🔥Life has to be driven from within!🔥

Life has its own power!

People too!

Most of us don’t get to keep it.

The more power a person gets to keep, the kinder they are and the less destructive they are.

All the trouble we suffer from is coming from people who were deprived of their natural power. People will cause massive destruction in their efforts to feel better!

It doesn’t take much research to confirm that wherever there’s trouble, there’s a person at the bottom of it with a lack of inner power. It’s the troubled people who cause the world’s conflict and damage.

Keeping our natural power is not just important, it’s critical!

We call it self-esteem!

It’s the power given to every life for survival!

Without it, the resulting helplessness and internal disconnection that happens causes no end of trauma for everybody.

All life is meant to keep it’s power. It’s our life force!

Children need to keep theirs too.

That alone makes life enjoyable again, just like that, for all of us.

The more power we allow our kids to keep, the more competent they are. Also the most compassionate, trustworthy, and fun.

This is mankind’s struggle right now. We are encouraged to control our children. The more we do though, the more conflict, defiance, and poor health we get.

The winners are those strong enough to stand alone and allow their children to keep their own inner power!

Opposing the natural right of our kids to have their own power has put our entire world in an unfortunate condition, to put it kindly.

We all share a common problem.

We aren’t having a normal or natural life!

(With a few possible exceptions, of course.)

What should have been an adventurous and challenging environment for each of us has turned into a fear-filled struggle to satisfy other people!

This shouldn’t have happened, ever.

It changes us from the loving creatures that we really are and who crave good relationships above all else, into warlike, fearful competitors, all living defensively.

How does this develop?

Our lives start out just fine.

We begin in pristine condition.

Our identity bursts into existence, and we take on this environment with imagination and energy.

We live in a magical world of feelings.

We learn to walk and talk, and we do this all by ourselves.

Then Comes Trouble!

It goes wrong!

Our identity is telling us to strike out, learn and explore. We try to assimilate understanding of our world in the progressive order that our identity requires.

We don’t get very far. We get stopped cold and fed instructions and information in the wrong order for us. We don’t get to finish exploring any of those things we have taken an interest in.

We are not only frustrated but now at war with our own driving force, our own identity. We hurt so bad we begin learning to move away from our own feelings.

It isn’t long before, we can’t feel our own identity.

Later on, we have to guess what our feelings are. We can’t feel them.

In our early life, we were intimately connected to our needs. This was our driving force!

As adults, we can’t feel any of that anymore. We have to guess what to do that might improve our lives, and we get this wrong more often than not!

Our instincts once boosted us into high alert whenever necessary, and they kept us safe.

Now, as adults, we can’t even feel our instincts.

Our awareness of our own bodily needs is vastly diminished, and our ability to tune in to our environment has been compromised.

We don’t feel proud anymore.

The thrill and the promise of life is gone.

What Has Happened To Us?

We actually did this to ourselves!

We had to!

We removed ourselves from our perfect inner world!


Because it hurt too much!

We just couldn’t live with that much hurt anymore!


Our identity is supposed to be in charge of survival, using our needs to focus our efforts.

Chronic childhood hurt is not supposed to happen.

That’s all that’s wrong!

It causes conflict and misery everywhere! Troubled children become troubled adults, and build a troubled civilization.

That’s a lot of consequences from that one unfortunate act. The lack of appreciation that the identity of children is already fixed and finished, just needing room to grow!

The drive to survive is how all life works! Identity makes the decisions using needs, instincts, awareness, and all of the available senses for guidance.

Life is exciting and challenging! Life is fun!

Acceptance, just the way we are, has got to be absolute. Each and every effort we make needs to get full encouragement.

Looking around, this is how all life works!

If only everybody could stay this way, ours would still be a loving world!

In this condition, people are at their very best. They feel strong, and they feel their needs. Their needs turn out to be good relationships above all else.

Awareness of our needs is absolute, as long as we are connected with our feelings, instincts, and senses.

We respond to the world through our needs, which lead the way. What are peoples real needs? Relationships! Approval, love, and sharing!

Undamaged, people are awesome!

Our Lives

We hurt!

Our lives have become all about managing our hurt, which should not even exist!

We have a critical need. The same need all other life shares!

The power of life has to come from inside!

It just has to! Life is self driven!

Instincts drive life! Needs drive it! Senses and reflexes drive it! The needs of other people drive our lives, and even curiosity drives us.

This has to be allowed to happen!

It’s a critical human need!

This is the only way life is set up to operate!

No matter how many obstacles are presented in the way, life will always be struggling to live this way!

All of our attempts to succeed come from inside!

What if that isn’t allowed?

And, here it is! This is what has changed!

Mankind has forgotten the need to allow the children to live from inside!

No matter how broken they become, people will still be trying to live from the inside!

Without permission or encouragement, they will still be trying!

Punishment may changer their behavior, but not their intentions.

The End Of Full Inner Connection!

Our natural rights, and our freedom to live in the normal way get taken away these days in the name of safety!

As infants and children, our own attempts at growth and survival don’t get encouragement, or even respect.

Losing this early freedom sets up a lifelong ambivalence concerning freedom.

Children hurt. They block connection with the hurt. After that, instincts, feelings, and needs no longer provide wisdom because they can no longer be felt.

Control begins to feel normal and necessary!

We will struggle endlessly with the control issues that become created just this way!

Children grow up. Confused about freedom, all together they create a world confused about freedom.

Having been controlled, they create a world ambivalent about control.

The only people wanting to control other humans are already lacking inner connection. Otherwise, they would be more concerned with living their own lives. Nobody has a real need to control others.

Therefore, no person insisting on control can be trusted. Their intentions are not to satisfy any needs of others. Lacking connection with their own needs, it usually turns into taking everything they can, or basking in the presumed warmth of appearing important.

In this way, a loving race has become warlike!

All life is self-driven by design!

But children, in these times, get punished for trying to be who they are!

Their attempts to challenge and master life get blocked at every turn!

Their identities hurt! Their feelings hurt! Their needs mean nothing in today’s world! They are never, ever allowed to try to satisfy their own needs.

Others decide what their needs should be!

This situation is anti-life! There is no remaining way to be out of pain!

Their progress is what others decide! Their own identity is completely ignored in favor of the decisions of others!

No life can be out of pain in that environment!

Life is unique! It is self-driven!

When self-determination and drive are blocked, there will be a consequence.


Disconnection is the consequence.

With enough hurt, we disassociate! That mostly removes us from our pain. It also removes us from our instincts, feelings, and needs!

Lacking connection, people become nothing like we really are!

People hurt.

We live in fear and live defensively.

Hate is now possible. It’s simply an expression of fear and hurt.

The more that self-drive was denied in childhood, the more fear and hurt that person consequently suffered, and therefore the more hate and anger will be in evidence.

These relationships all work together, with the disconnection, the anger and the defiance all matching. It makes the eventual condition of each person pretty predictable.

Compassion is no longer ubiquitous.

Conflict replaces normal relationships.

This is where mankind has come to.

If there is hurt in our civilization, like it or not, agree or not, that hurt absolutely needs to be corrected!


Most of us have many failed relationships that are still eventually coming to us. We will learn as we go, and keep getting better at life.

I am going to point out the eventual understanding that will take us right to the wisdom some of us will eventually work out for ourselves.

It allows loving relationships, the ones we see occasionally and crave with every cell of our bodies!

And so, here it is!

We are all equal!! Even the children! We all keep our own power. We all allow others to keep theirs.

Many people arrive at this understanding later in their lives.

The result is cooperation, trust and love like people are just not going to believe!

It’s to die for! It would be a shame to pass away without ever experiencing this kind of happiness and cooperation that should have been ours for our entire life!

There is no boss. No leader. It’s amazing how many philosophies get so close to that universal understanding.

It’s all about allowing people to have their own natural power! Then they all become nice.

All other life already has its own power, and gets to keep it!

Allow people their power, and everybody stops retaliating!

All the hurt suddenly ceases!

Peace emerges!

The conflict is over!

Perhaps that’s what we are here to learn! It’s an important epiphany. We can’t ever live peacefully among others until we understand this lesson!

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,


2 responses to “🔥Life has to be driven from within!🔥”

  1. wow….love this. Great job

    1. Thanks for the support. It really helps!

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