🏁What are people really supposed to be like?🏁

We started out fully alive! We felt powerful!

Back then we feared nothing, with the one exception of instinctive danger.

We lived full-out from our hearts and from our needs.

Our trust was absolute.

We had a craving to understand everything! Our eagerness to try things knew no limits.

Our goal in life was play. Even learning was play to us.

We expected the best from all people.

Our instincts, together with our needs, caused us to be honorable, loyal, and responsible. Our life had purpose, and we knew what it was.

Our language was feelings, and we spoke with honesty and authority.

These human qualities all came from our inner worlds.

If we allowed our children to live from their own inner worlds, as all other life always does, we would still be like this. All of us!

Our instinctive lives made us good! Strong and healthy too!

But, we don’t allow inner worlds!

These qualities all came from our inner instinctive lives.

We should still be living these qualities.

But, over many, many generations, our instinctive lives have had less and less opportunity to survive infancy.

Just look at where overpowering our children’s inner worlds is taking us!

People are helpless and afraid. They have no idea what they feel or need. Their behavior certainly reflects that!


We no longer nurture!

We instruct!

What is everybody’s goal now?

To be important!

We all want the power back that we started out with!

We want confidence and self-esteem!

Can we have our innocence back?

Our innocence was our inner life.

Being richer and more authoritative than others won’t bring that back.

It will cause our lives to have less purpose, not more!

It will cause us to feel bad, but we won’t know it. Our bodies will know it though, and our behavior will demonstrate how badly we feel.

Just try walking along the side of a road these days. People have got shot driving up the wrong driveway.

It takes a lot of medication to get us through each day and look around, it’s everywhere! Legal or not!

We can get our innocence back. It is possible. Some of the other posts in this blog explain how.

But, the critical change that must happen is to once again allow the full function of our children’s inner lives. They need permission to live from their own needs!

That will bring our civilization back to a loving condition.

It’s the loss of our instincts, needs, and feelings that has brought our world into hate and distrust.

We need to allow feelings room for full expression. These are who we are.

Our needs should be directing our lives. Right now somebody else’s schedule is doing that. It’s brought children from honorable to defiant, and they stay that way as adults.

Our own energy should be driving our behavior. When it is, we are kind and cooperative. Right now somebody elses rules do that. We give up, but have no interest or direction. We settle for making enough money to survive, but few of us are happy, imaginative, or on fire with vision.

We desperately need the full wisdom of our instincts. Right now they are irrelevant. We do as we are told. That doesn’t make us honorable. It makes us angry and destructive.

We think we can force others into better lives than they could do for themselves. ! Look at the results though.

None of us know our needs. Our interests. Our feelings.

We need ourselves! Left to power our own lives, we will do it perfectly the first time, every time. That’s what life is designed to do!

Life comes from within! Let it!

And one more thing! Allowing that freedom removes every possible source of conflict!

Imagine a life without disagreement! None whatsoever! No need to hide anything either!

Being ourselves is allowed!

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey,

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com It may still be revised for clarity.

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.