🤍It’s overcontrol of the children that causes the world’s conflict!🤍

The energy of all life comes from within, and we have to let it do that!

When we don’t, it loses its power!

I doubt that many of us realize that the conflict throughout our world has one cause, is completely unnecessary, and can be easily fixed!

When we overwhelm the identity and natural instincts of our infants, the angrier and more disconnected they secretly become!


Most of us are unwilling to give up any control that we have over others!

We dislike accepting that it’s our own need to control others that causes our own conflict!

Wherever there is the most control over others, there is also the most hate and violence!

This truth is obvious!

But, very few of us are willing to change!

It doesn’t help that every person already damaged, is determined to accept and support more control of our young as the answer to every problem!

Those of us who want love, peace, and cooperation must defy more and more authority to do it!

Many of us don’t wish to see this truth, because if we do, we lose our power over others!

If, for even one second, we could clearly see the results of our interference, we would stop doing it immediately, no matter what the cost!

Also, if we could feel the love and trust we could be enjoying, for even one second, we would never again even think about trying to control another life!

Our need to control came to us innocently, but it is deadly!

It happened when we didn’t get our own natural rights, which amounts to no control over our own lives!

Controlling others is our reflexive retaliation!


That’s not supposed to happen to any life! Ever!

When it does happen though, we have invented conflict.

There is no conflict until we do this! How could there be?

We suffer from believing control is necessary to keep the peace!

I suppose it will require some effort to accept the real truth!

Bad behavior doesn’t exist until we begin controlling others!

We invented bad behavior!

Along with it, we invented guilt, greed, hate, defiance, brutality, war, and misery for all of us.

These are all consequences of overwhelming another’s identity for our own purposes!

We have given up love, trust, and the comfort of community life as well!

This observation doesn’t even need proof!

It’s been clear to all of us from the moment we entered life!

We waste a lot of energy by refusing to see this balance!

It takes work to avoid seeing what’s obvious!

Country-wide, or family-wide, control of others immediately creates a road to conflict and hate!


The reason for this is just as obvious, and just as hard to listen to as our need for control.

The energy of all life comes from within! It’s already complete and fixed at conception and only requires safe room to grow!

When any life isn’t allowed to be powered from within, that life cannot maintain its integrity!

It fragments!

This has always been obvious as well.

How long can these things remain invisible as mankind continues to learn?

When natural rights expand to include infants, we will no longer be able to refuse to understand!

That’s also when all of our relationships will magically return to comfort!

For people, we all begin life with our own superpower. We feel invincible, and we have unlimited energy!

We call our unlimited energy self-esteem.

The loss of that alone, caused the need for all the things and the sysrtems that we have created to try to manage hostility, and to comfort ourselves!

It created the need for drugs, as well as the need for comforting ideaologies!

That’s right!

Want to beat the drug problem?

Allow people to keep their own natural identities and power!

All by itself, that eliminates the hurt we all suffer from, and the consequental need for relief!

We pay an unimaginable price to demand our own way!

A price way too high!

We have thrown away the “Garden of Eden”, just so we can be the boss!

And for those who still believe that control is necessary, it’s not!

The only life that ever misbehaves is the life that has never been allowed its own power!

Through our control, we have managed to create the need for control.

As said before, it’s so obvious, that its almost impossible not to see.

It requires work to not accept it!

We need to parent from our identity and instincts!

That will always lead to support and encouragement. No control will ever be necessary!

Don’t believe it? Try it!

Cooperation, love, and trust are the normal conditions for people until we mess that up!

Thanks for listening!

Good luck on your own journey

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com You will probably need that address to return.

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.