👿The creation of defiance seems to be our special talent!👿

Humans are the most loving and responsible creatures on the planet!

Against all odds though, we have made people argumentative and isolated!

Seriously, cooperation isn’t hard to understand!

It’s instinctive and natural!

Which, we turn into misery and fear as we pressure them!

Direct force is our favorite tool!

Do we really expect force to work?

When it doesn’t work, can we expect even more force to work better?

Who’s in charge here?

We need new management!

Everything we have been taught is guaranteed to make things worse!

We really need to get out of this self-created rat race and begin listening to our inner voices!

In a world of such technological achievement, how can we remain so oblivious to the consequences of our actions?

We pick up that message from our surrounding environment!

Does anybody really expect that to work?

If we were to order everybody to become what we demand, will that create a loving world?

Well, has it?

People are naturally moral, responsible, and really playful!

Accept them as they are, and we get a loving world!

Who are we listening to, that demands we destroy all this glorious life?

If we can get off our high horse, and accept who people really are, we get natural love and responsibility!

We live in fear now! Yes, trust is hard.

But, our control makes it infinitely worse!

Our fear has brought us here!

It can, and probably will take us into even more violence and trouble!

This needs to be turned around!

I’m not asking you to trust me.

The wisdom we need to trust is available to all of us!

The entire existance of mankind carries its own wisdom foreward!

Our infants are in full connection with that wisdom!

We can be too!

It takes work though, now that we have been taught to ignore instinctive wisdom!

We have all been trained to obey rather than live from within!

Our natural behavior would have created a loving world through our instincts!

How do you like this world, that using force on others has caused?

Our ideaology has made life unbearable.

We have no idea how good life can be, and is still waiting to be!

Life naturally feels strong, and trusting.

It’s exciting and fun! We don’t have to prove a thing!

Those around us are all trusted friends!

That expectation is still within each of us!

Not only is this attainable, but for goodness sake, it’s our default condition!

It took a lot of effort to push us into hating others!

Can we slow down, or reverse this race to oblivion?

We need to trust our instincts!

We need to trust the instincts of others!

Seriously, that’s all it takes!

We must stop bulldozing others!

This begins with our infants!

Life comes from within, and it’s fully qualified to do so!

All life is! That’s what it’s designed to do!

Leave it alone, and reap the love!

Want to talk about competence? Awesome. Let’s talk!

There is no comparison to natural life!

Our ways are raising the most helpless creatures ever brought forth!

The most troubled too!

All the wisdom in life comes from within! That’s true for plants as well.

As with all life, people are supposed to feel powerful!

Leave them to self-grow, and they will automatically challenge life with all-out gusto!

They only need protection to do that!

They only want protection!

What they don’t want, with all the passion of life itself, is to be ordered about until they have no power or direction left in their hearts!

Life comes from within!

Can we please stop preventing that, and causing consequential helplessness and despair?

Ironically, allowing our infants their own lives is thousands of times easier than what we do now.

But, that was bound to happen.

We have been thwarting nature, and subsequent trauma is to be expected!

Imagine children anxious to help, and to share the hurts of life!

Well, for goodness sake, that’s the natural state for humans!

All we need to do is stop preventing it with our orders!

Thanks for listening! I hope the message was strong enough for some to experiment with the insight. For those that do, congratulations!

You have found the beginning of the road to peace, cooperation, and feeling really, really great.

We all knew that road existed!

It should really come as no surprise that the road to world peace was not at the end of forced compliance!

That road takes us to a place we don’t want to even think about! Perhaps we’re almost there!

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your journey!

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com You will likely need that address to return.

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.