🎇Our adult world is limited by our inner life!🎇

If love has been lost in our inner world, then it’s lost to us in the real world as well!

If we have disconnected ourselves from our feelings, to avoid hurt, then feelings are gone from our adult life as well!

If we have disconnected from our feelings, then we have also disconnected from our identity, instincts, and most of our awareness.

Whatever we have changed inside, also changes our whole life!

Our own inner world can be the worst prison of all!

If we have avoided hurt by disconnecting from our feelings, then our own survival was in jeopardy, and it was necessary to do that!


Mankind has unintentionally caused pain within our infants and children throughout the entire world.

We are supposed to be supporting and encouraging the identity of our young to cope with life through their own efforts and resources, just as all other life does.

When we shut down the efforts of our children to power their own lives, it causes hurt, enough for infants to retreat from their own feelings!

Kids are created to find their own way! They can’t do it differently! Each identity is a fixed thing and cannot change to please anybody else.

All an identity can do is shut down any expression that others don’t like!

Which is what happened to all of us!

Life comes from inside! Every identity of every life has the power and determination to use every skill available to learn and survive!

That drive has to come from within though, or else the result is more pain than any identity can live with!

That’s just what life is!

Mankind has tried to do it differently, and this violent and lonely world is the result!

Disconnecting from feelings that hurt is responsible for the shutting down of the “inner life” of most of the world’s population!

An inner world without power or feelings causes fear, then defensive living, which takes us on into greed, defiance and hate.

That’s where our traditional upbringing brings most, if not all of us.

If our inner world stays in this broken condition, so does our life!

If we hide anything about ourselves, and who doesn’t, then we aren’t “living out loud”.

That means we have shut down some of our own inner life!

We started out living out loud, and we should have remained that way!

Shutting down is why we live in a world of greed, hostility, isolation, and war!

This all happened because we don’t allow the identity of our young to power their own life!

We are the only life on the planet that does this!

We shouldn’t be doing that!

We have turned a loving and trusting race into lonely hurting individuals all competing to be the most important human!

Most of us don’t want the world this way!

Who wants to live in a world where everybody else is the enemy?

Who would want a world where most others have shut down much of their inner life!

Joy is gone! Love and trust are gone! Imagination is stilted! Fun is prohibited! Respect doesn’t exist!

Even the rich and successful have no idea how much has been lost, for them as well! Their wealthy lives are a shallow parody of how good and comforting life should naturally feel!

Where’s the proof?

If a person seeks therapy, they know somethings wrong within themselves!

If thousands do, and if the process usually takes them back to childhood issues, then there’s been unnatural hurt, and it happened early!

When we see all other life encouraged and supported in managing through their own resources and inner power, that should be a clue to us!

When we hand over their own power to our children, and they invariably burst into cooperation and energy, that should be another clue! When these kids feel no need for therapy, live in love, and are happy, wealth or not, that should be even one more clue.

Our inner world is supposed to be comfortable!

We should never, ever feel any need to hide anything about ourselves!

Do we see other life hiding in shame?


Humans without hurt are naturally loving, non-destructive, and fun.

That’s what people are really like when they don’t hurt!

Hurt needs to be understood, and banned!

Inner life has to be respected and the hurt avoided!

This alone begins recovery, and also makes the recovery of civilization inevitable!

People who don’t hurt are going to create a far different world than this one!

It’s easy to get a tiny glimpse of what that world will be like by handing their own power over to our children!

The younger, the faster change happens!

The change is amazing!

There is no downside! Absolutely everything gets better!

It’s like pulling an abscessed tooth! Peace and comfort break out!

Thanks for listening.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Good luck on your own journey,

Take care,


I welcome considering other thoughts.