🌼 World peace, love, trust, and cooperation. 🌼

Trust is not only the default condition for people, it actually requires work to prevent it!

Grant our young natural human rights, and as long as trust prevails, love will be the result.

Agencies have worked out basic rights for the helpless. It’s a balance of personal rights, and respect for the needs of others.

Grant our young these basic rights, and people can live as they really are.

Trusting, loving, cooperative and playful. That’s who people are when they’re not traumatized!

All life works through respect, with support and encouragement for the independent efforts of other life.

Most of this is normally done on an instinctive level.

If we can’t instinctively feel the needs of our children, these rights for the helpless can provide a good map.

It should allow us to work with them without our usual method of causing them hurt, and then suffering the defiance and loss of trust that we caused ourselves.

Our instincts are supposed to provide that map, but most, if not all of us are too traumatized in these times to feel our own instincts!

Our relationships with our infants are the most loving the world has to offer.

Those relationships have no need to ever change.

Children are insanely powered life, striking out to survive at all costs.

They have an imperative need to find their own way! That need is shared by all life!

Each life is different!

Only they know their own needs.

They absolutely have to find their own way!

That’s what life is designed to do!

Infants are not dolls to bundle up and protect.

Putting any obstacle in the way of their attempted progress does a whole lot of damage.

We are now living that damage.

Our relationships with our children only change because we have put them in trauma!

It’s the children that change with the trauma!

Then, they grow up at war with the world.

They also have no idea how their rights mesh with the needs of others. Without any accurate role model, or experience, they have no chance at all of having good relationships.

The cost of not recognizing and encouraging those real needs of our young is colossal.

The eventual consequence of not doing it perfectly, is this violent world.

Our instincts always do it perfectly!

That’s part of their job.

It’s tragic that we are so traumatized, we can’t hear our own instincts.

There is no other form of life on the planet that makes the same mistake, and doesn’t support the independence of their offspring!

We pay a terrible price for a seemingly minor act, but nature is very strict. There is never mercy. One mistake and life ends.

Overpower the self-drive of our young, and we eventually get hostility and war. Every time! That’s the consequence!

Back off, and respect their self-driven efforts, and they grow into real and undamaged people.

We may not appreciate that those allowed to follow their own needs will not be obedient.

But, life isn’t designed for obedience.

It’s designed to be self-driven. It’s designed to be at it’s best in that condition.

That’s the strongest condition possible!

When it comes to humans, life was designed for trust, love, and cooperation.

Allowed to power their own lives, people are at their very best! That’s also their most compassionate and cooperative condition!

It takes strength to be kind!

What makes a really good day? Sharing love with someone special. Just imagine an entire lifetime of it.

That’s the default condition for humans.

That’s what we get if we allow our children to grow up supported in their own efforts, and thus undamaged.

Absolute trust, then insane love!

So incredibly powerful. Most of us sort of remember this, but probably can’t imagine this degree of comfort anymore!

Living with support for our own efforts, there will be such a difference it will be a reset for the human race.

The damaged guys should and will be redundant, instead of them running the world as they do now!

As we have weakened our offspring by censoring their self-efforts, we have also left a clear field for the troubled to move in and run things.

Independence and support is the best possible condition for a human. There is no possibility at all of not having the energy to go out and deal with life.

What about health? What do you think? Of course, it will be absolute. Self-driven, we get the best health possible!

This way of living is exactly what we are designed for.

We will also be perfectly connected with our own identities, instincts, real needs, and senses.

Allowed to keep our own power as we should, we will not be wallflowers.

Challenging us, when we are in this condition will prove to be a bad mistake.

An undamaged person feels a lot of power, and has the spirit to use it!

There are no victims when humans get to power their own way!

With our full power intact, we are compassionate and fair, but instantly lethal when necessary!

In an undamaged condition, we are also never destructive.

Everything destructive in our world has been caused by damaged people!

Conflict has been unintentionally created by us, through overpowering life that was just trying to find its own way in the normal manner.

Is there proof of any of this? That depends on how well we can see other people and life!

It’s certainly there to see!

We can extrapolate from the childhoods of our strongest and most happy people. We can also extrapolate from the childhoods of the most troubled and destructive.

Or we can work backward, sorting out the cause-and-effect results of every event we can find, as I did. It took over 40 years.

Or we can use common sense! We see all other life supporting their young’s own efforts, not shutting them down.

We see the need for respect and boundaries to protect the helpless, but we don’t yet see our young as needing those same rights and protection.

Well, they do need that freedom and respect.

The reward for allowing that, is we get Utopia back!

With the world so focused on control and discipline, it’s hard to get across that this way of doing things is taking us into ever increasing conflict.

We are presently driving our way into isolation and hate.

What really works is allowing others their own power. All life needs its own power.

It’s only when we take that away, that we get resentment, loss of trust, and violence!

We are setting the direction of our civilization by the way we treat our young!

They grow up! Their feelings determine their beliefs.

Their feelings are disappointment, defiance, and anger, because they were never allowed to attack life through their own resources in the normal way!

So, that’s the world they build! An angry world!

We need to allow the kids to determine their own path. Only then do we get to watch the astonishing results of daring to trust their efforts.

The results are quick as well as amazing.

It will be lovely for us to be able keep the original relationships with our young, that we started out with!

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Thanks for listening,

Good luck on your own journey.

Take care!

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.