♻Why Don’t We Have High Self Esteem Now?♻

I am going to suggest a slightly different picture of this situation.

All life begins with “full-out” self-esteem. With normal nurturing, life keeps it!

People have become a special case.

We don’t nurture anymore. We ignore our infant’s drive to cope with life. We no longer encourage that. We prefer obedience and believe it’s a better way.

This should never happen. It’s a self-esteem killer.

It hurts our identity, which is instincts, feelings, and all around awareness. When our identity hurts that much, because it has been banned from existence, we disconnect internally, to avoid the pain.

Now we have a population who is disconnected from their own needs, feelings, and awareness. Not only that, but we all hurt.

That’s our situation. That’s why people are wary and destructive now.

There are no methods that can increase self-esteem.

It’s a natural gift that has been damaged. The only thing that can be done is to repair the damage. This is difficult. It’s a different direction than the one we normally pursue.

We usually avoid hurt in our efforts to become stronger.

Doing that, takes us even further away from self-esteem though.

The one thing keeping us away from full internal connection with our needs and inner power, is our avoidance of our hurt.

Our avoidance is keeping us from healing!

To regain our power, our self-esteem, we need to invite our feelings back. We need to accept them as us, because that’s what they are now, and we need to live them.

We need to grovel in it. There will be shame and fear. That’s what we have been running away from.

Why shame and fear? Because we believed we were wrong and inadequate. These were the feelings we suffered as we lost confidence in our real nature. Others convinced us that who we really are was not appropriate. We tried to change, because we needed and trusted those other people.

That’s what we were feeling, and it caused us to disconnect, because it just hurt too much to live that way.

Those feelings are still there. We avoid them because they still hurt.

We have to accept these feelings to neutralize them.

Once we reintegrate these unfortunate hurts, they lose their dynamic power, and become only memories. We keep getting naturally stronger as we do that.

As we reconnect, which is what is happening, we begin to know our real needs and wishes. Happiness is now possible! Our goals are going to change as we discover what we really want out of life!

We can’t ever make what happened to us, not happen. We can however, get over it. These events will always be with us.

The most important thing to do immediately, is to never do that kind of damage to an infant. The world is wrong.

Our young need support in their own efforts to live successfully, and right out loud! We must not take that over! We must encourage it! We need to support it!

They will mature, being ashamed of absolutely nothing. Right away that makes them stronger than any of this generation!

This alone can gradually return us all to utopia!

That is the best gift we could ever give them. They will love us for it. This is real nurturing. These kids will right away, be the best of the best.

I hope this helps.

This post is part of clarity-of-innocence.com

Good luck on your journey.

Thanks for listening.

Take care,


I welcome considering other thoughts.