💡Our Own Needs Are The Best Guide Ever!💡

How else can we aver possible know for sure what makes us happy?

How many of us can feel what we need?

As infants, these drove our goals.

Can anybody even remember that?

Need is the driving force of all life.

It’s only humans that can’t feel it any more.

Once that happens to us, how can we make ourselves happy?

That’s the reason the world is troubled.

Without connection to our needs, we chase the wrong goals!

Happy people are strong and non-destructive.

When humans are undamaged, life is loving communities!

Troubled people hurt. Then they destroy the surrounding environment trying to feel right again.

Why can’t we feel our needs?

We can’t feel our identities either!

Or most of our feelings. Or our instincts. Or most of what our own bodies are trying to tell us.

What could cause all this damage?

Other people unintentionally caused it!

Disconnection was the only escape for each of us from the hurt our own upbringing was causing!

Our upbringing was hurting us?

Unintentionally, mankind has absolutely demolished the most critical rule of life!

All life is driven from the inside!

It has to be! That’s what life is!

Everything about our lives was already fixed at conception, we are who we are, and none of it can be changed.

Trying to change any part of that only makes it worse. We are already the best we can ever be, right from the start!

Each life already has a fixed identity which is absolutely perfect for that life!

Nowhere, in mankind’s point of view, is there any awareness, appreciation, or respect for this universal truth!

What are the consequences of that unfortunate lack of understanding?

The shattered identity of every human that this civilization can reach!

When our identity is not allowed to reach out and manage learning and life for us, it hurts us!

That’s what life is, that’s what it was built to do, and it will go down, still trying!

Is this an exaggeration?

Not one bit!

Pain, and trouble are the consequences.

All of us have become used to life this troubled.

We expect our children to rebel. We expect teenagers to defy us. We expect everybody to have different opinions! We think people have evil in them! We think we need a zillion laws to keep the peace. We think that with enough police we can put a lid on the destruction!

None of this is real!

These are all consequences!

Of what?

Not allowing our children to live from their own energy!

That’s quite a shock!

How do we know if this is true?

The truth is, and always has been, right in our faces for our entire lives.

Try handing your children their own lives! Watch the instant change!

Mankind simply chooses to be the boss of our children anyway.

We accept the destruction!

Children may fight back, but they have no chance of winning.

Why would we do that?

We wouldn’t. Not when we can feel our own needs!

The unfortunate truth is, we can’t!

Here we are, all of us stuck in this same trap!

The only way out is to allow our children to power their own lives!

Bingo! This is the magic that fixes!

Kids are natural life, and that’s the way life works! It’s all designed to find its own way.

It’s the only way to remain strong and healthy!

Being fully connected internally, and therefore emotionally healthy, the environment they create will be healthier!

The world’s healing can begin!

Unfortunately, most of us will be against that!

Surprisingly, this is not about what we believe!

It’s about how helpless we all feel!

Without our instincts, feelings, or even our identities, we feel an overpowering need to control other people!!

That’s just what happens when we feel helpless!

What’s the fastest way to find out how disconnected another person is?

Their need to control others is the perfect tell!

Disconnected people just have to control others!

In this condition, there is no thrill. There is mostly fear.

Can we make it better?

Sure, let others enjoy their own power! It fixes everything!

How can we help someone else feel powerful, while we feel this helpless?

It isn’t easy, and we don’t!

How do we fix this?

There is only the one way!

We back off and allow our kids to power their own development.

The instant results will be spectacular!

The opposition

All those who don’t intend to follow this path of allowing others to remain independently powerful, will choose to see this process as a failure, no matter how astonishing the results!

It can be discouraging being a human, can’t it?

Many of us want more out of life. We just want to feel right!

We go to therapy. We share our hurts. They take us to childhood issues.

We coax awareness of our inner world to return.

What we need and want slowly begins to reappear to us.

Connection within ourselves begins to happen.

Does any else see this continuous process as a tragedy and a waste?

Why does every one of us need to recover from our own childhood?

We can each do our part to end this! We allow others to own their own power!

That’s natural and healthy!

It’s also peaceful and compassionate.

It’s the way all life is designed to function!

Everybody feels good, lives with natural honor, and does only good things.

It’s taking away the power of any life that can cause so much destruction!

That’s an unnatural thing to do, and it causes pain that spreads throughout the world!

Thanks for listening,

Good luck on your own journey,

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,


2 responses to “💡Our Own Needs Are The Best Guide Ever!💡”

  1. This post is great!!

    1. Thanks! I am usually afraid that I might go beyond what others are willing to accept. I think I have to just say what I am trying to express and trust others to judge for themselves.

I welcome considering other thoughts.