👮🏽‍♂️Peace and cooperation are never the results of punishment!👮🏽‍♂️

Think it over!

Punishment is like saying I’m going to hurt you until you become nice!

Seriously, it would take a miracle for punishment to cause happiness, love, and cooperation!

It’s something else entirely that causes cooperation and love!

What’s the real answer then?

How do we create peace and cooperation?

This will be a surprise for most of us!

These qualities already exist within every human!

Peace and cooperation is what humans are all about!

Unintentionally though, we are removing the trust in humans!

We destroy those cooperative qualities in infancy!

How could we be damaging peace?

Somebody, long ago and already damaged, suggested a method of raising our young that causes eventual chaos!

Why do I say somebody already damaged? Because no person still connected with their instincts and needs could be that mistaken!

I would guess this happened long ago, probably in Europe!

We are still following that counterproductive method!

Life needs the freedom to satisfy its own needs!

We don’t allow that freedom!

Our children don’t get the opportunity to live their own identity!

That’s something they must do for themselves. Only they can feel their needs. This is what all life does!

We have taken away their opportunity to take care of their own needs through their own drive!

That’s a deal breaker for any life!

In this way, we damage the inner world of each of our children!

We are causing our young to find it necessary to disconnect from their feelings because of excessive hurt!

Unfortunately, doing that also disconnects their moral conscience through the loss of their instincts and awareness of their own needs!

With our overreaction, we have taken away their ability to manage their own lives!

No life can live this way!

All life has a natural right to live their own identity!

People are naturally loving!

Should it be any surprise, that once we remove their ability to live their own identities, they are no longer the same?

What can be done?

We have invented countles rules to cope with the damage we caused by not allowing people to live as they actually are!

None of these rules were ever necessary!

Undamaged humans are loving and cooperative!

We have caused the need for rules, but all they do is take us to a very dark place. We can see the final results from where we are now, and it’s hostile!

We can’t suddenly stop our rules and punishment though! We have too many damaged people! There would be chaos!

We can, however, stop damaging any more of us!

That would bring peace in every generation that follows!

The rules would then gradually become redundant, leaving only guidelines, which we need to allow us to all work on the same page!

What to do?

Life comes from within!

We let it!

We stop overpowering each infant’s inner drive!

That’s all! That’s all we have to do!

We can fix the world this way!

We can cure the entire world simply by stopping our damage to each infant!

What about guidance for our young?

Won’t they be irresponsible without our guidance?

Life comes from inside!

It is already guided by instincts, and the infant’s needs, but only if the infant can still feel these!

Instincts are the wisdom of the entire human race, right from the very beginning!

The primary need of every human is to be accepted by others, but it has to be as we really are!

Our infants are already guided by the powerful wisdom of their instincts, and by their own need to be loved.

If we interfere, by providing our guidance, will that be an improvement?

What is our guidance? Something somebody once told us? Something we reasoned out based on our own experience, along with things others have told us?

The trouble with our guidance is we know little about humans if we remain unconnected with our own feelings, instincts, and needs!

If we are connected to our instincts, we can see that guidance would only cause harm!

We know nothing about their needs of our infants, but their own instincts do know!

Their inner guidance is already the most professional guidance ever possible.

Leave that in charge and the result is always a strong and loving human!

When we take over, the eventual result is hostility, and hate, or else belief systems that will eventually take us there.

We can’t feel their needs, their instincts, or even our own instincts!

Our guidance is mostly guesswork, based on popular beliefs, and our own convictions, which have nothing to do with them!

If any of us are still connected with our own instincts, we are smart enough to not provide guidance!

That’s because we know life comes from inside, and not from us!

Guided by their own instincts and needs, people are absolutely lovely! They are compassionate and cooperative.

We all know good people exist! What made them good?

Discipline and obedience?

I expect we are all aware of how children turn out after excessive discipline!

What makes people good, is getting support in being exactly who they really are!

Our inner worlds absolutely need to remain in pristine condition!

That alone creates cooperation and trust!

Because that’s who people really are!

This condition also provides people with the highest natural inner power, aka self-esteem, as well as the best health possible for them!

Allowing them to develop on their own is also a win, win situation for everybody. It’s even thousands of times easier.

There are more advantages! These children become invested in everybody’s good fortune, and they help! They actually ask what they can do! It’s true, they really do that!

What do the infants want?

With every cell of their body, they each want acceptance and support in being who they really are!

How can they be who they are, if they’re not allowed to express themselves that way?

Who they really are, is a new life, wanting to strike out and cope with the world in their own order, and through their own strength!

If you want to see a miracle, allow your kids this freedom!

It’s an entirely different world, a wonderful one! A loving one!

On their own, they can easily accomplish things that we now consider impossible. Look how long it took them to learn to walk and talk, all on their own.

This is how all life works.

It’s only humans that obstruct that natural process!

It has cost us dearly!

What about us?

Most, if not all of us, cannot feel our own needs or feelings, let alone our instincts!

We live in anxiety!

Is there any help for us?

Well, what is available right now, is more like a direction than a solution.

With every step in this direction, we get stronger and more anxiety free!

Our world is improving in its understanding of trauma. The process of reconnecting to our inner world is going to get easier as we learn more!

The direction toward reconnection is our acceptance of any inner hurt that we already live with!

We no longer reject it, we live it! That’s no loss! Like it or not, we are already living it!

The difference is, once we accept and live it, it no longer causes us anxiety!

Right now, that’s a long road!

It’s the only road though, that really takes us toward feeling better, stronger, and happier with ourselves!

We just need to stop running away from our own inner hurt.

The more we accept the hurt that we already carry, the stronger, happier, and more stress-free we become! This process also gradually reconnects us with our inner world!

When we run away from hurt, we add to our own reservoir of inner stress, making ourselves worse, rather than more comfortable!

Thanks for listening!

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Good luck on your own journey!

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.