😒Can I Return Myself To The Way I Started Out?😒

That’s a job we shouldn’t have to do, but we all face it.

Have you ever noticed that all life lives out loud, except people? We hide everything personal, and then we suffer from the loneliness, and our lack of complete expression.

Of course it’s not our fault. It’s our problem though.

Mankind does not understand infant needs.

We cause early damage.

We cause enough hurt, that it becomes necessary for us, one by one, to distance ourselves from our own feelings. Feelings were our original and only connection to our own identity. We all miss that original driving force.

All life is already the best nature can create. In an undamaged condition, people are non-destructive, cooperative, playful, and fun.

Once damaged, our situation changes to conflict, fear, defensiveness, and confusion about who we are.

We damage people.

All life can be only what it is. It needs to be respected for itself.

All life on earth enjoys that honor and comfort. Except people. People get told to conceal most of their natural qualities, and be what their parents have determined is best.

It’s impossible. All that is possible is to conceal every quality that the caregivers do not approve of.

The caregivers are not to blame. They are following society’s guidelines.

We conceal our unacceptable qualities in a cocoon of shame. Any attempt to expose our original qualities results in intense feelings of fear, shame, and guilt. That’s why we cannot live out loud.

That’s what stands in the way of accepting ourselves. We are already convinced that many of our qualities are inadequate.

As to fixing this situation, it’s a long, difficult road. We have to relearn how to live out loud. Doing that makes us a better person, always.

Our basic and real qualities are always good. It’s the damage that makes us destructive.

The road back can be confusing and troublesome. It might be a good idea to have help with this.

The goal is to own everything that we are. There was never anything wrong with any of it.

We were a magnificent oak tree trying to be a maple.

The qualities we buried will feel full of shame and guilt. That came from us, when we became convinced these qualities were wrong.

They never were, but we didn’t know, and got no support defending them.

The end result of once again presenting them to the world, is to feel absolutely awesome, just like in our beginning. We also become a lovely person, once again.

Good luck,


This post is part of a claritty-of-innocence.com blog.

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