🐣What’s the Best Self-Care?🐣

Self-care normally happens naturally.

Instinct, feelings, needs, and interests all work together, helping us to pursue our goals, which naturally include taking care of ourselves.

The reason we struggle with it at the moment, is because mankind is blocking this natural process.

All life lives it’s identity.

That’s the drive, the power, the motivation, the plan of attack, and feelings.

Across the globe, we have stopped people from being able to live their identity.

It starts at infancy. We simply do not allow our young to live their own identity, and their own spirit. It would be just silly to imagine we could get away with doing something as serious as that, without real consequences!

How do you like the consequences so far?

Understand this, the process feeds itself, into getting progressively worse. Without change, it will get worse!

We request obedience.

Our young go through trauma, ignoring, and defying their own identity, all to please us.

The result is an internal divorce. They block their own identity, believing it to be an embarrassment, because that’s what they are given to understand.

From their early years, they will have nothing but contempt for their own identity. Now does this sound like it could be a problem? Do you think?

With every person having contempt for their own real selves, what could possibly go wrong?

Well, how do you like our world? Is it redundant to point out that it’s not supposed to be at all like this?

Without that firm connection to our identity, our drive, our power, our motivation, and our plan of attack, are all unavailable!

We really need our instincts and morals back before it’s too late, if it isn’t already!

People no longer know “who we are”.

Self-care can no longer happen automatically! Does this sound like the world we live in?

We are isolated, untrusting, anxious, and really don’t know what our goals are.

As a race, we really need to learn how to allow all other life to have their own identity.

People with intact identity are kind, compassionate, loving and playful. That’s where trust and community went!

We want it back!

This is all that has gone wrong. Such a simple deviation from nature, and it has taken us to global conflict, and perhaps even annihilation!!

The present conflict throughout the world is a consequence of exactly this!

It’s all about people without connection to their own identity!

Without meaning to be, these people are always trouble.

Without instinct, we don’t have natural morals. We don’t know our own needs.

It’s just common sense we would be confused and unsure of right and wrong, along with our own goals.

The absolutely best possible self-care is full connection to our own natural identity!

Good luck on your journey,


I welcome considering other thoughts.