💡A better world happens when we feel strong!💡

Want a troubled world, then make people feel helpless!

Some families do that all the time. The animosity and fighting are easy to see.

How can we tell when someone feels helpless?

They always try to be important in the eyes of others.

Mankind has created the need to appear important.

We did it through limiting the ability of the young to keep the power they were born with.

Looking around at our world, trouble surrounds the helpless.

Those who feel strong just live, enjoy others, and play. They feel no need to conquer.

The whole trick to peace and happiness is to allow people to keep their own natural strength.

When we do feel helpless, the last thing we want is for others to know.

Therefore, we fake strength. This is not like real strength. It’s competitive. It’s at the expense of other people.

It’s fear.

It’s the driving force in every person who tries to control others.

We all already know what kind of environment we get when everybody lives in fear. It’s our world now, and it’s not good!

This has nothing at all to do with how people really are!

It’s a demonstration of how humans behave when stripped of their natural power!

How are we making people feel helpless?

We take away their motor! We don’t allow them to live their own lives through their own resources.

All life is given the power to survive.

That power is very important, critically important.

Not recognizing that basic human need has caused all the trouble we live with!

This is what we have to recognize!

This is the need we have to support!

All other life on the planet encourages that original energy.

We don’t recognize that energy, respect it, or even allow it to remain in place.

This is a relatively new situation. It arrived as a result of adults not allowing their children to attack survival through their own resources!

Every life is given the power to survive! Keeping that power is a natural right.

Take it away, and the feelings of helplessness begin.

Well, we have done exactly that.

We did this damage unintentionally of course, with the best of intentions.

Nature doesn’t care if it was unintentional. Cause and effect is nature’s way! There is no wriggle room.

Fear has now become mankind’s default condition.

Without the natural power we were born with, doesn’t it make perfect sense that the result would be fear?

Do we want a cooperative world, where people like each other, help each other, play together, and live out loud?

We can have that.

All we have to do is to stop taking away the power of our young!

Every one of us is born feeling powerful!

We call it self-esteem.

It was intended to boost us all through life!

It’s our motor!

As with all life everywhere, identity is already fixed and complete at conception.

None of this can be changed.

Our job as caregivers is to allow room for our children to learn and to find their own way!

Doing this removes conflict!

Their identity is trying to learn and to survive.

If we overpower that, we cause hurt.

Two forces are trying to run the same life.

The result is a conflict of wills. We have the advantage.

They lose.

Do you suppose their identity might have been important to them?

Losing connection with that hurts so much they disassociate to ease the pain.

Now the trouble begins!

We all need our natural drive and power if we are going to have the energy to accomplish things, and to live out loud.

With it, we are in our most kind and compassionate condition!

Without it, we don’t know who we are, what we need, or even what we want. We have to sit down and decide these things.

What chance have we got to get this right, and satisfy our real needs?

None at all!

We need love, acceptance, and freedom of expression.

We chase money instead. It doesn’t satisfy, and we eventually become selfish and cranky.

Relationships do satisfy our real needs!

We need our original power to know and to feel that!

Allow that, and the whole world gets better!

That’s the situation! Understanding it makes change possible. Life gets better with every inch we gain.

We have to allow our children to find their own way on their own timetable.

They will do it far better and faster than when we try to make them! Defiance never happens!

It’s how life was meant to be. It’s the normal pattern.

It also allows us to work with them while everybody loves and enjoys each other!

That puts them in their very best and strongest condition.

It also returns the world to peace and community!

Thanks for listening,

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Good luck on your own journey,

Take care,


2 responses to “💡A better world happens when we feel strong!💡”

  1. This is a good read, and to the point

    1. Thanks for the encouragement.

I welcome considering other thoughts.