😖People inventing their own truth can’t manage the consequences!🥴

Our human race is doing great with technology!

Socially though, we’ve taken a loving race, put it in pain, destroyed trust, and managed to place every person in misery!


By deciding we know better, rather than accepting the realities of life!

Our technology has united us, thereby destroying any pockets of health that remained peaceful and trusting!

Most people seem to double down on their own ideas as they run into increasing trouble, with the damage around them becoming more obvious.

This makes it increasingly harder for healthy change to happen.

Life has it’s own design. It powers itself into flourishing in any environment that allows it.

The pivotal reality here is “powers itself”!

We see all life on the planet powering itself!

We see all offspring on the planet getting full support in challenging the environment on their own terms in their own way!

What do we do?

We stop our children from learning anything through their own efforts!

We grant them independence only when it’s too late, still expecting them to have inner-strength!

We do this with the truth right in our faces the whole time!

Our own instincts are screaming at us to “back-off”!

There is other life on the planet, all encouraging self-drive and independence.

There are well adjusted children around, and their home life can be seen!

Listening to the media, we ignore reality, and follow the crowd!

The more independence any child is granted, the more successful they are in life!

Mind you, success is feeling good and feeling powerful, not being rich! Which would you choose?

The most disciplined children struggle with their feelings their entire lives.

All the trouble comes from these people, not the ones who feel great!

For any of us wanting our own real lives, there is an overwhelming force of misinformation we must ignore and sometimes confront!

If we wish to bring our children up powerful and confident, we have to fight the system!

If we want a trusting and loving family, we still have to fight the system!

There is propaganda everywhere telling us how to bring up our young in accepted ways that will cause them to be hurting and helpless.

There is very little help available telling us how to raise our young to be strong!

There is hope though.

Our health organizations have recognized that the helpless have natural rights.

They have begun to map out what allows them natural freedom to exist on their own terms in a healthy way.

The moment we grant these very same rights to our own infants, is when all the conflict ends!

All live is designed to find its own way! As soon as we grant these rights to our infants, we have entered an entirely new existence!

Keep in mind, all life is designed to find its own way!

Conflict ends! Defiance ends! Resentment and secrets end! None of these are necessary any more.

These only happened in defense!

The conflict we are creating in infancy is permeating our entire civilization at the moment. It’s what powers war!

That conflict will be gone! Society will change like magic!

This is not brilliance. It’s only a return to reality!

All life is designed to find its own way! When we let it, most of our problems go magically away!

People are in conflict because we have picked a fight with nature!

There may be more realities of life we ignore.

Our policy though, of not allowing normal strength through independence is dominating the dynamics of our civilization so heavily, any other mistakes we are making are not even visible yet!

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com It may yet be edited for clarity.

Thanks for listening!

Good luck on your own journey,

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.