🌱🌴Life in the cradle, generates our world!🌴🌱

If birds strapped their chicks into the nest, restricted their movements, and then refused to allow them to fly until the parents thought they were ready, then all bird life would be different.

There would be consequences!

Without their full and natural expression, the nestlings would be unable to feel their natural power.

That alone, changes life, everywhere, and always. The resultant feelings of loss, are the beginnings of a death spiral.

Understanding this alone, can take humanity out of conflict!

All life has identity.

Instincts, and body awareness, along with a strong connection with needs and wants, all work together to give purpose, and to cause feelings of being strong and capable. This is how life is supposed to feel!

When those feelings are missing, life begins a retreat!

That powerful connection with identity, fades into despair.

Like it, or not, this is what most, if not all of our children are feeling!

People no longer feel their natural power. They no longer live from identity!

What is every person on the planet trying to achieve?

To be proud of ourselves!

Whether we realize it or not. Whether we unknowingly work against our own real goals, or not. Everybody’s goal is to feel proud.

Wouldn’t it be easier to just stop taking inner power away from people?

It’s supposed to be a natural gift! We shouldn’t have to fight for it, especially when it’s impossible anyway, given the situation we find ourselves in!

Mankind has to learn respect for the needs of other life. If we can’t, our own lives have little value!

We are causing world-wide misery for no reason at all, except we haven’t grasped the consequences of taking over the drive of another life!

Everybody’s connection with their own identity, can only survive as long as they “drive their own bus”.

This is certainly true for all life. The importance of this is critical. It needs to be thoroughly understood, and the centerpiece of our treatment of all life.

With this understanding alone, mankind could enter an new era of wisdom and compassion.

Each life has to feel good.

Otherwise it withdraws from it’s identity, entering a world of helplessness, despair, and endless conflict! This seems to be where mankind is now.

Without that connection with wants and needs, natural goals, instincts, and feelings of being complete, we can’t feel who we are.

That’s a problem!

Feeling that bad causes an entirely different life! A defensive one.

Our goals, become a quest to avoid all future additional humiliation, and to become important, because that natural feeling is missing.

Is it obvious that the less important a person feels, the harder they will try to get that back, even to the point of “in your face” destruction, just to be noticed.

Those birds would feel helpless and troubled, for life.

There would be bully birds, determined to control every action of every bird in the flock. This happens out of weakness, not strength. Life get crazy without the natural feelings of self-sufficiency.

There would be bird laws, enforcer birds, and bird prisons.

Every bird would be obsessed with the appearance and behavior of all the other birds.

The life of each bird would be a sad parody of the free life they enjoy today.

None of them would have the self-confidence to really be themselves.

They would compete to appear happy and beautiful, but they would really be living to impress the other birds. Their own inner life no longer exists!

Is this a silly example? Of course.

Does it demonstrate how easy it is to completely upset the natural order of things, especially when it’s done at the very beginning of life?


Most birds wouldn’t even survive, because they cannot bury their hurt and go on with life in a crippled condition. People can, only because we can store feelings, and not have to suffer from them every moment of every day.

There are undoubtedly many alternate worlds that could be created by applying different damage to early life. All of them would be dysfunctional.

Only respecting and allowing each creature their own life and power, produces life in the normal, exciting condition.

Our world, this one, is dysfunctional!

This is why!

We don’t allow allow our offspring to feel their own natural power, ever!

Every life has its own power! If it can feel that, it can feel strong.

People, in these times, just don’t let that happen!

Is it obvious we aren’t doing well?

Simply looking around verifies that the strongest people are the kindest. Maybe it’s easier to see the other side of that. Weak people are the most troubled and dangerous.

What’s the difference between strong and weak?

The difference begins with how the person feels. Then it escalates, because of the stress, into behaviors, psychosomatic diseases, and other health issues.

We have completely lost the knack of bringing up people, who feel good!

Is it obvious our young don’t feel good?

We accept defiance and angry outbursts as normal, but they aren’t. They never were!

What they are, is rebellion. It isn’t normal for rebellion to ever be necessary!

It’s an objection to the loss of inner power.

How do we know? Easy, give it back, and watch the change!

Without our power we are helpless. We can’t even think real thoughts. Everything revolves around not being equal, because that’s what life feels like.

If we are to stop the relentless decay of our civilization, it is critical to allow people to feel good. We already know what happens when people feel bad.

Allow any person to feel proud of themselves, and you have a friend for life.

Could it be that it’s the skill Hitler learned, which took him so far in his own misguided destruction?

How do we do better?

Nature already did! We only need to stop damaging it.

That, right there, is the most important ability in the existence of mankind!

It should be the first and most important issue on the list of every person on the planet.

It will determine the direction of our civilization! It will determine how we all feel, each and every day of all of our lives.

Managing our differences, now that we respect other identities!

It should be brought to light that once we allow our kids their right to live their own identity, there will still be times when they want different things, than we do. How do we cope?

Compared to the resentment and emotional damage that differences caused, back when we demanded obedience, it’s a small problem now, and without hostility.

However it exists. When we take the leap, and allow our kids their natural right to power their own life, a new relationship happens that most of us have no experience with!

Not many of us have worked on this level, where we don’t get to demand our own way, using force.

Force cannot be used anymore, so how do we deal with differing wishes?

It will be a whole new environment though. Resentment will not exist. Distance between people will never have happened. All parties will love and trust each other openly.

But still, you have to go to work, and they want to stay and play!

How do we manage?

The situation will be different than almost anything we have encountered before! Cooperation will not have been destroyed. Communication will still be open, and not riddled with emotional traps and expectations.

How do we manage this?

The secret is identities. They must all remain equal!

Small and weak as children are, the identity of each and every life, carries the same immense power.

We see that balance in nature all the time.

The answer is, we manage the needs of the moment.

When every party recognizes, and trusts that need is the determining factor in every decision, agreement comes quick and easy, without resentment. Trust is absolute!

When we announce we must leave now, they will understand, because they have never been lied to, and because they recognize it’s a real necessity.

When they are used to having their wishes treated with that kind of respect, guess what happens?

That’s right, our wishes suddenly become important as well.

It’s been a long time since any of us had that sort of wonderful relationship!

It doesn’t require energy anymore! Oddly enough, this new situation gives us energy, loads of it!

We don’t get our way all the time, and neither do they.

Even the negotiation is delightful in this new relationship!

Not getting our own way probably sounds exhausting and impossible to live with, but in this new world, it isn’t.

This is a whole different life. Our energy hasn’t been drained by endless exasperation and conflict. Our energy has been boosted by love, and voluntary cooperation.

Imagine having a friend like that, and here you are surrounded by them!

We feel on top of life, and ready to go.

This post is part of clarity-of-innocence.com There are many related posts.

Thank you for your interest, and your time.


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