đŸ˜„While hurting, What techniques provide our best health and happiness?đŸ˜„

Mankind has a special problem.

People hurt!

All other life on the planet doesn’t live with hurt.


When it comes to infant needs, we don’t have Mother Nature’s skill.

Mankind is not good at recognizing and providing infant needs.

Perhaps, in our present, hurting condition, not very good at any needs at all.

To be healthy, life always has to come from inside!

Our identity, the pride of the universe, knows what it needs, and knows how to live in this world.

That’s why it’s critical that our identity lead us through survival!

For all life, nature understands and supports this. Nature supports every life’s identity, every which way it can!

Mankind won’t allow children to live through their own identity.

This is the source of our hurt.

Our identity knows what we need, how we should proceed, and outside of surprises, how to survive. All we need is support, in our own efforts, just like all other life gets, till we are strong.

All humans begin our lives already crippled with overwhelming hurt.

We shouldn’t, but we do.

We should stop causing the damage. People have to learn how to allow the energy of childhood to come from inside, like all other life does.

Until we can do that, we each, one by one, have to learn to live with the life-threatening hurt that results.

There is nobody to blame. It happens, because we follow societies rules.

We should be following our instincts, which through countless generations of learning, certainly know infant needs.

Perhaps we can learn to do that.

In the meantime, we each have our hurt.

When it comes to happiness, and mental health, this hurt has to be dealt with carefully, if we don’t want each of our issues to worsen, causing our lives to swing into conflict and loneliness.

It’s only us humans who have to be cautious this way. We have to manage our feelings, so we don’t make our situation worse.

One method leads to more trust!

Another leads to evermore conflict.

As suggested, every one of us lives with massive hurt! Our inner world hurts.

Our identity is fixed at conception. We can only be that one thing, and that’s it. We may be the best of the best, the peak of evolution, or the peak of ability, but it’s fixed and done. We cannot be anything else. We are who we are, and that’s for life!

When others want us to be different, we cannot! All we can really manage, is to hide everything that they don’t like!

And there it is! How much do we hide. How inadequate, shameful, fearful, and guilty, do we come to feel as we hide these things?

What do we do when we hurt too much to live with?

We hide from our own feelings, that’s what we do. We disconnect, to various degrees.

Can we get back to normal, ever again? Yes, but it’s hard. All that hurt still carries those terrible feelings. To re-connect, we have to feel inadequate, shameful, fearful, and guilty again, because that’s how we left things.

Those feelings carry a lot of power.

How do we best manage life? How do we live in the best possible way, given all this hurt?

We accept our feelings!! We accept all the hurt we can manage, and even through the hurt, we revel in our feelings. If we can manage to own them all, it puts back in the same healthy condition that we started out in, and as we are meant to live.

It may not feel like it, but our hurt has a limit. There is only so much. Of course it shouldn’t be there, but it is. If we can dissipate the hurt we have, it’s done. We are back to normal in our world of feelings, and the drive of our identity!

There is a danger that can drive us ever further away from our identity, and our feelings. It takes us right into conflict. We all know people who have taken this route. If we go this way, it doesn’t end well. The older we get, the more we hurt, and the fewer friends we have. We end up alone.

That danger? Avoiding any feeling that hurts! Running away from hurt. This is a bad road. This comfort, takes us into escalating isolation from both other people, and our own identity and feelings.

Avoidance becomes increasingly difficult on this road, and the process of avoiding hurt takes over our lives. It chases us. We have to escape, more and more.

It is far better to accept our hurt, and thus avoid causing more.

Then we can work on improving our situation by reducing the hurt at every opportunity.


The return to normal is to own every feeling. That’s therapy. It’s traumatic. It’s serious hurt. It’s accepting our hurt that’s already happened, and already lives with us.

Then we start reducing it. Acceptance is the key. Acceptance of our own feelings.

This human hurt takes away all the joy, the fun, and the happiness. Our lives are pale imitations of the real thing. It’s more like acting than living. Without connection with our identity, we don’t even know what we want, or if we are happy.

Only a person who has come back from this existence knows how big the difference is, from real life. Real life, with full feelings, as we started out, is thousands of times better than hiding from expressing our real feelings. That’s just a fact that few are aware of.

In summary, the message is “Do not avoid inner hurt”. Welcome it at every opportunity, and suffer through it. The quality of life changes in leaps and bounds, either way, better or worse, with either choice.

Thanks for letting me ride along. Good luck on your journey.


One response to “đŸ˜„While hurting, What techniques provide our best health and happiness?đŸ˜„”

  1. Reading these posts gives me hope for me and for ways to guide my kids in the right direction.

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