🎵 Can we teach the world to sing?🎵

Can we bring peace throughout the world?


We only need to stop damaging what’s perfect!

Life is powered from within!

Why do we fight against that?

That’s a critical need!

It’s vital for life!

If we support and encourage that, we get strong cooperative people!

We get world peace!

That’s all we have to do!

Why can’t we?

Worldwide hate and conflict have grown in step with our prevention of the self-drive of our young.

We want control! We want to believe control is necessary!

The truth? It’s only after our interference that control becomes necessary! And then, it doesn’t work!

We just don’t seem able to let life unfold in the perfect way it does without our interference!

No we can’t! We just have to get in there and destroy everybody’s inborn self-drive and power!

This apparently allows us to feel important.

Unfortunately, it also destroys our social environment.

There is absolutely no real need for all this fighting and hate!

We cause it all!

We just can’t bring ourselves to let our young be themselves!

The trouble all starts when we ignore that natural flow of life and insist on obedience!

Then we get defiance, low self-esteem, and internal disconnection from identities and instincts!

We get conflict and eventually, war!

We cause all the trauma we suffer from!

We just don’t know how to stop damaging lives!

We cause hurt, despair, and fighting.

Even when we learn how to stop doing this, we don’t want to do it!

We cause hate, just as surely as not watering a plant, will cause it to die!

We have chosen conflict and war!

But, we can have peace and cooperation any time we choose.

All we have to do is support the natural flow of life!

Why is it, that nobody wants to hear that?

All life powers itself!

It doesn’t want instructions! It can’t survive instructions and still remain healthy!

Life is a fixed identity at conception, complete with inner power and instincts!

It cannot change, and it cannot survive others trying to change it!

When others do anyway, disassociation happens!

What all life wants and needs is nurture!

It needs and wants protection from danger long enough to be able to manage on its own!

It’s self-driven. It cannot survive being driven by outside forces and still remain healthy!

Our efforts to change others are concentrated on the very young in these times.

Consequently, they need to disassociate to varying degrees, just to survive how much that hurts their lives.

They cannot remain pristine and intact under those conditions.

We all need our instincts.

It’s our common sense.

It’s knowledge and wisdom right from the very beginning of humanity.

It’s infinitely more wisdom than we could ever teach. It’s the inborn wisdom of life!

Can you feel your instincts?

None of us can! That’s why we all live in conflict, under a million rules that just cause more conflict!

People though, by nature, are the most loving creatures on the planet!

We have inner strength, strong identities, and instincts! These fixed identities are “locked in” at conception!

If we wish to keep our children in their original perfect condition, we need to respect and encourage those inner qualities.

These are the power and ability of every life.

We have natural needs! These come from within!

We all need to be able to feel those!

What makes us happy?

If we can still feel our own needs, we know that the one thing we absolutely need is the love and support of others!

Thats what causes us to be good people!

If everybody could still feel their own needs, we would all be good people!

Why can’t we feel our own needs? Others haven’t allowed that since the moment we were born. That’s why!

They just want to tell us what we need!

Our social environment is absolutely crucial to our comfort and quality of life.

With that support, our spirits soar. Without it, we live in despair!

Our young get no support whatsoever in satisfying their own needs.

The immediate consequence is none of us can feel our own needs!

What is the cost of doing this?

War, criminals, and hate throughout the world!

Think about it! Damage every one of our young this severely, and what should we expect? World peace?

Whether we recognize it or not, this is what’s happening.

When we can’t feel our own needs, we don’t know what we need!

We lie and cheat! We suffer the consequences of course!

But, we still can’t sort out what makes us happy!

We can’t feel it!

We need to be able to feel our instincts and our needs!

All other life always does!

Without inner connection, we’re lost. We keep chasing things that only make us feel bad!

That, all by itself, is the cause of world peace!

We should still be feeling our own needs.

We should all be living from our inner power, our identities, and our instincts!

Immediate and complete success every time we allow our young the freedom to do that, ought to be proof enough!

People can only remain strong and loving if their identities and instincts are intact and still available to them!

Without instincts, there can be no morals!

When we can feel how much we need love, we behave well because we want to!

That’s how natural morality works! We can’t fix this with rules! Those just cause more disparity!

When we choose to believe that the earth is flat despite all the clear evidence, it’s relatively harmless.

But, believing that we should be controlling our children has turned our entire population away from trust and into conflict!

Just to get our own way, we have ignored every warning sign and plunged humanity into chaos.

We have all lost the powerful and loving life we should all be enjoying.

Controlled children cannot feel their needs or instincts let alone their own identities.

As adults, they are therefore capable of any atrocity!

Evidence? Those causing all the misery are always those most controlled!

That’s one of those clear and obvious warning signs!

Admittedly, allowing children their own identity will be a difficult road in these times.

Our population has accepted those beliefs that cause all this conflict and damage!

Other parents will assume the kids with instincts and strong identities are just as helpless as the ones without.

They will not recognize the astonishing difference in competence, even though it’s real!

Kids supported in their own drive will be capable and loving.

They will also be responsible, guided by the inner wisdom of their own instincts.

Others just won’t see the difference.

Controlled kids can’t protect their own survival, and can’t be allowed much freedom. It would be dangerous.

They lack instincts and inner strength.

Unfortunately, everybody will continue to see all kids as helpless, needing discipline and strict limits.

Of course, our lack of support is why they’re helpless!

If other parents see strong kids doing things and managing life with infinitely more ability, competence, and responsibility, they’re still not going to realize that difference.

Most kids are in various stages of rebellion. These kids won’t be!

We see this situation come up in the news now and then!

People can’t appreciate that some kids are far more capable than our damaged population.

The difficulties we will face, being supportive parents, will come from other parents and authorities.

They are not going to understand or recognize any difference in the amazingly capable children!

There will be community demands forced upon us as we struggle to allow our children the right to live their own identity.

If we relent and compromise, it will begin the same conflict between us and our children, that the world is used to.

No life wants to be controlled.

And no, they are not going to thank you later! They will just be helpless and confused!

They will end up in therapy, trying to sort out why they hate the parents that they also love!

Life only wants protection until it gets strong enough to manage.

When others see us supporting our children’s inner strength and drive, the community will try to force us to apply control.

It will be a tough transition!

The rewards though, are absolutely everything really important in life!

We all talk about love. Very few of us can actually do it!

People supporting the self-drive of others are the only ones who still have access to their real feelings.

They get to love and be loved! Only them!

Thanks for listening.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com You may need that address to find your way back!

Good luck on your own journey!

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.