🌼Every infant is the seed of a unique person!🌼

It should be no surprise that when people are conceived, their identity is rigidly locked, just the way it is.

Who we each are, is set in stone.

We see that with all life.

We cannot make a tulip from the seed of an oak tree!

Personality and behavior both change, of course, as life adapts to its surrounding.

But, an identity cannot change.

It’s power can be damaged though!

Support and encourage that identity, as all of nature already does, and we get to keep the trust and love we started out with!

It doesn’t have to go away, ever!

Try to change any living thing to suit ourselves though, and what we get is a traumatized life.

How can we damage life?

Why are we now living without trust?

I recognize that we all think we do live in trust.

If that were true though, there would be no secrets!

We do have secrets though. We have lost trust!

Do we wonder why we all hurt? Yes, of course, we all hurt!

If we didn’t hurt, there would be no demand for alcohol. Or drugs! Or counselling!

There would be no childhood trauma! No defiance!

Have you noticed that therapy invariably takes us back to our childhoods?

It’s because that’s where the hurt happened!

We are in the habit of trying to design our young to match our beliefs!

That can’t be done without damage!

Their identity is fixed and intimately connected with their instincts, feelings, and needs!

As soon as we try to substitute behaviors we have chosen over those generated by their own identities, those intimate connections suffer damage!

Because of our interference, their identities make their feelings hurt!

This is not a little thing! It’s the loss of their own inner life!

Do we wonder why we can’t feel our needs anymore? Our feelings? Our sense of who we are? Our natural inner strength?

We are disconnected from these natural parts of our identity. Some of us, a little bit, and some completely!

We did it to ourselves!


To ease our internal hurt, which should never have happened!

We see groups of people, each ready to fight with anybody around. There are rules, conflict, and unshakable convictions. There is usually violence.

On the other side of life, we also see groups of people absolutely committed to each other. Life for them is all trust and love!

What’s the difference?


Undamaged people are all trust and love!

How do we know this?

There are clues. One of them is therapy!

People in therapy generally become less aggressive and demanding. They begin a return to inner peace.

What else? Feelings! We can all remember being interested and passionate about everything. Part of this is our feelings, working as they should.

We should still have that same ability to feel, and some of us do!

For those that don’t, this suggests some of us have lost full internal connection, somehow.

With therapy we begin to lose anxiety and begin re-connecting both internally, and with other people.

Our own condition also tells us when things have gone terribly wrong!

We don’t feel right. We feel a need to get stoned or drunk. We look for any comfort we can find. This seems to clearly suggest something is wrong here!

What’s wrong is we have lost connection with the various parts of our own inner world!

We can’t feel our our own needs, our identity, our instincts in the form of insight, or our feelings.

When we can’t feel our needs, we can’t get what we need! It has become impossible to satisfy ourselves!

There is no wriggle room here.

This is damage!

What could cause this damage? Everybody seems to have it!

There is one glaringly obvious answer!

We don’t get to live our own identity!

We are all aware of how we manage the care of our children in these times!

Our methods come from books and popular beliefs.

“Who our kids actually are” has no consideration!

Not any more! All our children are sent through the same hoops!

Could this be responsible?

Every infant has their own unique needs. Every identity has different needs for each different moment of life!

I think we all understand that our basic nature comes from inside!

How much of a child’s life really needs to come from within themselves?

There are clues!

The more unique expression a child is permitted, the happier and more cooperative they become.

This always happens!

The opposite happens too!

The more a child is controlled, the more conflict and trouble there is, and that just keeps happening.

The easy way to confirm these observations is to just try allowing a child to live from their own identity!

Find a safe place and allow a child to be the star of their own life. Use no control whatsoever!

The older children are, the longer it will take them to adjust to this new situation, and the more acting out we have to endure until their hurt experiences finish acting out and reach a balance, returning them to peaceful life!

The really young adjust instantly though!

Watch the change. See the results!

There will never again be doubt concerning the importance of them being allowed to express their own unique identities.

Enjoy the trust! There is no other way on this earth, that you are ever going to get that level of trust!

This is how life is designed to live!

Every life is independent and self-driven!

We, as a race, have have been fighting against allowing life to flow in the natural way!

We are paying for it! That’s all that’s wrong with our present world!

Fix that one thing and we get our loving world back!

It’s good Karma as well! We don’t get comfort and love until we stop being selfish, and show some respect!

Perhaps that lesson is what we’re here for. It’s arrogant to assume we understand life!

This entire environment is beyond our understanding.

For example, where are the ends of this environment that we live in, and what’s after that? And after that?

One more interesting observation before I go.

How fast time seems to go by seems to be related to how well we are connected with our inner life.

When we are well connected internally, time seems to run slower!

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

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Thanks for listening!

Good luck on your own journey!

Take care.

Norm Cormier

One response to “🌼Every infant is the seed of a unique person!🌼”

  1. Becca Sinclair Avatar
    Becca Sinclair

    Love this one. Great points.

I welcome considering other thoughts.