🌼Natural life! Real people, living as humans are meant to live.🌼

A universal truth, regarding freedom, does exist!

Let’s bring this into the light before we begin our story.

Freedom is natural. It’s the way of all living things, except for mankind. Voluntary cooperation, of course, is still a choice of freedom.

What is it in us, that establishes a preference for freedom, or else, a preference for authority and obedience?

What determines what people will eventually believe?

There is a clear answer, and we will work out the reasons, but let’s start with the answer.

Does freedom feel normal and natural to any person?

This belief will always match the amount of freedom the original child was allowed!

Were they allowed to function through their own identity, as all of nature does? Or, were they forced into being what others insisted on?

This is the bottom line!

Was their identity allowed, or not!

This, unfortunately, is how we can, and do, communicate to our young that their own identity has lesser or no importance, and obedience is normal. It’s also how we create helpless people!

All life is meant to live through its identity. That’s where the wisdom of the ages, assists in survival.

No matter how confusing and complicated everything becomes, this ratio always holds!

It certainly explains the changes we have seen throughout the world!

We are going to demonstrate that it is indeed true, for those with the patience to work through the relationships, leading up to this resultant consequence!

The other way is to simply test the information. Allow children their own identity, and the freedom to live through using that, and just watch the cooperation, enthusiasm, love, and trust, go ballistic!

This understanding also reveals a sudden end to the world’s problem of managing emotionally troubled dictators, who seek to selfishly run the world, to their advantage.

In reality, they create an environment where pretty much everybody else, just wishes them dead! Rich or not, is this success?

They might have the world’s money and resources, but the smiles they see are not for their well-being.

They don’t have to be defeated. Enough people on the same page, demanding freedom, put a quick end to them. Without support for their authority, they will end up where they belong, soon enough. Murderers belong out of sight, and away from real people.

It’s only hurt, confusion, and uncertainty, that allows them to ever exist.

Normally, people’s first and primary need, outside of basic survival, is to feel loved.

People disconnected from their feelings don’t know that.

Their identity is hidden from them because their feelings are. People who chase material values miss out on everything most valuable in life, but usually never find that out, till way too late.

This understanding, in turn, presents an awesome truth!

If we want paradise, we must first grant it to others!

When our children are granted freedom to live from their own identity, it will feel normal to them to grant others the same respect!

This is ground zero!

There has got to be some deep meaning here! Karma is certainly in evidence.

If we want respect, begin by giving respect.

Let’s move on to the details, the explanation, and the logic that takes us eventually to demonstrating these basic truths!

Real and Natural Human Life!

People are kind, cooperative, trusting, and loving. Needing to feel loved above all else, they treat others with great care.

No, it’s not a commercial. It’s true, absolutely true, all of it!

Right up to the moment that hurt begins to live in somebody’s heart.

Then everything changes.

This brings up our first issue!


Hurt is the root cause of every bit of conflict in our world.

Ironically, there is no need for any of the hurt we carry in our hearts, which we are doing, for our lifetimes!

The biggest difference in our lives, in this latest development of humans, is we each carry bigger loads of hurt inside ourselves than the previous generation!

We are the only living thing that does this to each other!

We try to have a good life, while managing and surviving, all the while, with this hurt inside.

The loss, to each of us, is huge!

Where is the hurt coming from?

We like to assume, and to believe, that the troubled people, and the arrogant, are to blame for bringing this hurt into existence.

That’s not true. The behavior of those people is simply a consequence as well, although extreme of course.

This hurt is not originating from criminals, troubled people, people who desire power, or people with hate. These behaviors are simply consequences of the existing hurt, in the population.

The hurt comes from us! We are causing it.

We are the driving motor. The good people. The quiet ones. We cause this hurt and the resultant conflict!


People have a weakness. Living with any hurt at all, they suddenly become incapable of evaluating what’s real.

Hurt seems to take away our ability to identify truth!

Hurt causes us to disconnect, to some degree, from our feelings, which removes our communication with our own identity.

The hurt is too much to live with. We disconnect from our feelings. Now we don’t hurt. But, surprise, our feelings no longer tell us what our identity is warning us about. We cannot feel it anymore!

Our identity contains all of the accumulated wisdom of the previous generations. Once hurting, we lose this wisdom, and guidance, because our feelings can’t guide us if we can’t feel them.

Our identity may still have one more way to reach us. Our dreams! Our dreams could well be messages from our identity. We need more evidence, but the possibility sure seems worth exploring.

People, with no hurt, have the perfect instinctual ability to discern truth!

Children are a good example. They cannot be misguided until they have sufficient internal hurt! After that, they can be made to believe anything.


We have said a few things here. Let’s explain them.

People hurt! Well, we all know that. We can all feel it. We have struggled with it for years.

It’s the average person causing it, not the troubled ones!

To be more precise, it’s only people who hurt, that are causing the ubiquitous hurt, throughout the population.

People who hurt, cause more hurt, to others!

There is a good reason!

We can only live with so much hurt. If it gets too painful, we have to die, and some actually do, or we can divert it somehow.

As people, we can block our feelings from getting through to us. We can block the pain!

So we do. We unplug. We disconnect. Now we are more comfortable. We can survive with this reduced hurt. But many things have changed!

Let’s have a look at what changed.

We don’t know who we are. We can’t feel right or wrong. We can’t feel much of anything. We hide. We no longer live out loud. We have lost 90% or more, of our awareness. We are uncomfortable. We have more sickness. We compare ourselves to everybody. We feel small and helpless.

That’s should be most of the bad changes. Now for the good ones. Oops, there aren’t any!

Identity is life! It is who we are. Losing that is critical, and tragic. It should never happen!

There is good news.

The hurt we are causing is all that’s wrong. That alone has caused the wars and the conflict. People can be trusted. Life can be as wonderful, as it’s supposed to be!

If we can get everybody on board, make public the damage coming from interfering with children’s identity, then we get a world the way it can and should be.

That sets the stage for a world, as kind and magical as it should be. It would be only a matter of time at this point!

The next thing to do is repair what damage we still can!

We are going to need a lot of help in correcting the damage already done. Most people are far removed from their feelings, and in the process of increasing that distance.

Of course, the understanding that it is the damaged, and consequently the hurting people, that are causing the trauma of the world, has to be recognized, and accepted. It is looking like we are a good way there already.

That keeps the hurt from returning. It reinforces the wisdom, that we must help those in pain if we want a healthy world.

Next, we need lots of people, skilled in helping others who are hurting, and who have consequently lost the quality of their feelings.

We need to relieve the hurt in everybody possible, who is still worthy of saving!

This blog is clarity-of-innocence.com There are many related posts. Thank you for allowing me this short visit into your life!

Good luck on your journey,


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