๐Ÿ’‘Real people, in their free and natural condition are loving, kind, and playful!๐Ÿ’‘

Mankind hasn’t even tried freedom yet!

When we do, we will get the expected result. A happy, fun-loving creature, who desperately needs the love and acceptance of others, and who will do absolutely anything for them.

That’s a long way from what we see right now, isn’t it? It’s also utopia.

Why the staggering difference?

The difference is hurt!

Do we see any other living creature screaming and carrying on, in their very early development?

We do not. We see gathering strength, peace, play, and amazing efforts to develop.

All life has identity! It drives life.

What would happen if we prevented a life’s own identity from asserting itself, and developing competence in the normal way?

We don’t have to wonder!

This world is what happens. No place feels safe here!

Misery and war has happened. People live in hurt and despair!

Can this be repaired?

Easily! Far more easily than what we do now!

Can anyone imaging bringing up kids without conflict?

Well, that’s what happens!

We have all been listening to the wrong people!

Left alone, without outside influence, every one of us would bring our young up in our own instinctive way, each one being allowed and encouraged to power and manage their own development.

Then we get natural people, loving, connected, and wanting nothing more than to be loved, and be part of our community.

That’s natures way, as well as our own instinctive way!

Assuming we wish to abandon this troubled and dangerous world, and move back to trust and community, we have much to unlearn!

Mankind has been confused about this for a long time.

All our sciences are taking us to the same realization, at long last! Many people are in therapy, and countless others would like to be. The goal is to express what hurts inside, and get those destructive memories and feelings out of the way.

The usual method of living with excessive hurt, is to take over other lives. Control other people. Somehow it makes the hurt easier to bear. That’s why men make rules for women.

This solution causes some immediate relief, then a relentless increase in overall hurt, as others back away. Life becomes increasingly lonelier, until death. Civilization goes into increasing conflict, causing even more hurt! Ask Adolf how that turned out for him.

There is a better way to live through this hurt. Better for others, but surprisingly, far better for the person who hurts.

We leave others alone to be themselves, and begin work on our own hurt. This is not only doable, but also provides steady improvement in our overall comfort, and relationships.

We all want to be ourselves!

Well, why on earth aren’t we?

Getting at what hurts takes us on a path that gradually opens up, leading us inevitably to our early years!

Our early years? Shouldn’t that tell us something!

As we develop skills in listing the rights of people who have somehow become victims, the list is always the same.

The right to be themselves, without pressure to be anything else!

Can we take these natural rights, put them together with our own instinctive tendencies, and allow our infants and children to be themselves?

Now really, how could that possibly be a bad thing? The feedback is all love, trust and cooperation. Isn’t that confirmation enough?

Admittedly, the world is going to push back, in it’s mistaken grasp on what it thinks is reality.

I understand it is difficult to accept that all the world’s problems get fixed with this one easy change.

Think about it though. What changes would you expect if you were to remove someone’s identity?

See what I mean. It’s not only an unnatural thing to do, it’s a critical health and self-esteem issue!

It would be expected that we would see some bizarre and enormous consequences!

Well, here we are! This is the world that became created that way!

It’s been a painful experiment. Even the winners suffer in ways nature never intended!

Can we move back to trust, and feeling safe, now that we know how?

We can begin with our infants.

We allow them to manage their own development, all through their own resources.

Check out the rest of all life. Yes, that’s what they all do. They also “live out loud”, without the lack of self-confidence that causes the need for secrets!

That’s all! We don’t even have to do anything! We only have to stop doing damage!

The quickness with which infants learn to walk and talk will no longer end at that point. The drive to learn and survive can remain at true strength, the natural way for a change.

By school age it will be too late to crush their identity. They will be too strong! School will become a place to voluntarily go and learn what they need, or want next.

Think they won’t use that? Remember the never ending questions? This time, with trust instead of hurt, the questions won’t stop!

Making them be obedient at this point will be impossible.

The average person has no idea how insanely powerful even a small child can be, with the full drive of their own entire self-esteem, and while feeling righteous! It’s a force to just sit back and admire.

It won’t take many of these powerful children to reach a tipping point, where society begins to change.

That’s because truth rules throughout the group. Truth is obvious when the need to lie is gone.

Right now, our world is divided, with each person believing in their own brand of surviving this chaos.

Within a new group, with intact identities, everyone is pretty much of the same opinion. That’s what happens wherever people have high self-esteem.

With good self-esteem, truth is not only obvious, but also easy to live with. Everybody arrives on the same page!

With poor self-esteem, the resulting fear from being alone and vulnerable, causes defensive thinking, which is divisive, causing more fear throughout the system. That’s where we are now! That’s why civilization spirals into getting steadily worse.

There will be many concerned about the loss of control.

That’s once again, listening to the wrong people!

It doesn’t work like that!

Got someone you care about? Release all control. Allow them to be whoever they want to be. On one hand you stop getting what you demand. On the other hand, an entirely new world appears!

They will quickly revert to whoever they are at the present stage of their development.

Without hurt, that stage would be their identity, but none of us are that lucky. This world is divided into those gradually regaining their original identity, and those running for cover by burying their hurts, and trying to control whoever they can!

When our control over them stops, others will begin the process of developing in whichever way they were headed. Our control had them locked in place.

We get the real person. Without control people are far nicer, even the bad ones. The relationship can now proceed in it’s natural way. Trust will be at an all time high. More often than not, we fall into a loving relationship.

With the very young, we always fall into a loving relationship. They haven’t had time yet to fight off their natural honesty and love.

Loss of control is always the best thing that could ever happen to anybody. A destructive person will be less destructive. A loving person suddenly shows up for who they are.

We will eventually be forced to give up control anyway, even if it’s on our deathbed. Who wants to feel like Putin when that happens?

Our desire for control has caused every bit of the damage we see around us!

When we insist for it, with our children in the cradle, we damage their connection with their identity. They cannot honor the power of their instinctive identity, and obey us as well! Once they give in to our demands, they will never again be at peace within themselves, or the world.

If we stop our demands for control, it all goes back to normal.

The promised Garden of Eden! Utopia! Trusting, understanding people all around!

As a part of mankind, we did all this damage to ourselves!

All because we want the security of control!

Kids don’t control! It was also the happiest time of our lives!

Does that tell us anything?

Our very existence is implausible. The setting is incomprehensible. What’s after forever? Well, what’s after that? What’s beyond the edge of everything? Once again, then what?

Perhaps we are here to learn the art of acceptance, never control.

If that’s true, we aren’t doing well as a race. There have been some really special people along the way though.

Either way, lack of control begins the process of bringing back self-esteem, our instincts, imagination, spontaneity, and our feelings. Every small effort produces immediate positive results.

The difficult part is believing in our own instincts, and ignoring the convoluted messages we get from the system that brought us to this point!

There is good. There is natural right. There is safe, kind and loving life.

Listen to our hearts, our inner power, and our own instinctive right and wrong.

The legal and prison systems will become redundant!

All the badness comes from the fear of being alone, without safety, without our identity, and without support from most others. When we do get support, it’s usually under somebodies rules!

We all need support in being ourselves. That’s the finest thing we can ever be. It’s also the strongest, and most fun!

This post is part of clarity-of-nnocence.com

Good luck on your own journey.

Norm Cormier.

2 responses to “๐Ÿ’‘Real people, in their free and natural condition are loving, kind, and playful!๐Ÿ’‘”

  1. I like this .

    1. Thanks Beck. This is the first time a post has ever been read before it got posted on Blogarama.

I welcome considering other thoughts.