🏆Power to the people, it’s our natural right!🏆

Life gets its own power. It’s part of the deal. It makes survival possible.

People call that natural power, self-esteem.

We all start out feeling invincible!

All other life does too, and they get to keep it!

People in full possession of their original power are the best people.

Have any of us ever had trouble with any other person who still feels powerful?

Or, is it always the traumatized that cause hurt? We all know the answer. Our only difficulty is spotting those who hide their trauma well!

Strong people have no need to fight their way to what others consider success. They stand alone, and do the right things, just because they want to.

Our goal needs to be allowing people to keep the natural power they were given to survive with!

Doing this is critical!

It’s the primary difference between a loving community and a chaotic, troubled, and dangerous one!

Encouraging natural power, generates a morally strong community.

Right now, in this world, do we encourage others to keep their natural power?

We do not!

We take people’s power away before they even leave the cradle!

And that’s the one thing that has caused this civilization to be troubled and lonely!

Could there really be a correlation between people who have lost their power, and a hostile, dangerous community?

Of course there is! Look at any ghetto. Look at any culture where some of the most ruthless people keep absolute control. The seeds of trauma are there!

It’s the helpless, desperate, and those needing the approval of others, who cause all the conflict.

Those still feeling their natural inner power simply live their lives productively and happily.

For quite a while now, people have been taking the power away from each other.

How do we do that?

Mostly when our children are little.

Instead of allowing them to challenge the world in the usual way, through their own needs and power, we take over and we insist they be obedient.

The end result of these efforts is adults who feel helpless.

People who feel helpless don’t want to feel that way any more. Therefore they try whatever they can to feel strong. One way is to be wealthy. That doesn’t really work, but it feels like it should.

Therefore one of the consequences of taking away someone else’s power, is greed!

Mankind has invented greed!

It’s not hard to test that observation. Simply look around at situations all around us. If that doesn’t prove it to you, then test it. Encourage your children to feel and use their own power in life, and then watch the change.

All behavior will gradually become more cooperative. Children become stronger! It happens every time. That’s because it’s a “cause and effect” relationship!

This planets entire workload of resolving disputes has been generated by our own insistence that others have no power!

We created the need to arbitrate and punish!

We go to ever greater lengths to make sure people don’t have freedom of action. The thinking is they can’t be trusted to behave well.

Well, it’s true. They can’t. Not now!!!

Not without their inner power that they were born with!

Our solution is always the same. More restrictions. That means less power for everybody.

Unfortunately that’s the one thing that will make things worse.

Feeling a lack of power, everyone competes to be on top!

That’s not even remotely what people are really like! it’s only what people who feel helpless are like!

We could go down the list of horrible things people do, and have done.

In every case, the original trauma causing these cascades of actions which lead up to every terrible thing is, as you guessed, feelings of helplessness!

Terrorism is the latest atrocity to make an appearance. Even if we manage to catch every terrorist, we still can’t gain on the problem. We are making them faster than we can catch them.

We need to put a stop to taking away children’s power.

That alone is a guaranteed, and direct end to terrorism.

None of us can live in a healthy way without first feeling strong!

People don’t have an evil side at all. Bad behavior only happens along with despair!

Presented this way it seems like we have no way to return to honorable behavior.

There is no way back.

We have caused people to feel progressively more helpless, and if we take the lid off now, nobody will behave well.

The way back is blocked by the very behavior we have generated!

It can be done though. We can allow the children to feel strong, right through childhood. They will all behave with honor, quite naturally. Our identity and instincts do that, and these children will still be connected internally to those, as well as their feelings.

With a natural sense of right and wrong, they will put things right as soon as they get big enough. Human identities all agree in a natural way.

Life isn’t complicated when a person is still connected internally. We can feel right from wrong, and everybody has the same basic human values, if and when we can still feel our identity.

Those of us who can’t feel can still benefit from a compassionate environment. Our hurt could use a rest.


There is an elephant in this room!

We have become very good at taking care of other people’s physical needs.

There is something very much more important though, that desperately needs care!

All life has it’s own power. That’s what makes it go!

With that power missing or reduced, there will be consequences, and the physical ones are the least of our worries.

Our population has all suffered a loss of the inner power that should normally makes us feel great, and to happily share with others.

The power we have, or don’t have, is everything to each of us.

It’s the primary dynamic of health!

That’s always been true.

We have cycled through countless divergent relationships among people throughout history, and the driving force has always remained “can we keep our inner power, or can’t we”!

There have been times when we got it right! Wonderful relationship were allowed to flourish. This were times of course, when we got to keep our self-esteem!

Without understanding this cause and effect relationship though, we couldn’t keep it this way.

When we treat inner power first, we have just reduced our workload by a whole lot.

Negative feedback has also been eliminated!

Also, we may have just turned much of our work into play.

Many conscientious people have recognized this need, and are working on providing what they can, and learning.

They deserve our respect and appreciation.

The science though, is in it’s infancy.

Our world has not identified the need to keep the power we were born with, as a real need.

Not yet!

When it does, and it’s coming because all our sciences are taking us there, our race can begin it’s healing.

For now though, none of us got to keep the power we needed to survive in a healthy way.

Most of us have therefore turned to the same solution to help with our hurt. We try to appear important!

Helpless, and without internal power, we all try to make ourselves important in the eyes of others!

This doesn’t work.

It not only works against us, it causes us to become selfish and no longer compassionate.

It actually prevents healing. Other wounds heal but emotional wounds cannot, not as long as we are doing this!

Supporting a person’s attempts to be important in the eyes of others, is counterproductive.

It doesn’t satisfy! It also makes things worse. This is not a real need.

Supporting a person’s real needs, on the other hand, does help.

Being real is important.

Being allowed to own our own power is important. That’s where to start.

We need to respect inner strength, and at the same time ignore any bluster of trying to be important on the world stage. This is only a consequence of lost power. It prevents healing and offends others.

The difference between real needs, and attempts to impress are small, but the resulting changes with encouragement are massive. Both grow!

Supporting one makes life light up, where the other makes life louder, but more helpless.

The outcome of supporting the right behavior is awesome. It’s a real treat to watch. People come alive.

I will try to come back to this, making it clearer as I get better at the explanation.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Thanks for listening,

Good luck on your own journey,

Take care,


I welcome considering other thoughts.