🚷Can we hand people’s lives back over to them now?🚷

Have any of you looked at the degree of control over all human life these days?

It’s insane!

I expect in many people’s minds, there are rules for farting!

Know what else?

All this control doesn’t work!

People are steadily getting less cooperative, not more!

Misery is at an all time high!

Trust, in the normal sense, is gone from this world.

This plan isn’t working!

Those with money have taken most of the rest of it. Sickness throughout the population is rampant, and growing worse. People are demoralized, and divided over which way we should proceed. Everybody has problems and issues they can’t overcome. Stress is at an all time high. Violence and disrespect are epidemic!

We have obviously gone the wrong way!

It took a long time for our very existence to reach a critical condition. We faithfully stuck to our wrong direction.

The human race may have finally made it all the way to “DEFCON 1”!

It has become time to rethink our plan. We need to determine how life really should be, and change habits until we are headed there, instead of controlling our misguided way towards the explosive end of mankind.

At the moment, conflict is steadily increasing throughout society, and the world. We have our direction “locked in”, with this insane amount of control.

The entire planet is in countless battles over who is going to control who!

It didn’t get that way naturally! We did all of that!

It has become time to give up on this system. Things are already critical, and still getting worse.

The first thing we need to know is “how can we change our ways”?

We want people to feel safe, enjoy life, be fully themselves without holding back, and have the distance between each other dialed back down to mutual trust.

Is that a reasonable goal?

It is achievable, by the way!

The sad truth is it’s a whole lot easier than what we are doing now!

We have been on autopilot for a long time, doubling down on methods that we have taken to heart, but they don’t work, and never have!

Nature works though!

Allowing people to be their natural selves works!

Unfortunately, we ban that in the cradle!

It’s time we woke up!

Our natural identity includes instincts with racial wisdom, a drive for survival, natural connection with all life which includes an inborn sense of behavior that is non-destructive, connection with the functions of our bodies, a strong sense of purpose, feelings, motivation, and because of all these things, compassion!

In short, people are naturally moral, compassionate, and fun loving!

People like that, need no control. They aren’t about to allow it either!

But, we ban all that in the cradle!

We simply don’t allow “who we are” to exist!

We start right out with more control than any life could ever cope with.

How is it that the most intelligent life on the planet, has become the only life that requires all this control?

Because we made it that way!

It wasn’t our leaders. It wasn’t our government. It wasn’t the scientists.

It was us! You, and me, and our neighbors.

If we were to ask any person we meet, how do you bring up an obedient child, we are going to get the same answer most, if not all of the time.


That’s how you do it! It’s supposed to be gentle, but firm!

Does that work? Hell no!

My apologies for profanity. (It’s the only expression that felt strong enough.) (I might as well apologize for all the sarcasm as well. Strong impact seems necessary.)

Being ourselves works!

Who has noticed that we aren’t allowed to be ourselves?

More importantly, who has noticed that the only responsible people left, are those allowed to remain as their own selves?

Nobody, that’s who! (Well maybe one person, here and there.) Of course, that’s because nobody looks for it.

The freedom to be ourselves actually does work!

What a surprise!

Allowing a person to remain themselves, results in a naturally good person!

Imagine that? Who would have thought?

What, do you supposed we must do then to get back to normal life as real people, who don’t need to be controlled into submission?

All we have to do is allow natural identity!

Identity begins at conception.

The natural way is to support that identity in all of it’s own efforts to guide and power life!

This is the path of all life on earth!

Every living thing thing gets full encouragement, along with all the assistance possible, to proceed through their own efforts!

People have forgotten how to do that! Heck, we even forbid it!

This is what we have to learn!

We need to re-learn how to do that.

Our own identity knows how to do it right!

We encourage, and allow our children to keep their strength and natural morals!

Unfortunately, none of us can hear our identity.

We weren’t allowed to keep it, and live it.

It’s still there. Our connection to it is broken. That door is closed. Our identity lies behind a dynamic wall of pain, guilt, fear, and shame. The intensity is astonishing. We each fought to exhaustion to live in the normal way, through our own identity, but the feelings we suffered through were overwhelming.

We have become the only life that hides their feelings and intentions. We don’t even get to “live out loud”.

Any of us willing to re-enter our early trauma can have as much of our identity back as we are ready for. The path is through some really bad feelings, though.

If we wish to allow our young to keep their identity, we don’t have time for us to reconnect with the wisdom of our own identity.

Even though our own identity is the best expert possible, we can’t access that wisdom.

We have to proceed on faith!

Some of us will recognize the critical need to allow our offspring to retain full connection with their identity!

It therefore becomes critical to know how to do that!

We already understand that allowing them the freedom to proceed on their own, tackling what they are ready for, on their own timetable, and praising their every independent effort, allows their already powerful identity to remain powerful.

The surprise is going to be the complete absence of conflict, the tireless cooperation, and the trust that becomes normal life. The effort required from us becomes a fraction of what it was, and it all happens in a spirit of fun as well, for a change!

We discover that the resentment and defiance we all thought was normal for children and teenagers, doesn’t even exist.

We were creating it as we went along, with our demands for obedience.

However, there will still be disagreements!

How do we manage them?

We can’t use force to get our own way any more. It interferes with their connection to their identity.

No identity can survive intact, while that person is being forces to act in a different way.

The identity of every life has to drive! We have proof. Interfere with that, and what happens? We get this world!

No other life lives in this misery!

So how do we resolve conflict?

We ask!

Remember these children are not full of resentment and have no defiance. Why would they?

Need is the deciding factor. We all accept what is needed the most. It’s obviously fair. Not only will others agree to it, they will jump right in and help make it happen. That is who people really are, if not already crushed with over-control.

Their identity and ours, have equal value!

But it won’t really be equal. Undamaged, they will give far more than we could ever keep up with.

A little hard to believe, I know. Life is nothing like we believe. Fighting each other for control, we are all oblivious to the way things really are, and how they really work!

A whole new world!

Natural life

We each have an identity. We are naturally important. That’s what we feel. We also feel our own body and it’s needs. We sense a whole lot of our surrounding environment. Feeling this important, we do as we wish because all by itself, that is a good enough reason. We feel absolutely no stress. That’s because we are always free to choose our own path, or change it. We don’t have secret problems, or anything hidden at all. We don’t have bad feelings like resentment, or terrible hurts hidden inside. We are going to do the right thing, simply because we want to. It feels right! We don’t have the anger to do harmful things. Why would we? We trust those around us and we share, feeling perfectly safe all the while.

Life is exciting. We feel good!

Control is redundant, and unwelcome! We are not about to control those around us, because why in heaven’s name would we ever want to. That would be a complete waste of the only time we get in our life. We have our own life to live.

Anybody trying to control us is going to find themselves engaged in a fight to the death! Once feeling this alive, there is absolutely no way anybody else is going to get away with threatening our new found freedom and power!

We are highly motivated playful, and compassionate.

Sounds idealistic and ridiculous?

This is natural life!

This is what we get if we just back off!

There are lots of creatures living this life. Probably all of them. In the condition most of us are in, through no fault of our own, we find it difficult to see and understand the life around us. We can’t feel it.

Everybody else has their own identity! We have no control over any other person. This is the way of all life. We are not going to confuse voluntary compliance with control.

Something really cool? Recognizing, and allowing others to have and express their own identity changes our own existence dramatically. It suddenly becomes a whole different life for us. Try it. It’s amazing. Let someone else have an identity! Watch the change in everything.

This is particularly powerful with kids. Just try it! They grab on to it for dear life! That’s appropriate too. It really is dear life that’s at risk for them.

Of course it changes their experience as well as ours.

Can we live with that? We did once. It’s the way we started out. We only began demanding control over others when it happened to us.

Granted, it’s quite a leap of faith. It’s a slow and massive change, involving every connection with the world, with every cell of our bodies. It takes time!

The other option of course is to go on as we are. That may not last very long. The road we are on does not have a good end game.

Can it work? Absolutely!

A lot of people are going to be astonished to find out that this is the way life was designed! Conflict isn’t supposed to exist as a way of life. It’s really for life or death situations.

We get our own way all of the time, instead of practically never! Doing things for others because we want to, is getting our own way. We never, ever, feel less important than anybody else!

Yes, this is the biggest leap of faith we will probably ever consider.

I doubt there is a person ever, anywhere, who would want to go back. Why would they? It’s a one way leap. Once feeling this good, and safe, nobody would ever give this up.

The change can be gradual. One small step at a time.

With each step, re-connection with our identity begins to happen by itself. It just fits the new situation. Bad feelings spontaneously surface though. That’s part of the reconnection process.

Mankind has taken an unfortunate and discouraging wrong turn, and then taken it to ridiculous lengths.

The rampant overlapping control, makes life barely worth living.

We’re not going to take it any more!!!

This post is part of the blog, clarity-of-innocence.com

Good luck on your journey. Thanks for listening.


2 responses to “🚷Can we hand people’s lives back over to them now?🚷”

  1. Rebecca sinclair Avatar
    Rebecca sinclair

    I like the color changing it breaks up the topics.

    1. I like it too. I was having trouble with it so I left it. It wasn’t even on purpose. Thanks.

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