🔨The world’s trauma has one cause, we stopped nurturing!🔨

We probably believe we still nurturing our infants, don’t we? Well, let’s see!

To nurture is to oversee development.

But, we don’t just oversee development anymore.

We stop it cold, and we redirect all behavior, and most of the thinking!

We decide what is good for our children.

With nothing but good intentions, we direct their lives towards behaviors and beliefs that we feel will be most helpful in making them successful.

Should we get praise for that? We sacrifice a large portion of our life in this effort.

Have we thought it through though? Have we listened to our awareness and our instincts?

Or have we listened to the common beliefs of our times?


What if a child has a need to develop their own power if they are ever to have a chance of being their own powerful person?

What if that’s true for all life?

What a thought! Here we are, doing the opposite!

If we are wrong in our present ways, what would be the consequences?


Not allowing them any of their own power, we should expect low self-esteem, shouldn’t we? That just makes sense.

With low self-esteem, shouldn’t we expect them to have some reluctance to project their real wishes and thoughts?

They, of course, are going to be aware they have fear of expressing their entire real nature.

Does that sound like us?

Could that cause feelings of helplessness, some anger, resentment, and perhaps defiance?

Is it possible, that by causing these feelings within every child on the planet, we have unintentionally caused all the conflict, secrecy, and violence throughout the world?

My goal here, in speaking to you, is to get across that this is exactly what has happened!!

Proof is easy!


Hand the power back to your children and watch the change!

Secrecy slowly fades away. Cooperation happens, more and more. Trust begins.

Life begins!!!

Nurture is how all life empowers its offspring!

To nurture is to support new life in it’s own efforts to cope with the challenges of living.

In it’s own efforts!

It allows new life to feel powerful in it’s own efforts!

Do you suppose feeling powerful might be important?

It’s natures way!

It satisfies the most important basic need of all life, outside of the necessities of course.

If we really want to help them, we need to allow our young their own power. That’s got to be the most important quality in any upbringing!

Without that, they are hollow people.

Sure, they may appear successful in our eyes!

But, they each know that everything most important to them has been lost!

They are frustrated because they don’t know what went wrong!

More than anything in this world, they want to feel strong, but they don’t feel strong!

They will avoid blaming us, with a passion!

Therefore, they cannot solve the problem. They cannot find the source of their helplessness, without realizing they never got natural nurture, and it was our failure.

So they never get that far! They are stuck because of their love for us.

It makes sense, doesn’t it. A need that powerful, if never satisfied, would be expected to have some enormous consequences!

The condition of life in our world just about matches the seriousness of not allowing others any power at all.

Humans are naturally kind and cooperative. Playful too.

We have managed to make our world threatening and dangerous!

There is no need for that, and there never was!

Let’s end the story here for today. Thanks for listening!

Good luck on your own journey,

Take care,


I welcome considering other thoughts.