⚛Only free people can be creative⚛

Creativity requires imagination. That requires connection with our instincts, our inner life, and the world around us.

In other words, our identity.

Spectacular imagination requires good connection with our identity.

Many people have little or no connection with their identity. They weren’t allowed to keep it!

The reason?

Freedom means the opportunity to live as we like, deciding for ourselves what we want, and how we are going to behave.

Unknown to most of the world’s population, freedom has to begin at conception. Just like all other life, our own identities project all of our needs into the world.

Every infant requires the freedom to power their own development. Their identity has one job, and it’s job is to boost our needs into reality!

It brings together instincts, needs, wishes, feelings, and awareness of all life including our internal life. With all these, and enough energy to power a battleship, it tackles the world. Learning to walk and talk is just a small beginning.

In this pristine condition, imagination and creativity run wild. Fantastic things happen. Truly amazing creations, spontaneous beauty, awesome understandings that the very young have no right to grasp in these early years, happen all the time! We have all seen flashes of this.

People are co-operative to the death. They couldn’t be destructive if they tried.

Just about then the beliefs of our society step in! They stop this process cold. We become forced to obey, under the threat of punishment.

That ends the reign of our identity. Nobody does this deliberately. Our media and officials do not understand the real needs of life. They teach, even demand obedience.

None of us can obey two masters. The punishment forces us to choose obedience. Our identity does not stop trying to do it’s job. The result, more pain than any one person can live with.

Our only option is to remove ourselves from the feelings that hurt so much. There goes our identity. We have disconnected. Now all we are left with are thoughts.

I think we all remember a wonderful existence long, long ago, and then a terrible time of conflict afterwards. That was the loss of connection with our identity.

Now we have only thoughts, and we must decide our own goals. We can’t feel our real needs.

Creativity and imagination can no longer leave our identity and reach us. That door is closed!

When will our population realize that freedom has to begin in the cradle? That’s when the power of real humans can emerge into the world again.

All other life doesn’t have this problem. Identity powers life! The sponsors of each life accept that arrangement and go with it, in fact insisting upon it. That’s just the natural way!

We are closing in on this understanding in many fields of science, philosophy, health, and psychology. It does appear that it’s only a matter of time.

Of course there are countless other benefits of remaining fully connected internally. Psychosomatic disease doesn’t happen. Disconnection from other people doesn’t happen. Anxiety, stress, loneliness, and chasing goals that are destructive, but have no chance of ever making us happy don’t happen either.

Community and trust return.

Our desire to control others disappears completely.

It requires a special type of person to have any interest at all in controlling another person. They have to be disconnected from their identity to ever even have the thought.

No person in their right mind would waste one moment of their life controlling someone else! Why on earth would they. For money? Not likely!

Our identities know what we need and what we want. Sharing trust and love turn every one of us into a blubbering pile of pure happiness.

Money is what we chase when we can’t have this real prize. It’s not even a second choice, it’s a tragic failure! Excess of money makes love, trust, and sharing pretty much impossible! It divides people.

This post belongs to clarity-of-innocence.com

Thank you for your interest. Good luck on your own journey.


2 responses to “⚛Only free people can be creative⚛”

  1. Rebecca sinclaire Avatar
    Rebecca sinclaire

    This post gave me something to think about.
    Thank you

    1. This post came as a result of a conversation Romeo and I had, just this last visit!

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