💖Love is the opposite of conflict!💖

Is conflict ever necessary?

Absolutely not!

People who hurt have invented it!

If we don’t trigger it, it doesn’t happen!

Life comes from within! It’s self-managing!

It can turn up, live, and then die, all without our interference!

There may be struggle, yes. But there will not be bad feelings, despair, depression, discouragement, or hate.

All the anger in this world is caused by us, as we attempt to control that which is already independent, self-sufficient, and by design, committed to following its own path.

We start early, with our own infants!

What do they want from us?

What do they need?

They want, and need only protection!

They need time to get strong!

They want to keep their identities and their instincts!

They want respect and their natural right to be themselves!

They are designed to be self-driven!

If we could feel our own instincts, we would know that!

In spirit, they are born our equal!

If we can allow them to keep that inner strength, they will show their never-ending love, support, and absolute responsibility!

Their instincts guide them!

Conflict, the way we live with it today, will never appear!

We cause it all!

Thanks for listening!

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Good luck on your own journey.

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.