Every life already has the inner drive and instincts to find its own way!
Living is normally exciting, and we should be feeling powerful, enjoying companionship, and behaving well.
That’s what people are really like!
None of us though, are enjoying much in life during these times.
Compared to how we felt in our earliest years, and to how we should be feeling, our lives are miserable!
We are no longer the way we started out. There have been changes.
Repairing ourselves will be enormously difficult!
How do we fix human lives then?
We can give our young the lives they have a natural right to!
We can provide what they need instead of what we wish, thus ending the damage to their inner world!
We can allow them to feel good, and to feel powerful!
Maybe, when they become adults, they can help the rest of us recover from the damage we have suffered!
We all know how we feel. I expect most of us are aware that this is not the way life should feel.
Hopefully, we want better for the young!
It’s true, some people appear to be on top of the world!
Honesty is not what people who feel small and helpless ever do though! How they really feel is usually on their faces, and in their posture.
People’s rates of hostility, as opposed to their cooperation and openness, are far better indications of how people really feel!
What Happened?
One generation at a time, as we felt increasingly more helpless, we have progressively taken over more of other people’s lives.
Ironically, doing this actually makes us feel miserable. It’s a heartbreaking responsibility! It’s also a lonely existence!
It migrates us from a life filled with adventure and wonder, to a boring task filled with duties and conflict!
Is there a better way?
Yes, the way of all life!
The power of life comes from inside!
It’s supposed to, and it has to! Life powers itself!
Can we allow our children to power their own lives, the same way all life does?
Nobody is ever going to trust us if we are controlling them!
We may choose to fool ourselves and believe we have the trust of others. Within this society though, having the complete trust of another is close to impossible!
Full trust means absolute openness and absolutely no secrets!
That’s our goal by the way! It returns us to feeling good, feeling strong, and loving everybody!
It allows us to begin natural healing!
Healing consists of reconnecting ourselves with our identities, instincts, feelings, and the ability to once again feel joy!
To be completely open sounds impossible, doesn’t it? Well, think again!
It’s the normal condition of all life!
Every identity has the natural ability and tools to survive through its own efforts!
We all start out with a full connection to our own needs and instincts.
Our biggest need is full and open acceptance and expression of who we really are!
With full awareness of everything that we crave in life, we are naturally cooperative and responsible!
In this condition, life is as it should be! We feel powerful!
We love everybody!
This becomes impossible if someone is controlling our thoughts and behavior!
What has happened to us then?
“We got no respect”!
We weren’t allowed to be, or to express our real selves!
We were told how to behave, and what to think!
As we accept this understanding of the world as normal, we will never again respect anybody else!
Only those of us who fight back and repair our own damage will still respect others.
Every identity that’s not allowed to survive through its own resources, becomes crippled!
That’s just what happens.
Any creature told to sit down and shut up, while waiting for the parents to be ready, is never going to be the same!
Once that inner drive has been denied expression, it suffers damage!
All life is equipped and designed to survive through its own resources!
We are all crippled in this culture!
Some of us recognize it. Others live in denial!
We should be feeling strong and loving! That’s our natural condition!
Some of us remember how good that felt in our very early years!
That’s how life is supposed to feel, always!
We lock in our own despair when we insist on controlling others! Their despair as well!
Surprisingly, and ironically, we get their very best behavior when we don’t attempt to control them at all!
The more we control others, the worst behavior we are going to get! That’s obvious just through paying attention!
If we don’t control others at all, the way all life lives, we get people in their natural condition!
Undamaged people are responsible, cooperative, and loving! It’s our natural state!
The more we deceive, and the more secrets we keep, the more miserably our inner lives become because of it!
This is how we got where we are!
For myself, my greatest wish is to live around others who can still live from the heart. Supportive and honest people who can be trusted with the reality of who I am.
People who can let me live as I really am, and be ok with that.
In the past, being immersed in feelings, while others seemed secure and confident, I considered myself the odd man out!
Seeing myself as inadequate, my behavior became atrocious!
Now I understand I was always ok. It was everybody else that was engaged in proving themselves in ways that can never bring them happiness. I think they looked down on me for appearing weak, while they were pumping themselves up with their quests to be important!
Happiness only comes from living from our own identity, and from the heart. Being accepted as who we are, all the way, and living it!
I expect there are many others, who have felt the same way.
How can we recover?
Most, if not all of us are disconnected from our feelings to various degrees!
Having done that to ourselves, to escape the hurt of not being allowed to express ourselves as we really are, we also lose connection with our identities and our needs!
The road back is straight through the hurt we escaped from, when we disconnected.
It’s the hurt that stops spontaneous healing!
We actively avoid all those hurts, all of the time. It’s an overwhelming job! We live in anxiety just keeping up!
These hurts happened to us though! They are part of us now! It’s pretty clear that we can never be fully ourselves while holding part of ourselves at bay!
Accepting the hurt that we already live with is the key to reintegrating our inner world!
With every small step, we regain a little of our original self-esteem, or inner power!
As this happens we gradually reconnect with our instincts and needs. This changes our behavior!
All we want is love! Now, that actually does make us happy. Just look at the faces!

This is what a face should look like!
Unfortunately, the only time we see this is on infants and the occasional child!
We all need faces that look that happy! The goal is to live our own identity, and find others who can accept us that way!
All the money and power in the world will never generate a face such as this! You know that!
Only acceptance and expression of our real selves can! That should not be a surprise! What could be more natural or more real?
Thanks for listening,
Good luck on your own journey!
This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com You will probably need the internet address if you wish to return!
Take care,
Norm Cormier
I welcome considering other thoughts.