❌Nobody feels safe now! Our lives have gone all wrong!❌

We don’t nurture our young any more.

We take over!

The consequence is billions of people who hurt, and feel frightened.

We live our lives hiding our wishes, and fighting with each other!

Nobody feels safe! People have been made to feel helpless!

Helpless people can be vicious and cruel.

That’s the world we have made!

The door is wide open for the craziest, to boss the rest of us around!

Being the most loving creature on the planet, we have turned our lives into nightmares!

Does anybody want to fix this, or shall we just carry on making it worse?

What’s wrong?

We don’t nurture!

We put our infants into trauma!

Rather than become strong, they rebel!

Then we all suffer, usually for a lifetime!

The cause is not our politicians. It’s not the dictators. It’s not the democrats.

The cause is not peoples natural tendency to have an evil side. It’s not evil living all around us!


Almost every parent is wrong!

Every parent has instinctive wisdom.

The instructions came with each of us, deep within our instinctive identity!

Almost every one ignores that natural wisdom, because it means standing alone against the ignorance of the masses.

Ignorance is the right word. It means lack of understanding.

Bringing kids up the proper way is in our nature.

We just don’t do it though! That’s all that’s wrong with our kids these days!

That’s all that’s wrong with us as well! We never recover the natural strength we should have had!

All other life on the planet nurtures in the same natural way! They help the newborn survive and succeed through their own efforts!

They help them develop their own power.

Every time we do that, we get the best of the best!

It always works! We see the evidence, the proof all around us.

Allow your young their own power, and get wonderful compassionate kids.

Boss them around, control their every action, and what do we get?

We get helpless anxious, troubled, defiant and astonishingly destructive kids, who become problems for the entire human race!

It’s just that simple!

And just that tragic that we don’t do it!

There is no rule book. The answers lie within us, in the form of our own instincts.

Listen, and it’s there!

Ignore the world’s advice! It’s not coming from wise people. Just look at the results. It’s impossible to do worse!

Enjoy the results of doing this right. Pat yourself on the back. It took enormous courage.

Relationships will just keep getting better, more natural, real, exciting, and fun!

The courage to ignore mistaken and short sighted advice has all the benefits of real life!

Good luck on your journey!

This post is part of clarity-of-innocence.com

Thanks for listening.

Take care.


I welcome considering other thoughts.