❌We, ourselves, created the defiance that now isolates us!❌

The only way we can end this is by nurturing our young again!

All life is driven from within!

It finds its own path. That’s what life wants above all else!

What do you suppose was going to happen when we refused our young the right to find their own way?

Well, it has happened!

We have been working against nature and reality for a long time now!

We are living the consequences!

The consequences are hurt, anger, defiance, then hate, and conflict, leading eventually to war!

Life comes from within!

Support that, and get love!

Oppose it, and eventually get war!

We love to make fun of these people.

Meanwhile, most of us go about doing exactly the same thing!

Why? Because we’re told to!

What is reality? All life is powered and driven from within!

We cannot force it into compliance!

There will be consequences!

How do you like the consequences so far?

Of course, it’s true! This always works the same way!

Support the self-development of your young, and get love, devotion, cooperation, and amazing inner strength!

Take over, and get resentment, hostility, low or no self-esteem, poor health, and endless conflict!

Try it! The difference is life itself! You will not believe the difference!

How can we remain so unaware, when the truth is displayed right in front of us, everywhere in the world, and always has been.

Who stands to benefit if we believe and behave as we’ve been told to?

Evidence of the self-driving nature of life is universal, and it’s free, and it’s everywhere!

We can have it all! We can have everything we want in life!

All we need to do is respect truth and reality above all else.

Believing only what comforts us has consequences. We are the grown-ups. We should be respecting and teaching truth and reality.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com It’s not yet complete.

Thanks for listening,

Good luck on oyur own journey.

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.