đź’ŽOur Real Identity Wants Us To Live “Full Out” Again!đź’Ž

Our real identities are in prison!

Every one of us has a real identity. It contains instincts as well as racial wisdom, and everything else that makes us uniquely us, such as our special skills, wishes, needs, morals, and our sense of who we are.

There is infinitely more wisdom and fairness here, than laws could ever compete with.

That identity of ours, uses our feelings to guide us safely through life.

The problem these days is people have fallen out of the habit of allowing others to have any identity, at all.

That’s right, we don’t allow others to who they really are!

Our attempts to improve others through stopping, and correcting them, moves them further away from their own identity.

It’s become our habit. It makes peace, trust, and cooperation worse though, instead of better.

If we wish to enjoy helpful, and cooperative people that we can share everything with, the way to do that is to encourage their real identity, not shut it down.

The quickest confirmation of this truth is observation. Those most controlled are always the most disconnected from their own morals. Dictators are an excellent example.

Our science is great.

Our understanding of people’s real nature though, is terrible. That misunderstanding is probably because people’s hurt, is standing in the way of recognizing truth!

Either way, our attempts to manage, are working against us.

That’s why freedom seems to go bad. While we admire freedom, we don’t give it to our own children. We deny them their original identity.

This is in reality, the worlds basic problem. Changing this one thing, fixes everything!

The quickest proof is observation. Our most lovely cultures came, as we allowed the kids the most freedom to be themselves.

Looking at the situation that way, it almost seems obvious!

Support everybody else’s real identity, and get comfort and imagination back! Fight with it, and live in conflict!

The crowd is usually, if not always, wrong about our human situation.

To have a loving relationship, we need to unlearn most of what assumed was true.

That’s all that’s wrong. Treat another person as though their identity is just as important as ours, and that will become a trusting, and loving relationship.

Begin ordering each other around like our social system expects, and it’s conflict and fighting, all the way through life, as well as increasing numbers of people without morals!

Our efforts make things worse, not better, because our understanding of life is the wrong way around!

If we look for the roots of war, it starts with removing the freedom to be themselves, from our own infants!

That’s where we are. Can we run through it again for clarity?

It starts in infancy.

All life gets nature’s support in living and thriving directly from the efforts of their own identities.

People though, right now, are not allowing the same thing, for their own young.

We tell our infants and children what to do, and their identity is absolutely ignored. Any effort made from a child’s own identity, is quickly discouraged and corrected.

By the time a child is strong enough to stand up for themselves, their identity feels like a mistake, like a bad part of themselves.

Having our identity ignored, hurts. It hurts badly enough that we learn to avoid our own feelings. Having done that, our identity has no path any more, to guide us with.

All we have left is the rules, and hopefully everybody is learning that these alone, are pretty much useless.

People disconnected from their identity have no morals, and are capable of anything. There are some good examples in our world right now!

Is it clear and obvious that times of strong identity are the best of times, and those times where self identity has been crushed, are the times of horror?

How can we get our own identity back? It’s not easy. The more of our own feelings we can manage to accept as real and important parts of ourselves, and assimilate, no matter how much it hurts, the more of our own identity we get back.

It’s only when we allow our fears, and our shame to become public, that we discover there was never anything wrong with us, and we have the right to be extremely proud of who we really are, and always have been!

It hurts. Every bit of progress feels terrible. On the other hand, we get our lives back!

Good luck on your journey. Thanks for allowing me to tag along.


I welcome considering other thoughts.