💥The race to feel powerful!💥

This seems to be the next big thing!

The winners get to feel as good as they did when they were infants!

In the sixties we figured out people don’t have an evil side at all! It was only damage to people that was causing bad behavior!

Now, we have discovered that feeling good makes people really nice, but more importantly for them, they get to feel powerful!

Nobody wants anxiety anymore! People want to feel good. Behaving well is just a bonus! Health too!

How do we feel powerful?

We take back the power we were born with!

We never should have lost it! In all of nature, all life feels powerful, each in their own way!

How do we take back our power?

We blast through any hurt that we carry inside!

Really, that’s all that’s holding any of us back!

Each hurt saps a little more of our original strength!

It bogs down our feelings!

They can’t work properly!

How to start?

We complain, and we do it as directly, and as clearly as we can!

We make it real!

We don’t complain about the weather!

We complain about how badly it made us feel when others made us feel small!

We vocalize and visualize everything in us that still hurts!

With each real hurt we get off our chests, we feel a little stronger!

It may feel like there is no end to this!

We just keep getting stronger though. Bolder too!

With every bit of real strength we gain, we become nicer and nicer! Real boldness comes from strength, not deception.

As we stop holding back, we become the most gentle we have ever been! We are returning to health! We are becoming ourselves again!

We speak quietly, but powerfully!

Who do we complain to?

Those others willing to listen to us need to be people with inner power, or else they can’t hear us!

These won’t be loud people! They will be those you automatically respect! They won’t speak a lot of nonsense!

You will know if they can hear you! If they can’t, this won’t work.

The energy has to come from you! The listening and understanding is their job!

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Thanks for listening,

Good luck on your own journey!

This post will probably be under revision for a while.

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.