🌞Freedom’s Advantage, Lives Or Dies In The Cradle!🌞

Free people have an advantage. They can go crazy on you!

Unburdened by that heavy cloak of repression, and intimately connected with the spontaneous and unrestricted resources of their identity, they can explode with unrestrained fury, in imaginative, and unexpected ways.

First though, they have to really be free.

Which doesn’t exist these days.

We thought we tried with democracy, but too many of us, in person to person relationships grabbed control as soon as it became easy.

That damaged identities, which caused defiance, which caused rules, and the assumption that they are going to work. We can see, this leads to further conflict.

That doesn’t mean freedom doesn’t work, allowing people to be as powerful as their potential allows.

It only means freedom hasn’t been tried yet!

Over time, we have lost the wisdom of allowing others, of every generation to be themselves.

To live their own identity!

The simple act of allowing and respecting the identity of other people makes us almost immune to attack, even in conflict. Try it!

Backing off and allowing others to live from their identity does work!

Conflict goes away. People feel good about themselves. Life becomes interesting, and then fun.

Nature supports the identity of every life, which empowers them with self-righteous rage whenever they need it.

But people, on the other hand, haven’t been supporting that identity of their young, or anybody else.

People have been overpowering other life, especially our young.

That makes everybody weak, and deep in despair! That’s mostly what we have now.

When you wish to bring up warriors, you don’t do it by making them behave!

You do it by encouraging their power. You allow them to feel proud.

You do it by encouraging their natural abilities!

It sure is convenient that this also produces the strongest, most loving, and cooperative person ever.

Why should it be a surprise though, when supporting a person’s natural identity, makes them nice?

Any group or country who can support the identity of their people will have a critical advantage.

It will also have the most resourceful and happy population.

At the moment, the world is united in overwhelming the identities of its young.

Does that sound like it could be a problem? Do you think?!! What could go wrong?

It certainly is the reason for this world being so dangerous and violent. Really, how could we expect peace and happiness, while we refuse to let anybody live their own identity!

I would suggest karma, but when we convert the innocent into those creating the problem, it isn’t karma any more.

Supporting identities, or else banning them, begins at birth or perhaps even earlier.

Any person lucky enough to be allowed to keep their identity intact is in good shape. It equips them with instinctive wisdom, awareness of other life, awareness of their environment, connection to feelings, and unlimited passion.

They live an unrestricted life, unlike the rest of us. They can “live out loud”, and that makes them spontaneously dangerous, whenever they need to be.

Except, there aren’t any people like that, or if there are, there aren’t many.

The West had a dream of being free.

They either forgot, or else they chose to not allow their young, the freedom of living their own unique identity.

That alone, crashed the dream!

If they would have got that right, the free world would be in a whole different situation. It would be untouchable.

Challenging any person who can live completely out loud is the opposite of wisdom!

Lets be clear though that being loud and dumb is not living out loud. It’s hiding truth behind bluster.

Living out loud is expressing your entire identity in it’s full glory, all of it, your real identity. That would include wisdom and instincts.

The entire population would be world leaders, simply because nobody else would be able to match their energy, or resourcefulness.

Others might challenge them, but only by becoming free themselves! That’s a win – win, for all human life.

Want to be a powerful person?

That comes free with a perfectly connected identity.

It doesn’t come from bullying the world. That only causes all-around fear. It causes people who can never, ever be proud of who or what they are! Imagine, having to avoid ever seeing ourselves, for what we are! Every thought we have about ourselves reveals a brutal thug, so we never think about ourselves.

Not respecting ourselves, how could we respect anything else?

That’s why nothing can ever compete with real freedom. People cannot feel like crap, and be strong at the same time!

All they can do is be vicious.

Want to have powerful kids? Kids so strong, you never have to be concerned about their ability to take care of themselves?

Support their one and only, natural identity.

Identity is fixed! Any attempt to make changes only causes damage, and weakness.

Identity needs to be supported, just as it is! Ask nature!

They will be formidable people.

They need to be, in these times where everybody else, having been denied their identity, are troubled and often dangerous.

People who have disconnected from their identities have symptoms. Defiance, isolation, feelings of loss and anger, a driving need to be important, a need to be proud of themselves, and a destructive streak are some of these symptoms.

Society has usually confused these symptoms with the genuine nature of people.

None of these are what real people are like. Natural people, with identity, are kind, gentle, and fun loving.

What about those of us, already disconnected from our identities, unsure of what we want, and unable to “live out loud”?

How do we reconnect with our identity?

In our early past, we had to disconnect from our identity, to comply with being obedient!

Our identity was trying to do it’s job, propelling us into taking on the world, developing our physical skills, and exploring and learning to manage everything in our environment. Our identity was doing that in our own order, matching the unique way we were plugged into the world. We got as far as learning to walk and talk.

Once we became able to communicate, our identity began to suffer. Everything we tried on our own was stopped cold! Our identity was driving our life, but we were not allowed to follow it’s guidance.

While suffering great trauma, we learned to ignore our identity, by pushing ourselves away from it. Because of the threat of punishment, we found ourselves needing to disconnect from that drive more and more.

We disconnected amidst truly horrible feelings of anger, fear, and loss. We are not going to appreciate how really traumatic these feelings were, until we once again connect with them in our quest to regain connection. Dynamite, is the closest I can get to the power of those feelings.

But we should be using the power of those feelings in our day to day life, not hiding from them!

In our adult life, we have lost track of how incredibly strong feelings can be.

We have to reconnect with every bad feeling and fear within us, one by one. We have to own all this, like we once used to.

It’s like getting a tooth pulled. Not fun, but relief is permanent.

Understanding these dynamics, many of us are going to want to protect and encourage the identity of our young.

Doing that is a lot easier, more comfortable, and rewarding beyond belief. It’s the world we always knew was possible, but couldn’t find!

It is unknown territory in these times.


Giving our young unlimited freedom will not work.

It has to be done nature’s way. The map of how to do that is in all of our identities, which unfortunately, is unavailable to most of us.

Perhaps some of these ideas may help.

Managing differences, and still respecting identities!

After we allow our kids their right to live their own identity, there will be times when we want different things than they do. How do we cope with that?

Compared to the resentment and emotional damage that differences are causing now, it’s a small problem, and without hostility.

However it still exists. When we take the leap, and allow our kids their natural right to power their own life, a new relationship happens that nobody from this age has any experience with!

Not many of us have worked in a situation, where we can’t demand our own way through direct power.

Since we can’t do that, how do we deal with differing wishes?

Announcing our methods our loud like that, really does display them in an unfortunate, but accurate light, doesn’t it?

This difference of wishes will be happening in a whole new environment this time. Resentment will not exist. Distance between people will never have happened. All parties will love, and trust each other openly.

Quite a difference!

Cooperation will not have been destroyed. Communication is open and not riddled with emotional traps and expectations.

But you have to go to work, and they want to stay at their friends, and play!

How do we manage this?

The secret is identities.

They must always remain equal!

In the light of the universe, they always are!

This way of thinking is a long way from how we see the world now. On the other hand, it’s natural, it’s the condition we were in at our absolute happiest, and it’s the natural way to see the world. Through these eyes, all the magic of the universe can be enjoyed, as we did once.

From our viewpoint of controlling each other because we think we know best, we can’t see much of anything, or feel much either!

Small and weak as children are, the identity of each life carries the same immense power.

We see that balance in nature all the time.

The secret is, we need to manage the “needs” of the moment.

All parties must agree that the most important things always have to come first.

And they will! The waters have not been muddied through direct force, and deception. Ever notice how often direct force and deception happen together?

Cooperation really does happen. No force is required!

When every party recognizes that need is the determining factor in every decision, and disagreements are not power struggles, agreement comes quick and easy, without resentment.

Trust becomes absolute!

When we announce we must leave now, they will understand, because they have never been lied to, and because they recognize it’s a real necessity.

We don’t get our way all the time, and neither do they.

Even the negotiation is delightful in this new relationship!

Not getting our own way probably sounds exhausting and impossible to live with, but in this new world, it isn’t.

This is a whole different life. Our energy hasn’t been drained by endless exasperation and conflict. Our energy has been boosted by love, trust, and voluntary cooperation.

Strangely enough, an open, honest, equal power relationship fills us with energy, like a cup that fills itself.

We feel on top of life, and ready for anything. Feeling support such as this is a lost art. It feels magnificent!

It’s what we always needed. It works.

Our current method of fighting our way to be on top, all the while, making it impossible to feel good about ourselves, doesn’t work! We all have a craving need to feel proud of ourselves.

Those relationships based on identities, and equal importance really do happen, and it’s way better than I could ever explain! It’s the way we were.

This post is part of clarity-of-innocence.com

Thank you for your time and interest. Good luck on your own journey!


3 responses to “🌞Freedom’s Advantage, Lives Or Dies In The Cradle!🌞”

  1. 不知道说啥,开心快乐每一天吧!

  2. Becca Sinclair Avatar
    Becca Sinclair

    This is powerful but not in anyway demeaning.

    1. Thank you Becca. Your help in keeping me respectful is greatly appreciated.

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