💎We all started life with full confidence!💎

The very best of our precious human qualities come from deep within each of us.

Everything good in humanity always comes from within.

It’s the source of love! Compassion! Respect! Awareness of our needs!

Awareness of our responsibilities! Our purpose!

If we still had all these things, we would be helping each other, and holding hands while we sing.

Our instincts and needs make us loving!

The doubt begins to creep in though, as we lose trust in our own expressions from within.

It’s created to find its own way!

Interfere with that, take over, and the consequences go from bad, to worse, and then on to hate and butchery!

That’s a lot of consequences for just taking over.

It’s fair enough though.

To take over a life that’s been given the power and the determination to create its own path is an attack on its management!

We can’t win unless that management collapses.

That’s what we have now. A planet full of people with collapsed management!

Remember, that’s where all our good comes from!

There isn’t much good coming from inside any of us anymore!

We have removed the good from this world all by ourselves!

Few of us live from our inner wisdom!

The proof has always been right in our faces!

Most of us choose not to see it though!

It doesn’t fit our comfort zone!

Encourage any infant to challenge life from their own resources.

Then, get out of the way! The resulting adult will always be lovely. Strong, healthy, capable, and loving.

We can also test this the other way. Override the self-drive of any infant. Do that unceasingly, over every action.

We all know the result! Our dictators are one of the consequences!

We call it therapy!

The goal is to regain our trust in everything coming from within us!

With every step, we become stronger! Healthier! More likable! More confident!

We begin to feel our purpose in life!

We become kind.

These things all come from within!

It happens because this is who people really are!

We just don’t remember that right now!

Because it comes from within, we can’t feel it!

We have been taught to do as we are told, and ignore everything coming from within us!

Allow other life to come from within, and absolutely everything turns itself around!

There has been only this one problem all this time!

Compassionate people are already on the same page as each other.

Greed doesn’t exist in any person who lives from within. The need to be important doesn’t either.

Responsibility, love, play, and compassion come from within.

We really need that back.

Thanks for listening!

Good luck on your own journey!

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.