๐Ÿ’–What if I want old fashioned love, with absolute trust?๐Ÿ’–

For that, we have to step away from what the kids are saying!

We also have to step away from what the media is telling us!

After that, we have to step away from what most of the authorities are telling us as well!

Our world has made assumptions as to how people and life work.

Some of these assumptions are very, very wrong! Reality has been left behind in our popular beliefs!

It’s not difficult to see truth!

We do that by always accepting truth, and only truth, no matter how uncomfortable or painful!

That’s how we become wise! The further we go down this road, the more obvious truth gets!

There must be some reason, probably economic, for the way we are being mislead in these times, and for our willingness to believe whatever we are told!


We assume all people are capable of doing bad and destructive things!

That’s not true!

We think that with laws, we can make them behave!

That’s also wrong!

Neither of these things is anywhere near the truth!

The reason for bad behavior happens in the early years.

It’s about our inner power, our self-esteem!

If we got to keep that, we will be fully connected internally, and no matter what happens to us we will be forever kind and gentle, never destructive!

That’s the real nature of a healthy person!

If we didn’t get to keep any of the natural inner power that nature provides, we will be hurting, and somewhat disconnected internally!

This is the cause of bad behavior, and because less of us get to keep our own inner power these days, our world is getting more and more bad behavior as time is going by!

Simple, isn’t it!

A bit of trial and error, plus some observation confirms this.

What about punishment then?

When we punish a person who hurts so much internally that they are already behaving poorly, we are of course making it worse! We are adding more hurt. We stop one poor behavior and cause three others!

Want good behavior? Forget punishment. Allow the young to keep their natural inner power in their early years!

Then they feel good. The reason for bad behavior doesn’t exist in the first place!

Can you see how this way of seeing life actually fits what we see all the time, far better than what we are being told!

In practice, it works.

We see kind and gentle people around us! This is the difference! This is what happened to them!

We see mean and angry people too. This, once again, is what happened to them!

Thinking it through, it doesn’t take long to realize that those angry people are also the ones who never got to keep any natural inner power at all. That was their self-esteem! They hurt! They feel helpless! They are helpless!

With this in mind, despair and suicide make more sense! There is an understandable reason.

All life needs its own inner power. Its provided at conception! It needs to be respected and protected! No more despair or suicide!


Our beliefs regarding emotional life are just as wrong as our beliefs in punishment!

If we want a truly trusting relationship, we need to get off of that “right to get our own way” pedestal!

We accept what others are willing to give!

That’s it! That the whole story!

Oddly enough, that’s also nature’s balance in real and natural life as well!

It becomes our responsibility to identify and connect with another person willing to give the things we need!

What a concept! Find somebody we can get along with!

When we attempt to force others to provide what we have decided we need, is it any wonder that the result is conflict?

Think about it! How could it not be!


That’s the story! It’s accurate! It works!

End the struggle and accept others the way they are. If it’s not good enough, bite the bullet, accept reality, quit fighting, and learn to spot and befriend people who do work well with others!

All the bad feelings have disappeared! You can see clearly now!

Every reason to fight is gone. It’s safe to give unconditionally, without fear of being taken advantage of!

Now this is a relationship! We see it sometimes and we all want that for ourselves!

Well, demanding it won’t work! Is that obvious?

Trust is required!

Have you ever fully trusted another who demanded what they wanted from you?

Many think they have! It’s impossible though. That’s not what trust is! Trust is acceptance, not demands!

What has just been presented here is an entirely different world than the one we normally live in!

It’s the world of trust and love!

Do you see how rare those qualities are these days?

The reason has been exposed to the light!

Having lived in both worlds, I am here to say, “never, ever, ever, settle for less that a fully trusting world!

Your inner life, and probably your health, depend on it!

Thanks for listening,

Good luck on your own journey,

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,


2 responses to “๐Ÿ’–What if I want old fashioned love, with absolute trust?๐Ÿ’–”

  1. wow!

    1. Best comment ever!

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