🗨The astonishing importance of our own inner world!🗨

We started out feeling strong, focused, and unafraid!

Back then, our language was feelings, needs, and instincts.

Our expression came from inside!

This was meant to be our life-long condition!

Living from the inside is how life works!

Self-esteem is our inner power and driving force!

Recognizing that makes reconnecting with our needs and instincts our goal if we want to feel good again, full of energy, and excited about life.

Living from within is the default condition for humans. It’s the default condition for all life!

Allow us to live from our feelings and inner lives, and we are instinctively loving and responsible.

We have drifted far from this natural condition.

Real human life feels like science fiction now that we have drifted this far away from being ourselves.

The trauma everywhere in our world reflects the damaged condition of each individual now.

We are living without our healthy and natural inner worlds!

We have lost our power! We have become frightened and argumentative!

In this condition, most of us fight to control others. That’s just what happens.

Of course that makes it worse.

Deprived of our inner lives, most of us compete for importance.

These changes have caused a need for laws, police, and enforcement!

None of this has returned us to peaceful, loving ways!

To return to our loving ways, we need to be living from our own inner world once again.

This makes us a natural loving human.

Our needs should be guiding us, using the feelings and wisdom of our instincts.

When they do, we are vitally aware!

What needs? To feel loved and accepted!

That need is even more important to us than our own survival. We just can’t feel that need anymore!

Without feelings, we behave however we please! Doing so doesn’t make us happy though!

It puts us in despair!

It’s only when we behave with compassion to others that we naturally return to feeling joyful.

Unfortunately, we cannot discover this path because the help of our feelings is missing.

We stopped allowing our infants to live from their inner worlds! Children too!

That’s it!

That’s what’s wrong!

That’s all that’s wrong!

Want world peace? Want “The Garden of Eden” back?

Then allow others to live their own lives through their own drive, instincts, feelings, and needs!

Want proof? Every time we do this, we get a lovely, cooperative, well-adjusted, responsible, and happy person!

Every person in therapy is working towards this goal, whether they grasp that or not!

Our young are trying to learn skills. They count on our protection to allow them the time to get that done!

They have the inner power, the energy, and the instincts to learn at an astonishing pace.

They master walking and talking as though it were easy.

With protection and approval, this rate of learning would continue for a long time.

When allowed the freedom to develop their own skills they will be a joy to live with, loving, and instinctively responsible.

This happens every time!

This is natural life! This is nurture!

People in good condition like this have no interest in controlling others. They just want to love them and enjoy life!

They feel good! They feel complete! They feel no anxiety! They are at peace! This is how life is supposed to feel!

Nurture is the act or process of promoting the development, etc, of a child or something that nourishes. It can also mean to feed, support, or encourage someone or something.

The last thing the young need or want is to be controlled!

It shuts down their will to cooperate. They can’t live that way.

Life is designed to live from the power of its own inner world!

It cannot live from our direction!

Trying to do so actually causes physical damage in the form of disassociation!

Can you still feel your feelings, needs, or instincts? Well, few others can either.

People who can’t feel their inner world build a dysfunctional world!

It will be a world of conflict.

If our reaction to conflict is punishment and rules, it further reduces everybody’s ability to live from their own instincts!

This situation is similar to a runaway train!

It’s just going to keep getting worse!

We invented conflict when we prohibited the existence of inner worlds and instincts.

All life is designed to find its own way!

We have forgotten the need to allow that!

The moment we do, we have ended the cause of conflict.

Trust becomes possible again.

No life is going to trust us while we control it.

We love to believe we have trust! When the real thing comes along though, we discover the shocking difference.


From here onwards is unfinished!

That’s how we keep ourselves happy and safe!

There is no way anybody can improve this system!

It works! It makes us feel infinitely strong! It makes us as capable as it is possible for us to ever be!

Most importantly, it allows to feel right and to be completely happy!

That’s because only we can know our own needs!

Nurture is the act of protecting the newborn until they can manage on their own.

We see it throughout nature!

New life gets support and encouragement in finding it’s own way!

To be any good at life, success has to be through its own resources!

Otherwise, a life cannot know it’s own needs!

It has no way to know what will make itself happy!

Everything it tries to do is a shot in the dark! It cannot go get what it needs most!

It flounders around trying one thing after another until it’s too discouraged to continue.

Then it settles for life the way it is.

True health is finding our own way through our own feelings!

This makes us a good person!

Why? Because we can feel our own needs.

The needs of a human are the love and acceptance of those around them!

If we can feel our feelings, we know that!

Its even more important than survival itself!

Of course we’re good!

We can chase importance, money, and try to be popular!

It won’t work! We will far less happier than we are now if we succeed!

If we don’t believe that, just look around!

Do those controlling the world look happy?

What’s the fastest track to becoming happier?

How do we do that?

Unfortunately, in these times, we need to reconnect with our own identity before we can feel our own needs!

That’s because we don’t get nurtured any more!

As an infant and as a child we no longer get encouraged to develop our own abilities through our instincts and needs.

We get forced to follow somebody else’s program!

Consequently, we can’t feel our own instincts or identities!

We desperately need that back!

This path takes us directly to personal success.

No matter how long it takes, or how difficult it becomes, it’s the only path that works!

It also makes us a better, more moral person! It makes us more likable!

It makes us acceptable to the kindest and most loving people on the planet.

It’s their approval that is going to make us glow with satisfaction!

This is how life is supposed to be!

In our early years, we are intimately connected with our instinctive needs, and how to treat others to keep their love.

Surprisingly, our own inner strength depends on it.

There is only one way to regard others, as they relate to us, and still stay strong!

It’s the natural and instinctive way!

Unfortunately, because we, ourselves never got treated this way, we don’t know how to do it.

So we innocently treat and regard others destructively. Then we end up fighting with them.

Consequently, we lose our own natural strength.

These are the same as they were when we were little!

We accepted other people as having their own natural importance!

We saw them as having their own identity!

Now, we need to relearn that same respect!

Why is this important?

Because the energy of life always comes from inside!

Other people have their own innate importance.

We have to allow them that natural right!

Or else we can fight them forever and crush our own strength! This is what most of us do daily!

Any expectations we have can only cause damage! And, boy do they ever cause damage!

If we choose to expect things from others, we have set ourselves up to be in a fight, and to be hurt!

If other people still have their instincts, they will be good people, and fair to us! They don’t need our directions.

If they don’t, they will treat us terribly! We can’t change that!

Our only option is to go shopping for better people!

There is a limit though, as to who will accept us as friends!

What limit?

Our own ability to be a good friend!

Our success in the life of feelings is limited by our own ability to be a supporting and honorable person!

Want to feel good? It’s actually other people who limit that!

Our instincts are always trying to direct us successfully, with every person we meet!

Unfortunately, most of us can’t feel our instincts!

So we stumble around in the dark, hurting other people who then hurt us, over and over!

Want them back?

Start accepting others as they really are!

Other creatures who are driven by their own inner strength!

Our expectations are worth absolutely nothing! All others have a natural right to be who they are!

We need to accept and deal with them in that way!

Do that, and surprise! We have become acceptable!

Accepting others as they really are will put us in position to begin the regaining of our instincts and our identities!

It will begin spontaneously! Everything preventing it has been removed!

That’s right, our own expectations have been keeping us in a war that prevents us from healing and regaining our own proper inner life!

Our lack of understanding has kept us in conflict with others, making it impossible to regain our own power!

We desperately need their approval and support!

That’s the primary message our instincts are telling us!

To do that, we need the right people around us, as well as our own awareness of our needs!

To have the right people around us, we also need to be an acceptable person!

We need to let others be who they are!

If all of us always did that everywhere, people would still be kind and helpful. That’s what our instincts cause!

It’s the absence of instincts causing all the world’s trouble!

Instincts cannot survive being controlled! We humans have done it to ourselves!

Thanks for listening!

Good luck on your own journey!

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care!

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.