🎭Life lives its unique identity, or loses connection with it!🎭

We seem to have an epidemic of people choosing alternate ways to identify!

I expect it’s no surprise that we all struggle to make peace with our identities these days!

It almost seems like we are unsure about who we really are, does it not?

What could be the reason for that?


Nature encourages and supports the drive and energy of all life!

It supports self-driven life everywhere!

That’s nature’s way!

That’s what life is!

Life comes from inside!


We have unintentionally created an unnatural situation!

Over many generations, one step at a time, we have stopped supporting the identities of our young!

We bundle them up and tell them what to do!

We have reached the point where we actively prevent infants from living their own life!

We redirect or overpower them in just about everything they try to do through their own resources!

Right along with that, at the same time, people have become confused about who they really are!

What a surprise that must be!

First, we aren’t allowed to express ourselves as we really are, and then suddenly we find ourselves struggling with who we are!

Who would have thought?

Please excuse the sarcasm.


Life comes from inside.

No infant is ever going to fully trust us if we don’t allow them to completely express their own unique identities.

That’s because we block them from being themselves! Absolute trust would be foolish!

Now we live without trust! The proof? Secrets! With trust, secrets don’t happen! They aren’t necessary!

Therefore, trust has been compromised!

I realize these are radical things to say!

They are also true things to say!

Life is powered from within!

Accept that, treat infants accordingly, and we get loving, cooperative, compassionate, and playful adults.

Overpower their identities though, and we get this world. Conflict and fighting!

Infants become traumatized when not allowed to be fully themselves, and they grow up to build a traumatized world.

It really is just that simple.

An infant’s inner strength comes from its identity. That’s their self-esteem.

It’s supposed to be who they are!

We seem to have an epidemic of low self-esteem happening!

Could there be a connection?

Of course, there is a connection. Their inner power came from their identity! When their identity isn’t allowed or encouraged, it follows that their self-esteem isn’t allowed either!

People with strong identities are nothing like what we see around us.

They are strong and independent. They are kind and sympathetic. They are completely non-destructive!

Those around us now though, are openly hostile more often than not!

We have caused all of this! Of course, that wasn’t our intention!

It’s our obligation though to parent through reality, not from wishful thinking, or from theories that are only a consequence of our own hurt.


What if we lived on, say some south sea island, among people who supported the unique identities of their young, and enjoyed watching and encouraging their growth through their own resources.

Suppose we considered bundling up our young and controlling their behavior!

What problems might we expect?

Well, with their inner energy restricted, we might expect reduced energy.

With their identity blocked from expression, we would have to expect a much weaker identity! Maybe even confusion!

What about inner-power and health?

There is no way that inner power can survive blocked self-expression.

Their lower self-esteem will of course become a big issue.

It would be a miracle if this unnatural situation didn’t affect health. How might a person’s body fail?

Without self-drive there are going to be self-esteem issues, as well as inner trauma. After all, live is designed to be powered from within!

Bodies are going to have to find new ways to fail from this unnatural attack on their identity.

All of these would be expected. Probably much more.

I expect we are living this experiment right now.

When shall we end it?


We all hurt. We regard it as normal.

It isn’t normal. It isn’t natural. It’s man-made!

Our hurt is responsible for addictions. It’s responsible for the drug industry. It’s responsible for all the evil on the planet.

If we didn’t hurt, we would still be supporting, playing, and enjoying each other, in perfect trust!

Why do we hurt?

Life comes from inside. We enjoyed that for our first year or so.

Then we had to follow orders. Our plans, intentions, and efforts amounted to nothing at all.

Everything we cared about or wanted was ignored in favor of somebody else’s plans.

We had no rights or respect whatsoever. We were expected to obey, always, and like it as well!

Meanwhile we still tried to power our own way until the pressure overwhelmed us and we gave up in humiliation!

This was the collapse of our own inner power.

That hurts. No adult could ever understand how much that hurts!

Not until they’ve dragged it out into the open!

It hurts so much we find a way to remove ourselves from our own feelings!

Then we lose connection with our own needs as well. Also our natural instincts and our awareness of so much of life.

That’s why we hurt! That’s why we drink alcohol! It’s medicine for pain.

All of us want our power and our joy of life back!

There is a mountain of hurt feelings in the way though!

We can have our identity back.

Having lost it though, regaining it has become a trust issue.

Others caused the retreat of our identity, and we need to have it out with others to sort out the inner pain we have concealed.

It’s all about trust. It requires incredible trust to even find some of these hurts within us, and share them.

This process is when we discover how much hurt we have stuffed away in our hearts.

Hearts that once contained only love and joy!

As we gradually release our hurts into the public domain, we come to realize how much hurt we were carrying, and wonder how it was even possible to continue on with a burden that great.

Each and every one of us deserves a medal for not being a complete basket case!

Every life has the right to live from inside, and to be itself!

Our infants need that right!

Grant that, and just about all of humanities problems instantly disappear!

Don’t believe it? Do it! See what happens even within a family!

Life is easy.

We can make it impossible though, by taking over and ignoring everything real!

But the innocent children don’t deserve to suffer the karma!

We work at giving rights to the helpless. But, giving the right to our infants to live their own identity gives us so much more back!

It solves most, if not all of the worlds problems!

Thanks for listening.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com You may need the address if you wish to come back. The links to this site change often.

Good luck on your own journey.

Take care,

Norm Cormier

2 responses to “🎭Life lives its unique identity, or loses connection with it!🎭”

  1. Becca Sinclair Avatar
    Becca Sinclair

    This is wonderful

    1. Thank you for your kind thoughts!

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