💖❌As we choose identity, or else obedience, the world follows.❌💖

The best relationship on the planet is between a mother, still connected with her instincts, and her baby.

It’s about trust, it’s peaceful, and if left to mother’s instincts, and not the pressure of humanity, it’s cooperative and loving.

I expect people will agree, it’s the best life we ever knew!

Life lives from instincts, identity, and a trusting balance with nature, where in many ways, we feel our environment.

We didn’t ever have to lose that. Other life doesn’t.

This is Mother Nature’s way.

Natural parenting is to stand by, with support and occasional assistance, as new life learns to thrive, through it’s own resources.

This is the normal way for all life. It brings out the best! It is healthy and natural.

Mankind found a short cut!

The world has lived in chaos ever since!

Rather than watch as children develop their abilities and skills, mankind tells them what to do, before they can learn on their own.

Sounds like an innocent action, doesn’t it?

That alone, has turned life into hell!

Each infant and child struggles with their identity. They cannot be who they are, and also be obedient!

They have to choose, and if they choose their own identity, they will suffer never ending punishment.

They struggle with natural instincts, or obeying the rules!

It’s a lifetime struggle, exactly matching the issues of good or bad.

And let’s be clear! Abandoning our identities is all about bad! That’s what leads to conflict.

This all sounds like a minor problem so far, does it not?

Well, here comes a real eye opener! Are you ready? Drum roll please!!!

All human civilization on the planet, echo’s the very same struggle!

Our inner struggle, turns up on the big screen.

Freedom or dictatorship, it’s the very same issue!!!

It makes sense, doesn’t it. Who would have thought, though!

Who would ever thought, that all these seemingly unrelated issues and problems, are simply one system of cause and effect, playing itself out!

Of course, the very same dynamic is being played out in every issue that we face today. People divide themselves into one camp, or the other. It’s good verses evil, all through social media, politics, and everything in between. What far reaching consequences!

It just goes to show, we really can’t hide anything. It’s going to turn up somewhere, somehow!

That certainly suggests that the best plan is to be an honorable person! Then there’s nothing to hide!

Not only that, every thought allows us to feel proud of ourselves. Now, that’s a good life!

It’s important to keep in mind that our happiness depends very much on being able to be proud of who we are!

Managing differences, and still respecting identities!

It should be brought to light that once we allow our kids their right to live their own identity, there will still be times when we want different things. How do we cope?

Compared to the resentment and emotional damage that differences cause now, it’s a small problem, without hostility.

However it exists. When we take the leap, and allow our kids their natural right to power their own life, a new relationship happens that we have no experience with!

Not many of us have worked on this level, where we must not demand our own way through brutal power.

That method cannot be used anymore, so how do we deal with differing wishes?

It will be a whole new environment. Resentment will not exist. Distance between people will never have happened. All parties will love and trust each other openly.

But you have to go to work, and they want to stay and play!

Cooperation will not have been destroyed. Communication is open and not riddled with emotional traps and expectations.

How do we manage this?

The secret is identities. They must remain equal!

Small and weak as children are, the identity of each life carries the same immense power.

We see that balance in nature all the time.

The secret is, we manage the needs of the moment.

When every party recognizes that need is the determining factor in every decision, agreement comes quick and easy, without resentment. Trust is absolute!

When we announce we must leave now, they will understand, because they have never been lied to, and because they recognize it’s a real necessity.

We don’t get our way all the time, and neither do they.

Even the negotiation is delightful in this new relationship!

Not getting our own way probably sounds exhausting and impossible to live with, but in this new world, it isn’t.

This is a whole different life. Our energy hasn’t been drained by endless exasperation and conflict. Our energy has been boosted by love, and voluntary cooperation.

We feel on top of life, and ready to go.

This post is part of the blog, clarity-of-innocence.com. There are many posts.

Thanks for listening. Take care,


2 responses to “💖❌As we choose identity, or else obedience, the world follows.❌💖”

  1. Becca Sinclair Avatar
    Becca Sinclair

    That was informational and made me chuckle .
    In a good way.. drum roll please!!!

    1. Thank you. Who would have thought? The more unrelated issues we begin to understand, the simpler the entire picture becomes.

I welcome considering other thoughts.