets to feel alive and powerful.

Where human needs are concerned, we don’t seem to have a learning curve. Mankind seems to be stuck, repeatedly trying simple solutions, but not making the effort to work out what is really needed, to provide people with a good life.

We need to learn what nature already knows.

If we are going to completely take over nature’s job, we first have to learn what everybody’s needs really are!

People aren’t bad. Never were.

Mankind has found a way to introduce sufficient hurt, into each person, to make the most loving creature on the planet, which is us, destructive.

Hardly anybody escapes. We all get the hurt. That’s because we all got on the same page with our infant, and child care. This availability to apply sufficient hurt to absolutely all individuals, overrides lessor considerations like race, color, religion or ideology. Applying hurt to the very young catches every individual, applying a fairly even degree of damage to each person.

It’s us who are causing hurt, and bringing out the worst, in every new person.

Do we have to keep doing this?

Just like in children’s books, people really are kind and considerate. No, I haven’t said that just right, not yet. Natural people, and those who are not hurting, are trusting, loving, cooperative, and only want to be loved. There, that’s better!

That’s the kind of people we get when we support our children in their own efforts to manage their own unique lives, instead of telling them what to do!

Nice dream! Why should anybody believe it?

The proof happens every time we back off and allow one of our young to power their own development. We get people just like that.

It’s not an accident that our infants learn to walk and talk without our help. Life is all set up to survive through it’s own efforts.

That is how life works. The drive comes from inside. Identity, feelings, needs, wishes, and goals all play a part. With support for their own development, every child will be that magical friend.

All of the natural world works that way. Mother Nature supports life, never controlling it!

How, and why, did it ever become necessary for someone to have to point this out?

Our observation that people misbehave, combined with our determination to prevent that from happening, is fooling us into making rules. Rules, that in this case, do indeed cause the very behavior that we are afraid of.

How are we ever going to escape from a trap like that? People are terribly afraid that others might not be able to be trusted. So afraid, that we control them to the point where they become seriously damaged. In that way, we go on creating the very behavior that we were afraid of!

Ironically, if we didn’t cause it, it would never have happened.

But, we did cause it!

Our reaction is usually to apply ever more control.

People are not naturally greedy, selfish, competitive, ambitious, self centered, or any of the behaviors that cause conflict.

They never were. These behaviors only happen after people have been damaged through excessive hurt!

People are, in fact so loving and supportive, that we are almost certainly the kindest life on the planet.

We cause these behaviors, in the belief that we must carry on enforcing rules, or people will act even worse!

Why are we settling for lives like this? Many people are in therapy, and absolutely everybody has issues. What an astonishing, complete, and utter waste.

What’s the matter with learning what makes people stronger, rather than hurting each individual, one by one?

We see all of this chaos, that we caused ourselves, and then try to fix it with more control.

The real situation? We are spreading hurt. Enough to damage people. Enough to make people troubled enough, to pollute and compromise the entire planet!

Life is already self-contained. All it wants is support. Nature provides exactly that.

Mankind does not provide support. We don’t make people feel strong. Mankind insists on obedience. We cause people to feel weak and helpless.

Now that we are doing that, every child has two powerful forces, both trying to drive their behavior, and each of these is asking for different behaviors.

This is when it becomes necessary to learn how to lie. That never had to happen at all. Deception is supposed to be for enemies.

The child has no way out. They lack the power to challenge their caregivers. They can however, disassociate from their feelings that are hurting, from the clash of those two opposing demands on them.

And that’s who we all are now! Kind and compassionate people who have been so hurt so bad, we can’t feel our own feelings, or instincts.

That’s what our world has become. A planet full of people who all hurt to the point where they can’t feel their own feelings.

If they weren’t hurting, absolutely nobody would be destructive. That’s not who people are!

Would it be ok to stop doing damaging each other?

Everything is becoming more and more difficult. It is hard to have friends. People who are hurting, cannot be trusted. They also cannot see truth. They need connection with their instincts for that. It’s a lonely world, and for what?

We have managed to create a dangerous, lonely world for ourselves, the most compassionate creatures on the planet. Probably the other creatures aren’t too happy with us either!

We must not accept this. A healthy human needs to feel loved, more than anything else on this earth.

With our lack of taking the time to really understanding the needs of life, mankind has made a comfortable and loving environment, completely impossible.

With our methods, the only outcome we can expect, is a world full of conflict.

How is it possible to get across to people, that so much better is right at our fingertips, and we just don’t see it!

Troubled people want to get up on soap boxes, and tell all of us how to make the world better. That becomes the news.

Meanwhile, there are some, trying to discover what is really required to satisfy the needs of life. They get ignored, not being loud enough. Our only hope is to join these people. Hopefully we can agree that understanding is necessary.

The loud people aren’t going anywhere. They will be right there, wanting in, as soon as we fix things. They will jump in front, and pretend they are the leaders!

People who are hurting, no longer have the tools to see truth!

Our leaders are not going to be of any help. They have promoted themselves, to mitigate their own hurt, and consequently are the most damaged of any of us. They will be less able to see truth than the average person.

We have to find a way to do it for ourselves! We have to do it while looking for truth, and at the same time ignoring simplistic ideas that sound reasonable, but take us the wrong way. Haven’t we had enough of that yet?

It’s not enough to do the obvious, and expect it to work. We have to learn what is really needed. Guesses and assumptions brought us here. We need a better plan, using better information, through study, or through listening to our own instincts, and ignoring the usual beliefs.

The least damaged people should be leading this effort.

It has to be done through truth.

It has to be done while ignoring those others, who never stop demanding changes, that will make things worse. These, the loudest, cannot be allowed to bully the rest into inappropriate solutions, any more.

Unfortunately, the least damaged are usually the least powerful in social and financial status, because they don’t compete. Why would they. For people who can live wide open, and act out their own identity, that would be a waste of life. They already feel naturally powerful. They have no need to prove themselves. They only want to enjoy life, and be loved. Why run for office?

This is our dilemma! What can be done?

So far, the one thing that we know works for sure, is treating every living thing as it’s own warrior of life. Another way to say the same thing, is respect.

We back way, way off. That removes conflict.

Doing that, we get an environment like we saw in the movie, Avatar. Hopefully, we can springboard from this, into learning how to make it even better for each person.

People are supposed to feel strong, powerful, and needed. We are tired of feeling helpless, and beaten up!

There are families that still live, each feeling that special, and that important.

We can all do the same thing, even on that smaller scale.

This blog is There are lots of similar posts.

Thank you for allowing me to share these thoughts with you.

Norm Cormier.

2 responses to “The World is Not Like What We Think!”

  1. I really enjoyed this one norm!

    1. Thanks for your comments Beck. I wish more people would. Probably the topic is so far away from normal, people need time to consider these things.

I welcome considering other thoughts.