💥Our health and energy come directly from self-esteem!💥

Our original selves lived full out, with force and power, no secrets, and nothing held back.

That’s the way we used to be, and we felt invincible!

We haven’t felt like that since we were little!

I don’t expect this is a surprise to anybody. We can all feel the difference!

The surprise though might be the cause of it.

All life comes into this world with a powerful driving force, and the will to explore, understand, and survive at all costs!

That’s pretty easy to see in our infants.

Well, how serious would it be if we were to take that power, and consequently that energy, away from any creature?

I expect everyone is in agreement that it would be a serious thing, probably with consequences!

Where would it get the energy to survive, or to do things?

This actually does happen.

Our children don’t get to keep their all important power of life!

Without meaning to, we cause them to disown it!

That was their self-esteem!

Life is designed and intended to power its own way.

We see that in all of nature, and in every living thing!

Mankind needs to support the power of other life!

Most important of all, we need to support the power and the drive of our own children!

Our survival as a race depends on it.

That alone fixes just about every problem we all struggle with.

It fixes fear!

Fear causes defensiveness, anger, and hostility.

These feelings in turn cause greed, hate, and the wish to control everybody else.

It’s fear that is causing all the fighting everywhere!

Without fear, there are no feelings of unimportance, no insecurity, no anxiety, no defensiveness, and no war!

What causes fear?

Feeling powerless. Then helpless!

It’s only the troubled and helpless that fight with everybody.

The strong cooperate, support, and play.

We want to believe that it’s ok to ignore or to overpower the drive, and the attempts of our young to venture out and challenge their environment through their own resources.

If we stop them from living from their own energy, will there be consequences?

Of course there will. What are the consequences?

How can we get an answer?

Well, that’s not too hard!

We simply watch the difference when we encourage the natural power of a newborn!

I expect most of us already suspect what we are going to see.

An explosion of energy and exploration. Most of it will be more dangerous than we are comfortable with.

That says more about us than it does about them.

Life is a dangerous existence. Creatures die. The more power they feel, the smaller the chance that they will die early!

That’s because the ones still feeling powerful have instincts, feelings, senses, awareness, and everything we get, all working together to provide common sense and reflexes.

This is how natural life feels.

We need to allow our children to feel like that!

If they can, then we don’t get defiance. We don’t get anger either, which means no bullying.

As it turns out, just about all the bad feelings, conflict and violence come from the same action.

That action is not allowing our children to live from their own power, as all other life does!

The safest thing we can do is support every creature in their own efforts and curiosity!

When it comes to humans, these kids will be the survivors.

Some may hurt themselves, and some may die. That’s just the way it is. The absolute best advantage though, is having reflexes and awareness.

That doesn’t happen to over-controlled or over-protected kids.

Any surprise, and down they go!

Kids allowed to function through their own resources react! They survive!

These kids and adults will be far less likely to ever get badly hurt.

Enforced safety doesn’t do that. It creates the most helpless of all!

Feeling powerful offers the best safety available to us!

That’s because of the resultant competence, skill, confidence, and ability.

In the presence of inner power, energy connects with instincts, as well as external and internal awareness to a degree that we have forgotten is even possible.

We cannot have both. When we force safety, we have removed their own natural right to live from their own drive and identity!

That’s a dangerous and unhealthy condition for any creature to be in.

The movie Avatar may be pure imagination, but it demonstrates what we all really know. The skills of life come from experience and reflexes.

It requires courage to allow that much freedom!

It’s the best safety available!

Any of us with the full power of our own identity, have the courage to stand off and allow others to find their own way.

Without our power though, we fear everything! We are too frightened to allow freedom!

Keeping our own power hardly happens any more! Most of us will have to go through therapy to get our own power back!

This is obviously not a good way to manage life!

Which brings us to the title of this discussion. Our energy comes from our original power.

It’s our self-esteem!

Plug into as much of that as we can, and we come alive!

Of course we do. What else would we expect?

It’s because this is nature’s way, developed over centuries of trial and error!

When we compare a child allowed to keep their inner strength to a controlled child, there will be other differences as well.

There will be an absence of inner conflict. Stress is absent.

Every child has a critical need to power their own way, and if the can’t, they lose their driving force.

Our own driving force takes us in an entirely different direction! A very healthy one!

It doesn’t cause defensive goals.

Everything we do, when we still feel naturally powerful, comes from our real needs!

There are countless accounts of people becoming healthier through sharing the emotional trauma of their past. I am one of them. I have never again suffered an anaphylactic reaction since I did that.

Emotional trauma should not ever happen!

Stay feeling powerful, and our health remains with us.

Lose it, and trauma accompanies the hurt we suffer.

No child has ever voluntarily surrendered their own survival power!

They fight back to exhaustion, but eventually have to give up the struggle.

Do you think that might have an effect on the child?

It would be a miracle if it didn’t, wouldn’t it!

Any inner stress would be completely missing in a child allowed to follow its own heart!

What about relationships? How would this child feel about us?

That’s just too easy. Feeling nothing but support and encouragement from us, they are going to trust and consequently love us to death!

They will automatically feel the same way about everybody else too! That’s an awesome environment to grow up in!

What about health?

What do you suppose the cause of psychosomatic diseases might be?

As we take away personal power, we get an increasing amount of these diseases! We have a lot of them now.

Could there be a connection? We will see when we test it out, but we already know what the answer is going to be.

Is it obvious that taking someone’s power away is going to result is some stress?

Now we come to the real problem!

Deep down we understand much of this, and recognize truth here. There is no way to dispute the evidence that appears every time.

But we still want, and we still intend to take over our children’s lives anyway!

It’s our own need that is causing all these problems!

It’s not even a real need. It doesn’t come from our real, original instincts and power!

It’s a result of our own helpless feelings, from having our own power taken away in our long distant past!

It’s a symptom of our own fear, and need for comfort!

What are we going to do with that?

This path that we are on does not end well, and we can see that!

Stripping our young of their own power over their own life has made them helpless and defensive.

Helpless people don’t have the strength to cooperate. They don’t have reflexes either. They hide and defend themselves, leading to suspicion of others, and this situation always works it’s way into fighting.

Our insistence on absolute safety has caused this violent and lonely world!

Ironic, isn’t it?

We couldn’t have done it better if helpless people and fighting was our goal!

We are basing our decisions on a belief that people are malleable.

They are not! Their identity is absolutely fixed in place!

Any interference is bad interference!

Mankind just has to recognize and respect the integrity of other lives! They aren’t ours to play with.

They are all absolutely fixed, already complete in every way, at conception.

People, of course, need to carry on deciding for themselves what they each intend to do.

It must be understood though that if we decide to interfere with the autonomous nature of other life, it’s always going to lead to really bad things!

This is all that has happened to a peaceful and loving species, to turn them into a miserable and warlike race.

What race?

Us of course!

We all live in misery the way things are now. All the while it can so easily be a thrilling, comfortable and loving world!

Hopefully, having the consequences recognized will help cause the needed caution.

Our many sciences have arrived at the same place in our understand of people and behavior. They have stopped short of announcing that people need to keep their power, and that our problems start at infancy.

To say that out loud is to challenge our entire social structure and belief systems.

People in therapy everywhere go through agonizing feelings to get their power back. It takes them back to childhood issues.

It’s becoming too difficult to continue pretending that we don’t know people need their power, and that we need to encourage it.

That dam is already beginning to crumble. A change that big is always shrouded in social trauma.

For those of us who can’t feel any real power coming from inside ourselves, our situation can be improved.

It means opening emotional doors we have closed on purpose. It means feeling experiences we don’t want to, because they hurt.

Bit by bit, to get stronger, we need to share what we keep hidden.

We hide things because those around us in the beginning of our life wouldn’t accept much of who we naturally were. They had plans for how we were going to be.

That shouldn’t have happened! We can only ever be ourselves.

We had nothing to be ashamed of, ever.

As adults, now we hide many of our original qualities. We are embarrassed to reveal large parts of ourselves.

These feelings, being kept secret, are what has locked our own inner power out of our awareness.

Our attempts to be what others wanted, and also who we decided to be when we found ourselves without our own powerful identity, also prevent natural healing.

We have to be living our real feelings and condition if we wish to heal. Deception blocks healing!

The act of revealing, one by one, our most embarrassing secrets, is what restores our natural balance.

This process is stopped cold by any attempts on our part to make ourselves important in the eyes of others. Of course we all do that. What else would we do when we feel helpless?

Wounds naturally heal! These ones cannot, not as long as we deny our own feelings of helplessness!

We therefore actively prevent our own healing when we do that.

Admitting our fear and helplessness is hard to do! We locked those embarrassing experiences away, and the key is the disastrous feelings that went with them.

Strange, isn’t it! We actually have to reveal our real weakness, if we are ever to feel strong again!

We don’t get stronger while living a lie.

These feelings hurt, and they embarrass us. It is an overwhelming experience to open up and bring them back, expressing them as we always should have been able to!

Get through them all, and we are back to pristine condition! We feel our power again.

Does that change our lives? Any comment can only be a ridiculous understatement. We get real again.

We get the life we should have had back!

It returns the thrill of life!

Remember when life was a thrill?

Thanks for listening,

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Good luck on your own journey,

Take care,


I welcome considering other thoughts.