🔨Our lack of nurturing is turning people destructive!🔨

It starts in the cradle.

Like it or not, all life has a need to be accepted and appreciated for exactly what it is!

It’s a critical need, so powerful the words to describe it, don’t even exist.

Bit by bit, we have gradually stopped allowing our children that natural right!

The consequences are a planet full of people, who all hurt!

Hurting people are destructive!

That’s the change that has made our world unfeeling, uncomfortable, and dangerous!

With all this technology, how have we managed to be unaware of the pain we cause?

And we are unaware! All that screaming is not natural or normal! It’s the sound that an identity in trouble makes!

Just look at their faces. That glow of new life is not supposed to turn into a look of despair!

Bad as it sounds, this is the best news we could ever get. It means that with one small effort we can reduce or eliminate crime and war! These are all about hurt!

We can bring back trust, and love, worldwide.

We need to nurture. There’s even a word for it!

We must have understood the importance of this, at one time, if we have a word for it!

Any life respected as it is, is non destructive. It’s also the strongest, most fun, most cooperative, and most functional, as that life can possibly be!

Without that respect, the trouble begins! We have come a long way down that troubled road!

We do not respect our young for who they really are!

Our approval is reserved for when they behave as we choose!

Stated directly like that, it really does sound bad, doesn’t it. Well, it is bad.

And we pay!

It is critical that we nurture. We need to offer unconditional support and approval. We need to encourage the self growth of every child.

I expect everybody to be astonished at how dynamic and powerful our children suddenly get. Also how much more fun and easy life suddenly becomes.

Being genuinely loved feels awesome, beyond verbal explanation.

Try it!

This post is part of clarity-of-innocence.com

Thanks for listening. Good luck on your journey.

Take care,


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