🟢When we do build utopia, we are insanely vulnerable!🟢

The first “damaged” person that finds us, could bring us all right back to where we are now!

That’s what has already happened to the many peaceful and gentle groups of people that did become discovered.

Assuming we have worked our way back to a healthy society, where every person is fully connected to their own identity, life will be the natural way it should be.

That’s a night and day difference. In a healthy, connected condition, people are ready to do anything for each other!

When we build utopia, we do it by allowing people to be themselves. We do that from the moment of conception.

In that condition, they have the qualities of real people.

As with all other life, each person’s identity provides their own drive and guidance!

It is only when our society refuses to allow people that natural right, that we get this need to conceal our wishes and thoughts, along with getting all this conflict, violence, and loneliness!

Even when we think we give freedom, we are not allowing our infants to drive their own development! That alone changes everything!

Amazingly, that’s all that’s really wrong! All this fighting is only the consequence of that one simple miscalculation!

People, allowed to power their own life don’t have chronic fear. They are without loneliness, because they have their own intact identity, which also provides connection with everybody else. They feel good, and are spontaneously kind, compassionate, loving, and playful. This is what people are really like, when they are healthy.

It’s easily tested, but that has to start in the very early years. It works best from the cradle onward. The formative years are by far the most important time, probably even a critical time!

The people around us now, are no example of real behavior. Never having been allowed to live from their own identity they are isolated, hurting, angry, and full of despair. That’s why our world is so troubled.

As things stand now, in our world, we were not allowed to proceed through our own efforts. Our identity was screaming with all it’s available energy to manage our own life, but we were not allowed to do that.

To our identity, having it’s every effort rebuffed felt like death, or lack of real life. We each had to find a way to escape the intense, “life or death” pain that resulted. We all chose the only available escape, which was disconnection. The pain still lives, but we don’t feel it!

In pain, and isolated from awareness of our natural needs, we are no longer kind, compassionate, and defenders of truth and honor!

In our utopian world though, we know enough to allow identities to do their normal job, and power each of our own lives. Nobody lives in hurt! Not any more!

That changes our world. We will be working with co-operative people, still connected with their instincts, feelings, and with full connection to their surroundings.

Life is exciting, fun, and everybody is in such a condition of trust, that there is no such thing as being alone. We all connect right through every aspect of life. Shame doesn’t exist. Any need for a lie is long gone! With that natural feeling of unlimited support, pain doesn’t even hurt as much! The fear isn’t there. Work is no longer work. It’s a social event.

Being fully open is an entirely different existence!

Any person, as hurting as we all are in this world, if introduced into utopia can cause havoc!

Why? The things they want are different. That’s because they aren’t real wants.

When an identity has been disconnected, connection with needs has been cut. Once that happens, real needs can’t be felt. In the absence of inner drive, the needs become whatever that person decides!

The things they want, all turn out to be destructive. Their choices don’t come from need, but from thought. If thought isn’t perfectly matched to reality, every choice is unhealthy!

Unconnected people see trust as naivety!

Being disconnected they will take things they don’t really want, or need, but don’t know it. They will take all they can get. No success is ever enough though, because it’s not a real need, and therefore doesn’t provide any satisfaction!

It will take a while to spot this damage, because they will do most of this in secret.

If there is only one person, the damage will be limited. If many come, honesty and trust throughout society becomes overwhelmed. We all know what that feels like!

Our first impulse will be to establish guidelines of acceptable behavior. Suddenly we once again need a legal system.

None of this works. We already know that!

Our honesty and trust provide wisdom, but that will not help if we are unaware of the danger that disconnected people can bring.

It is absolutely critical that we are able to quickly recognize a disconnected person!

If we don’t want chaos back, we have to be ready to limit access to our perfect society, in some way.

We also need the ability to fix any damage!

We need to see it, isolate it, and be able to fix it!

This means, even in utopia, we need defense!

Our advantage, if we become forced to fight, is enormous. Everyone is rowing the same way. The wisdom of identity is available to all. Spontaneity, resourcefulness, imagination, and a life without chronic fear makes every person highly qualified to fight back!

Isolated from the evil of damaged and warlike people, all the feelings are healthy and supportive. The self-confidence of every healthy person is far beyond the spiritless limits of damaged people.

Not much can compete with that. Not if we are aware and ready for possible trouble!

This post belongs to clarity-of-innocence.com

Thank you for your interest.

Good luck on your own journey!


2 responses to “🟢When we do build utopia, we are insanely vulnerable!🟢”

  1. Rebecca sinclaire Avatar
    Rebecca sinclaire

    Enjoyable post. Utopia, the work gives me a picture of fragle rock or caare a lot

    1. Cool. Thanks. I felt I was sticking my neck out a bit with this one, but it allowed an entirely new viewpoint.

I welcome considering other thoughts.