We took Utopia, and turned it into misery!

We did it with one (seemingly) innocent mistake!

We are supposed to support our children in their own drive for their place in this world!

We don’t support them!

What we support is our own ideas of what’s good for them!

Without our support, and because we overwhelm their own drive into life, they lose their own power and become “sheeple”.

They have no chance of competing with the crazies of the world!

How do you like this world run by crazies?

We don’t allow our children to keep the natural power they were born with!

We do not support the independent efforts of our offspring!

Support is the way of all nature!

Every life needs it’s own power!

It’s absolutely critical to support the self-efforts of our young! Right from infancy. It’s the natural way! It’s what they most need!

It’s the one thing that will make them the most powerful that is possible, as adults!

It’s also the only way that doesn’t cause damage, but that’s another story!

We make our young subservient!

That doesn’t work well for them! As adults, they will still feel subservient.

That’s what happened to all of us! None of us feel good. Many are in therapy!

Being that way we can’t fully express ourselves, or ever compete with the crazies of the world!

Have secrets? That’s means you’re afraid to fully express yourself! That shouldn’t ever happen, and doesn’t anywhere else in nature.

Because our best feel no inner power, the crazies have come out on top!

It’s our fault! We have crippled the good people that should be strong and running things!


We have done it to ourselves!

The best of us don’t have the strength to rise to the top!

Self-doubt soars! Low self-esteem is an epidemic!

The worse of the changes happen in the very early years of our children’s lives!

We need to support them in their own efforts instead of preventing that! The sooner we start, the more recovery they can accomplish!

Just watch their reaction! You’re just not going to believe it until it happens!

Our mistake wasn’t really so innocent either! Respect for the independence of all life is a universal and natural law! We see it all around us in nature.

Even our own instincts are screaming at us to let our young have their own importance and self-drive!

We have to understand that every life needs its own power, if we are ever to live successfully in this universe!

We must all accept respect as a way of living!

Who among us has respect for the power of others? The ones respected in their early lives of course! Coincidence? I think not!

We’ve come a long way down the rabbit hole. We really need to act quickly now!

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey,

Take care,

Norm Cormier


  1. Very good

    1. Thanks. People are finding it already. I think it might be my most direct so far.

I welcome considering other thoughts.